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In the spirit of Steve Jobs and Moneyball, Elon Musk is both an illuminating and authorized look at the extraordinary life of one of Silicon Valley’s most exciting, unpredictable, and ambitious entrepreneurs—a real-life Tony Stark—and a fascinating exploration of the renewal of American invention and its new “makers.”

Elon Musk spotlights the technology and vision of Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and innovator behind SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity, who sold one of his Internet companies, PayPal, for $1.5 billion. Ashlee Vance captures the full spectacle and arc of the genius’s life and work, from his tumultuous upbringing in South Africa and flight to the United States to his dramatic technical innovations and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Vance uses Musk’s story to explore one of the pressing questions of our age: can the nation of inventors and creators who led the modern world for a century still compete in an age of fierce global competition? He argues that Musk—one of the most unusual and striking figures in American business history—is a contemporary, visionary amalgam of legendary inventors and industrialists including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, and Steve Jobs. More than any other entrepreneur today, Musk has dedicated his energies and his own vast fortune to inventing a future that is as rich and far-reaching as the visionaries of the golden age of science-fiction fantasy.

Thorough and insightful, Elon Musk brings to life a technology industry that is rapidly and dramatically changing by examining the life of one of its most powerful and influential titans.

Di dunia ini, hanya sedikit industrialis dalam sejarah yang mampu menyamai visi jenius dan ambisi Musk dalam hidupnya. Bagaikan perpaduan versi modern dari Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, dan Steve Jobs, Musk merupakan orang dibalik PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX, dan SolarCity yang telah menggemparkan industri dan bisnis di Amerika. Ditulis dengan akses ekslusif Vance terhadap Musk, keluarga, dan teman-temanya, buku ini menyusuri jejak perjalanannya dari masa-masa sulit Musk di Afrika Selatan, hingga pendakian ke puncak karirnya di bisnis global dunia. Ketika buku ini tiba di tanganmu, sangat mungkin bahwa Musk dan SpaceX telah berhasil mendaratkan sebuah roket dari luar angkasa pada sebuah landasan yang mengapung di lautan, atau kembali pada landasan peluncurannya di Florida.

Vance menghabiskan waktu lebih dari 50 jam berbincang dengan Musk dan mewawancarai sekitar tiga ratus orang untuk menceritakan jatuh bangun dan riuh rendah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan Musk untuk membangun semua perusahaannya, menggambarkan sosok seorang Musk, seorang pria kompleks yang telah memperbaharui industri Amerika dan memancarkan level baru dari sebuah inovasi-yang tentu saja membuat dirinya memiliki banyak musuh di sepanjang perjalanan karirnya.

Di saat banyaknya perusahaan Amerika yang lebih tertarik mengejar keuntungan bisnisnya dengan cara yang mudah, daripada harus mengambil resiko besar dengan mengusahakan sebuah teknologi radikal, Musk berdiri dengan tegap dan menjadi satu-satunya pebisnis yang mengambil alih-bahkan merevolusi-tiga bidang industri sekaligus. Buku ini bukan sekedar membahas tentang bisnis. Musk telah menguasai seni untuk memaksimalkan potensi dari seluruh karyawannya

[Mizan Publishing, Biografi, Teknologi, Tokoh, Innovator, Terjemahan, Indonesia]

Elon Musk é o empreendedor mais ousado de nosso tempo. Uma mistura de Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes e Steve Jobs, ele é o homem por trás dos cobiçados esportivos elétricos da Tesla Motors, dos painéis e baterias de energia solar popularizados pela SolarCity e dos foguetes espaciais da SpaceX, construídos do zero com recursos privados e muito mais baratos que qualquer versão já lançada pelas agências governamentais. Entre as próximas metas de Musk está a colonização de Marte.Nesse livro, o experiente jornalista de tecnologia Ashlee Vance apresenta um olhar inédito sobre a vida e as realizações inacreditáveis do homem mais audacioso do Vale do Silício. Fundamentado em mais de cinquenta horas de conversas com Musk e entrevistas com mais de trezentas pessoas ligadas a ele, Vance investiga em detalhes a trajetória muitas vezes instável e controversa das empresas de Musk e traça um retrato impressionante do personagem complexo que renovou a indústria com uma série de inovações de enorme impacto político e econômico, num vislumbre do que pode vir a ser o futuro encabeçado pelo progresso de seus negócios visionários.Em uma época como a atual, em que a maioria das empresas prefere o lucro fácil ao risco de desenvolver tecnologias radicalmente novas, Musk se destaca como o único empresário com dinamismo e visão suficientes para comandar — e revolucionar — três indústrias ao mesmo tempo. Se ele é simplesmente um lunático ou a mente mais brilhante a ter posto os pés neste planeta, só o tempo dirá, mas sua biografia, hoje, já é parte relevante da história.
 „Senzační kniha o zřejmě nejdůležitějším podnikateli světa. Vance vykresluje nezapomenutelný obraz Muskovy mimořádné osobnosti, jeho nezničitelného elánu a schopnosti překonávat překážky.“

— The Washington Post

Elon Musk bývá označován za největšího inovátora současnosti, podnikatelského génia velikosti Steva Jobse. Také za workoholika, nesnesitelného egocentrika a podivína. Především je ale Musk technologickým vizionářem, který mění science fiction v realitu: jeho atraktivní elektrické vozy Tesla ukazují budoucnost automobilů, SpaceX létá pro NASA na oběžnou dráhu a chystá se na Mars a třetí Muskova společnost SolarCity přivedla miliony Američanů ke sluneční energii.

Životopis, který držíte v rukou, je strhující kronikou Muskových úspěchů i selhání. Investigativní reportér Ashlee Vance získal jako jediný novinář exkluzivní přístup k Muskovi a kromě něj vyzpovídal na tři sta jeho kolegů, členů rodiny, přátel i kritiků. Zajímáte-li se o osobnosti, které ovlivní naši budoucnost, začněte u této knihy. 

# Co v knize najdete

- Vylíčení Elonova tvrdého dětství v Jižní Africe, v němž nechyběla šikana od spolužáků, a jeho útěku do Kanady a USA.

- Jak mladý Musk pohádkově zbohatl díky internetovému inzertnímu startupu Zip2 a především díky PayPalu, který spoluzaložil a poté prodal tržišti eBay.

- Bouřlivé příběhy společností Tesla Motors a SpaceX, které několikrát málem zbankrotovaly, aby nakonec obě triumfálně uspěly.

- O složitém osobním životě „průmyslové celebrity“, poznamenaném dvěma rozvody a smrtí malého syna

- Příklady kontroverzního Muskova přístupu k jeho zaměstnancům, které dokáže nadchnout pro svoji vizi, ale také vyhodit za sebemenší prohřešek.

- Popis dalších Muskových projektů, jako je kolonizace Marsu nebo rychlovlak Hyperloop, jezdící rychlostí 1 300 km/h.

- Že zakladatel Googlu Larry page hodlá přenechat svůj astronomický majetek Muskovi, aby mohl uskutečnit své nejsmělejší plány...

# O autorovi

Ashlee Vance je jedním z nejuznávanějších amerických publicistů zaměřených na špičkové technologie. Několik let pracoval pro deník New York Times jako reportér v Silicon Valley, pak přešel do časopisu Bloomberg Businessweek, pro který napsal již desítky hlavních článků s tematikou od počítačové špionáže přes výzkum DNA po cesty do vesmíru.

# Více o knize

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„Kniha je unikátním vhledem do života a uvažování jednoho z nejvýraznějších a zároveň nejdiskutovanějších mužů dneška.“

— Luboš Křeč, Hospodářské noviny 

Moderno epigono di Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes e Steve Jobs, Elon Musk è il fondatore di aziende come PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX e SolarCity, ciascuna delle quali ha generato onde d’urto nel business e nell’industria americana. Più di ogni altro imprenditore contemporaneo, Musk ha investito le sue energie e il suo vasto patrimonio per immaginare un futuro ricco e luminoso, come i geni visionari dell’età dell’oro della fantascienza. In questo ritratto avvincente e documentato, Ashlee Vance racconta con una completezza senza precedenti la carriera straordinaria del businessman più audace della Silicon Valley - un autentico Iron Man - e conduce un’analisi attenta del nuovo corso dell’imprenditoria americana e della sua nuova generazione di ‘creatori’. Grazie al rapporto in esclusiva con Musk, la sua famiglia e i suoi amici, il libro ripercorre le varie tappe della sua vita: dall’infanzia difficile in Sudafrica fino alle vette del business mondiale. Vance ha conversato con Musk per oltre cinquanta ore e ha intervistato quasi trecento persone per ricostruire le turbolente vicissitudini delle aziende rivoluzionarie fondate da Musk e per dipingere il ritratto di un uomo dalla personalità complessa che ha trasformato l’industria americana, innescando nuove ondate di innovazione e facendosi anche molti nemici. In un’epoca in cui molte aziende sono più interessate a inseguire guadagni facili che a rischiare sviluppando tecnologie rivoluzionarie, Musk è l’unico imprenditore dotato di sufficiente dinamismo e visionarietà per affrontare - e stravolgere - più settori in un colpo solo. E due delle sue ultime 'invenzioni' come Hyperloop o le autostrade sotterranee vanno esattamente in questa direzione. Elon Musk è un’indagine brillante e approfondita su un mondo tecnologico che sta vivendo trasformazioni sempre più radicali, e offre un ritratto vero ed entusiasmante dell’uomo che sta creando il futuro.

★ Amazon商業類暢銷榜第1名















從開始訪談到最新增訂版完成,《彭博商業週刊》資深科技記者范思前後費時近五年,專訪馬斯克與他的家人、朋友、旗下事業裡的主管與鮮少曝光的技術核心人物,以及馬斯克的對手和曾與他為敵、最後卻又一再投資他新事業的人(例如PayPal共同創辦人Peter Thiel),受訪人數超過300人。最深入的第一手訪談與觀察,獨家揭露這位矽谷傳奇人物如何勝過祖克伯、貝佐斯,成為最受尊崇的科技業領導人,又將如何改變你我的未來!

新版後記 馬斯克的下一步預示新一波科技大勢

“Highly recommended for high school and ambitious middle school readers.” —School Library Journal

"A valuable addition to STEM-themed collections." —VOYA

An in-depth look into the extraordinary life of the world’s most important entrepreneur, Elon Musk. This middle grade book is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. It’s a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom.

This fascinating and easily accessible paperback young readers’ adaptation of Ashlee Vance’s New York Times bestselling Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future features black-and-white photographs throughout and an epilogue.

The version for adults has been praised as “riveting” (The Financial Times), “spirited” (The Wall Street Journal), and “masterful” (Vice). Now younger readers can read about this innovative leader who is revolutionizing three industries at once: space, automotive, and energy.

There are few people in history who could match Elon Musk’s relentless drive and vision. A modern combination of famous inventors and industrialists like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Steve Jobs, Elon is the man behind companies such as SpaceX, Tesla Motors, SolarCity, and PayPal that are transforming the way we live.

Written with exclusive access to Elon, his family, and his friends, this book traces Elon’s journey from a kid in South Africa to a young man in the United States, his dramatic technical inventions, and his world-changing companies. Elon has sparked new levels of innovation in the world, and this book gives young readers a detailed but fast-paced look at his story.

A Junior Library Guild Selection!

Silicon Valley veterans and newbies alike will want to explore this book that delves into the rich history behind the region that birthed the world's most important industry. Technology journalist Ashlee Vance has captured almost every aspect of the area stretching between San Francisco and San Jose, California, starting with the eager radio and electronics enthusiasts of the early 1900s and ending with the computing powerhouses of today such as Google and Apple. Along the way, the book profiles the people and places that have elevated Silicon Valley to an almost mythic pedestal.

This book delivers Silicon Valley, taking us from success story to failed startup and back again as we drive the roads from San Francisco to Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara and San Jose. It's full of profiles of the larger-than-life characters that pioneered the processor, computer, and Internet revolutions. The book's vibrant design includes "Silicon Valley Soundbytes" packed with insider information and trivia, and "Click Here" sidebars, which suggest places to eat, drink, and shop.

Place by place, readers get the inside scoop on all the addresses that count, which include Microsoft research centers; the headquarters of Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle; research powerhouses such as Stanford University, NASA Ames, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; the Computer History Museum and The Tech Museum; the Shoreline Amphitheater; the Churchill Club; and many more.

"Nous sommes en train de changer le monde, de changer l'histoire, et vous en êtes ou pas." Elon Musk

Elon Musk fait partie de ceux qui changent les règles du jeu. Largement considéré comme le plus grand industriel du moment, il porte l'innovation à des niveaux rarement atteints - au point d'avoir servi de modèle pour Tony Stark, alias Iron man.

A 46 ans, il a monté en quelques années une entreprise, Tesla, qui révolutionne l'industrie automobile, une autre, SpaceX, qui concurrence Arianespace. Il a auparavant bouleversé le marché des paiements avec PayPal. Son objectif ultime : coloniser Mars.

Avec cette édition enrichie, Ashlee Vance nous conduit toujours au plus près d'Elon Musk et de son talent. Il montre toute l'intensité de cet homme, son génie tumultueux, sa folle exigence envers lui-même et ses équipes, depuis son enfance agitée en Afrique du Sud jusqu'à ses incroyables innovations techniques et réussites entrepreneuriales.

A travers ce portrait d'un des titans de la Silicon Valley, ce livre met au jour les mutations rapides et inéluctables de nos modèles industriels. Car ce ne sont plus seulement des réseaux sociaux ou des messages en 140 signes qui sont proposés par cette nouvelle économie, mais des voitures, des trains, des fusées.

Visionnaire ? Mégalomane ? Elon Musk dessine en tout cas les contours du XXIe siècle.

"Un livre indispensable pour comprendre ce qui fait courir l'homme le plus audacieux du monde."
Laurent Guez, Les Echos week-end

"Un livre intelligent, habile, d'une savoureuse minutie."
Dwight Garner, The New York Times

BESTSELLER DO NEW YORK TIMES Elon Musk é, provavelmente, a maior esperança da Humanidade por uma verdadeira revolução tecnológica

Elon Musk é visto em Silicon Valley como o mais emolgante, imprevisível e ambicioso empresário da atualidade — uma mistura de Steve Jobs e Bill Gates. Para muitos, este visionário pode mesmo vir a ter um impacto na humanidade sem paralelo. Este é o livro que conta a sua história.

Elon Musk construiu a sua fama e fez fortuna com algumas das mais bem-sucedidas empresas de tecnologia, como a PayPal, vendida à eBay por 1,5 mil milhões de dólares, investindo depois em projetos com potencial para revolucionar o mundo. A Tesla Motors, no fabrico de carros elétricos, a SpaceX, na indústria espacial, e a SolarCity, nos painéis solares, estão a transformar os seus segmentos industriais, provocando um salto evolutivo no setor empresarial americano.

A insistência de Elon Musk nestas áreas de alto risco, tocando em poderes fortemente instituídos, valeu-lhe assombros de falência e ruína; da sua resiliência e visão nasceria, porém, uma das maiores reviravoltas da história empresarial dos EUA, sendo hoje visto como um visionário de sucesso.

Para escrever esta biografia, o experiente jornalista Ashlee Vance obteve a autorização oficial e a colaboração do próprio Elon Musk, com quem teve inúmeras entrevistas e conversas ao longo dos mais de dois anos em que acompanhou a sua vida. Em paralelo, as conversas com 300 pessoas das esferas pessoal e profissional de Musk permitiram mostrar todos os ângulos que compõem a história deste gestor e empreendedor genial, que está a dedicar a sua vida a inventar um futuro melhor.

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