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Wednesday, April 28th | 16 Iyyar 5781


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New Adidas Ad Features Orthodox Jewish Marathon Runner

Orthodox Jewish marathon runner and mother-of-five Bracha "Beatie" Deutsch stars in a new advertisement for Adidas. Deutsch, 29, shared on April...


Israeli Locust Slayers Train Ethiopians to Save Crops - Some call it a plague. Yoav Motro calls it a war. The enemies are the huge armies of desert...

An Israeli Soldier Gives His All for Lonely Senior Citizens - “Between 11th and 12th grade, after a tough fencing session, I saw a television report about all these...

Why the UAE Wants Israeli Help to Secure Its Food Supplies - Food security is emerging as a key area in which the United Arab Emirates is eager for Israeli...


Jewish Groups, Local Communities Mark Two-Year Anniversary of Deadly Passov...

Leading Jewish groups marked the two-year anniversary of the deadly attacks at a Jewish congregation in California, when a white...


Israeli Military Says It Shot Down Hezbollah Drone on Lebanon Border

Israeli forces shot down a drone belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah group that crossed into northern Israel from Lebanon on Tuesday, the Israeli military said. In a statement, the military said...

Middle East

EU Says Iran Talks in Vienna to Resume on Tuesday

Talks in Vienna aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear accord will resume on Tuesday, the European Union said on Monday, the latest of several rounds of talks to bring...

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