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  • Stay at the forefront of rapidly evolving technologies with resources that are relevant to your field, location, and areas of interest—including articles, GitHub repositories, and how-to guides.
  • Get notified about events—from local hacks, workshops, and training sessions to virtual meetups and global conferences.
  • Learn what you want, when you want, how you want. Resources include in-person hands-on workshops, free, interactive online training and sandbox environments.

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Below is a sample of the Microsoft.Source Newsletter

Hear about developer events like these

  • Migrating your critical workloads to Microsoft Azure goes far beyond “lift and shiftâ€? as it entails a mix of containerization, modernization, and adoption of cloud services. Custom applications are a tangled mix of technologies, legacy, and millions of lines of code with little or no documentation. So, how do you navigate the complexities? How do you know which ones are easier to migrate? How do you accurately blueprint their inner structures to plan and execute the modernization to cloud? How do you safely shortcut the technical wrong turns and dead ends?

    When: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 17:00:00 GMT

  • Set the foundation for your DevOps journey. Join this free, instructor-led, virtual training event designed for developers and IT professionals. Explore tools and processes to help your team communicate and collaborate more effectively. Learn how to implement DevOps concepts, manage the flow of work, and get step-by-step guidance for solving real-world challenges.

    When: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 07:00:00 GMT

  • As people increasingly shift to remote work, protecting your organisation’s information and managing risk should be a top priority. Microsoft Security Virtual Training Day: Protect Sensitive Information and Manage Data Risk teaches you how to take advantage of Microsoft technologies that identify and remediate risks that arise from creating, storing, sharing and using sensitive data. In addition, you’ll learn how to protect that data throughout its entire life cycle – on-premises and across devices, apps and cloud services.

    When: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 07:30:00 GMT

  • Join this session to learn about the most important financial metrics of SaaS business, how do they align with your current SaaS adoption stage and thus what you should be focusing on.

    When: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 14:30:00 GMT

  • Learn how to create a Synapse workspace, add users to the same workspace, and analyze public data sets with the serverless SQL pool and Apache Spark pool.

    When: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 16:00:00 GMT