
Less poverty, more say: In Bangladesh, Switzerland is working to promote broader access for the population to resources, services and political decision-makers. Economic development in rural areas linked with more efficient local government is helping to reduce poverty. To promote sustainability, Switzerland is working closely with the private sector.

Map of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made considerable progress in reducing poverty and today belongs to the category of lower-middle income economies. This very densely populated country, however, remains characterised by major social inequalities with a high proportion of poor people, especially in urban areas. Scarce resources and the negative effects of climate change are impacting everyday life in the country. Labour migration is a welcome alternative to the saturated local job market.

Swiss development cooperation aims to improve living conditions for poor and disadvantaged sections of the population. Within the framework of its international cooperation for the period 2018−21, Switzerland focuses on its engagement on economic development, more efficient local government and better protection for migrant workers. Aspects of good governance and human rights have an important role in this work. Giving disadvantaged population groups more say is expected to bring more social justice.

Myanmar refugee crisis in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is currently sheltering more than 900,000 people who have fled the violence in neighbouring Myanmar and taken refuge in the border region of Cox’s Bazar.  These refugees have left everything behind and are completely destitute.  Many children have lost their parents.

In view of the scale of need, Switzerland has provided CHF 30 million in assistance since the violence escalated in 2017. This humanitarian action has enabled the refugees to gain access to drinking water, food and sanitation.   It has also enabled shelters to be built for these people, who arrived en masse.  The SDC’s Humanitarian Aid Department has also provided diagnostic and other equipment to increase the treatment capacities of three hospitals in the Cox’s Bazar region.  Specialists from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit have been deployed to the area to support the UN agencies on the ground.  In addition to emergency aid, the SDC is supporting medium-term development activities in the area in order to assist local host communities.

On the other side of the border, the SDC is continuing to support humanitarian actions to assist people affected by the conflict in the state of Rakhine in Myanmar despite the restrictions on access.

Democratic governance

Bringing local governments closer to the communities they serve

Swiss projects in the area of local governance are promoting the political participation of the local population and supporting local administrative structures in providing important services. The aim is to get citizens, local governments and service providers to work better together. The SDC is strengthening the voice of disadvantaged people through human rights projects. More say for citizens and increased accountability for state institutions are important for Bangladesh’s further economic development and social stability.

State and Economic Reforms

Economic development

Better market opportunities and higher incomes

Swiss support is helping market participants become better interconnected. Easier market access raises the incomes of poor producers and service providers and furthermore opens up new business opportunities. With its projects, the SDC is supporting rural populations, for example in milk processing, fishing and shrimp farming. At the same time, it is committed to achieving a fairer division of roles between men and women. In close cooperation with the private sector, vocational training helps in particular young people find jobs or work requiring better qualifications, including in the textiles industry. Switzerland aims to increase the private sector's contribution to poverty reduction by promoting social enterprises and insurance providers.

At the national level, Switzerland is active in promoting corporate social responsibility. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is taking an active part in efforts to improve working conditions especially in the textiles sector through supporting the Better Work Bangladesh programme of the International Labour Organization (ILO). In addition, Bangladesh benefits from customs exemptions for developing countries.

Private sector development and financial services

Safer labour migration

Going to one of the Gulf states, for example, as a migrant worker is a strategy that many people use in Bangladesh – a country struggling with overpopulation and a saturated job market. At the same time, remittances are an important source of income. Migrant workers, however, must be better prepared for the challenges and risks involved. In the interests of Bangladesh's sustainable development, Switzerland is actively working at the global, national and local levels to ensure that labour migration is safer. It is also committed to the social and economic reintegration of victims of human trafficking.


Humanitarian aid

Emergency aid for refugees and with natural disasters

Switzerland provides humanitarian aid for the Rohingya refugees in the south-east of the country, particularly in the water and health sectors. It also supports local communities that have been affected by the refugee crisis and combines relief aid with medium-term development project where possible.

Natural disasters and climate change are making the living conditions of the people of Bangladesh more difficult. The SDC’s Humanitarian Aid Department supports those affected by natural disasters.

Humanitarian aid 

Approach and partners

Using a coherent and comprehensive approach, Switzerland is working closely with local authorities, other donor countries and international organisations such as the United Nations. The private sector is another important partner for Switzerland.

  • Switzerland's main partners in Bangladesh are:
  • Swiss NGOs:  Swisscontact, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
  • International NGOs: Handicap International, Solidarités International
  • Local NGOs: BRAC
  • Ministries
  • Local civil society organisations: Ain O Salish Kendra
  • Swiss and local private sectors Multilateral organisations: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Labour Organization (ILO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Organisation for Migration (IOM), World Food Programme (WFP), Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 

Cross-cutting themes

Switzerland consistently applies its gender policy in all projects and is committed to gender equality. Good governance principles are also taken into account in all Swiss programmes.

Current projects

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Local Economic Development (LED) Project

01.09.2025 - 30.09.2029

Small and medium entrepreneurs, their employees, and citizens will benefit from inclusive economic growth and equitable employment generation. Public and private sector actors will engage in joint local economic strategizing, planning and implementation. The improved framework conditions for inclusive business will result in more jobs, economic empowerment and ultimately increased sustainable income and well-being; particularly of the poor and disadvantaged.

Planned project

Building Skills for Unemployed and Underemployed Labour (B-SkillFUL)

15.08.2024 - 31.10.2027

The Building Skills for Unemployed and Underemployed Labour project will develop the skills of poor and disadvantaged men and women at the grassroots level, to enhance their income through decent employment and move them out of poverty. The project will work with the Informal Sector Industry Skills Council to improve work conditions through partnerships with the private informal enterprises and private training providers.

Planned project

Strengthened & Informative Migration Systems (SIMS)

15.12.2023 - 31.10.2026

The project supports men and women migrant workers and their families to make informed choices related to migration. The benefits of migration are enhanced for individuals and for the society through dissemination of key information on safe migration, access to legal support and trainings as well as through strengthening the service delivery capacity of government and non-government agencies. Bangladesh is a key partner in the global dialogue on migration and its continued active role in this sphere is in Switzerland’s interest.

Planned project

Scaling Social and Impact Enterprises in Bangladesh (SSIE-B)

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

This collaboration with a mix of private sector partners from Bangladesh and abroad aims at helping social and other impact enterprises in Bangladesh grow and thrive, improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of poor men and women in their roles as customers, suppliers or employees. This will be achieved by improving the services available to entrepreneurs, by stimulating investments into early-stage social enterprises, and creating incentives for enterprises to become more impact oriented.

Ashshash: for men and women who have escaped trafficking

18.11.2022 - 28.02.2029

20,000 people (of whom 70% women) who have experienced trafficking will be economically and socially rehabilitated. Public and private institutions will provide employment or in-kind support for entrepreneurship to men and women who have escaped trafficking. The Government will better address the prevention of trafficking, protection of victims, prosecution of traffickers in the revision and enacting of policies, and create partnerships, for bringing about systemic changes.

Bangladesh Agricultural and Disaster Insurance Programme

01.11.2021 - 31.12.2028

Farmers will improve their productivity and resilience by gaining access to client-oriented and affordable agricultural insurance products. Insurance-cover will allow farmers to invest in higher-return activities, access credit and to recover faster when affected by weather, diseases and disasters. By building capacity of and facilitating coordination and linkages among key stakeholders, inclusive insurance markets will be developed to eventually cater for several million farmers.

B-SkillFUL (Building Skills for ployed and Underemployed Labour) Phase Il

01.09.2020 - 31.12.2024

Drawing upon Switzerland's experiences with apprenticeship programmes and leveraging private sector investments, this programme will create economic opportunities for poor men and women within small and medium size enterprises in furniture, light engineering and leathergoods sectors. Combining business development senyices for enterprise development with workplace-based training, it will result in increased employment creation, better remuneration and working conditions in six informal SME clusters.

Planned project

SHOMOSHTI - Prosperity for the poor and disadvantaged

01.04.2020 - 30.06.2027

Rural households, engaged in agriculture and cottage industries, will benefit from a better wellbeing due to more income and savings, and improved nutrition, health and levels of education. The Shomoshti project will achieve this through a combined approach of facilitating markets to work for the poor and disadvantaged, and ensuring their effective access to social services and savings systems.

Application of Migration Policy for Decent Work of Migrant Workers

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021

Men and women who opt for migrating abroad for employment will benefit from better protection through pre-departure orientation, the application of international standard contracts and access to social security/welfare. The project will improve migration governance in Bangladesh by strengthening the rather weak policy and legislative framework and by building the capacity of the government to expand and improve services for migrant workers.

Return and Reintegration of Migrant Workers in Bangladesh

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021

The project’s over-arching goal is to make reintegration economically and socially sustainable for returnee migrants, so that they do not feel obliged to re-migrate. The project will raise awareness of the obstacles returnee men and women migrants are facing. The collaboration with European partners will allow to influence the discourse on dignified and development-oriented migration and return in Bangladesh

SHIKHON: Horizontal Learning Programme in Bangladesh

01.12.2018 - 30.11.2022

The elected local government institutions (LGIs) in Bangladesh have a mandate to provide public services to the people, but they lack both capacities and budget. The quality and outreach of their services can be improved at relatively low cost through facilitation of peer learning which benefits millions of people. Recognizing the effectiveness of the peer learning approach across LGIs, the Government of Bangladesh committed to institutionalize this approach in its main training institute for LGI officials, with support from SDC.

WaSH Support for Rohingya Refugees and Vulnerable Local Communities in Cox’s Bazar District

25.11.2018 - 24.11.2021

Basic services such as infrastructure, health, water, forest and land resources that were available prior to the Rohingya influx in Cox’s Bazar are under strain due to the massive increase in people in the area. The HYSAWA Fund will address the needs and gaps of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, targeting vulnerable host communities and refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar by enhancing capacity of Local Government Institutions. It will apply tools developed in previous Swiss programmes to improve state-citizen relations and relationships between refugees and the host communities.

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