North Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria)

The political upheavals in 2011 initiated a long and uncertain transition in North Africa. Switzerland's efforts focus on supporting the political, economic and social transition in these countries. The projects there are geared towards promoting democracy and human rights, sustainable and inclusive economic development and employment and issues to do with migration and protection.


The political upheavals in 2011 initiated a long and uncertain transition in North Africa. Switzerland's efforts focus on supporting the political, economic and social transition in these countries. The projects there are geared towards promoting democracy and human rights, sustainable and inclusive economic development and employment and issues to do with migration and protection.

Democratic transition and human rights

Switzerland helps to strengthen the rule of law, human rights, political dialogue and civil society. In Tunisia, Switzerland supported the electoral processes since 2011 and provided experts on constitutional issues. Switzerland also helps Tunisia and Egypt to deal with the legacy of the past and supports their public institutions’ efforts to become more transparent.

State and Economic Reforms

Engagement in fragile contexts and prevention of violent conflicts

Sustainable and inclusive economic development and employment

Switzerland helps to improve economic prospects by running innovative and pragmatic projects, with a view to boosting international competitiveness and economic conditions.  It also shares its experience in vocational education and training, supports young entrepreneurs and creates jobs. Another Swiss priority is promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.

Basic education and vocational training

Private Sector Development and financial services 

Migration and protection

North Africa has a tradition of strong migratory flows within its different countries and the region and of being a point of departure for Europe for people leaving their homelands for economic or conflict reasons. Many of them fall victim to violence, racism and exploitation, particularly women and children. Switzerland works with local authorities, the diaspora abroad and international and bilateral organisations, protecting and assisting vulnerable migrants, refugees and victims of human trafficking and promoting their rights


History of cooperation

Since 2011, Switzerland’s activities in North Africa have been implemented by various Federal Administration offices: the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Human Security Division (HSD), the FDFA’s Directorate of Political Affairs, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). Switzerland focuses on three thematic priorities in the region: democratic transition and human rights, sustainable and inclusive economic development and employment, and migration and protection. In Egypt and Tunisia, Switzerland is active in all three of these areas, while in Morocco it carries out a more limited programme. Switzerland provides humanitarian aid in Libya and Algeria, and is also active in peacebuilding in Libya.  



Projects Egypt

Object 1 – 12 of 23

Planned project

Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt

01.01.2024 - 31.08.2028

Egypt is facing economic challenges among which high poverty and high unemployment rates impact the most marginalized to a greater degree. This new program contributes to an innovative and inclusive development approach to promote the green economy[1] through utilizing agricultural waste and other untapped profitable green resources to make use and leverage local resources to strengthen the livelihoods of vulnerable communities in Upper Egypt and create jobs.


[1] For more information regarding green economy, please see Annex 2: Green Economy and growth: challenges and opportunities

Planned project

Strengthening the capacities of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) serving migrants in Egypt

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

In Egypt, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are the key actors in responding to migrant’s basic needs. The aim of this program is to strengthen the CBOs through organizational capacity development and network building. This will lead to sustainable services for migrants and empower the CBOs to advocate for migrant’s needs in the donor community and with decision makers.

PSTIC: Provision of protection and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable migrants in Greater Cairo

21.08.2020 - 20.08.2021

The increase in migrants and refugees residing in Egypt, coupled with shrinking humanitarian funding are leaving many at protection risk. With new challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the protection risks have risen and needs are exacerbated. This project will respond to the immediate protection needs of refugees and migrants by providing a comprehensive package of gender sensitive emergency protection services in Greater Cairo, with a special focus on women and children at risk. 

IGGE : Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt

01.09.2019 - 31.12.2023

The main barriers to the competitiveness of the total 2.5 million micro-small-medium enterprises in Egypt are a lack of affordable funding and a mismatch between the needs of the market and the skills available. With its proven expertise in micro-small-medium enterprises Switzerland supports economic growth and more efficient use of resources in Upper Egypt through the model of green economy such as utilizing agricultural waste to create jobs and strengthen livelihoods of communities.

Enhance employability of migrants in Urban Cairo

01.07.2019 - 31.08.2022

Food-processing and the food service sector is ranked as Egypt’s second largest manufacturing industry This project supports the employability of vulnerable Egyptians and migrants, especially women, in the food sector.

Appui à la résilience de l’élevage pastoral en Afrique de l’Ouest

01.10.2018 - 30.09.2021

L’Afrique de l’Ouest connait une crise alimentaire qui touche environ 10 millions de personnes dont beaucoup d’éleveurs. Les plans de réponse des Etats et des institutions régionales ne mettent pas assez l’accent sur les éleveurs. Ce programme fournira une aide d’urgence à 174’240 éleveurs vulnérables de la région et améliorera les outils de distribution de l’aide dans les mécanismes régionaux et nationaux de gestion de crises alimentaire. Il réduira les conflits, en limitant les transhumances précoces.

Strengthening the capacities of Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) serving migrants in Egypt

15.04.2018 - 30.11.2021

In Egypt, Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are key actors in responding to migrant’s[1] basic needs. These include child and adult education, emergency assistance, medical and legal services. The project strengthens the ability of these organisations to provide these much-needed services. Moreover, CBOs will be empowered to advocate for migrant’s needs in the donor community and with decision makers. Reliable and sustainable services for migrants in Egypt also serve the migration interests of Switzerland.


[1]  The term migrant in this proposal includes refugees, asylum seekers, new arrivals in the “pre-refugee status determination phase”, (all nationalities identified by UNHCR) and vulnerable migrants (irregular and regular) residing in Egypt.


Potable Water Management Programme (PWMP) in Upper Egypt

01.07.2017 - 31.12.2027

Egypt is a water scarce country and has enormous needs in better managing water resources and reducing water losses as well as water consumption, as a prerequisite for inclusive economic development. This programme contributes to improved potable water management and service provision in the targeted affiliated Water & Wastewater Companies (WWCs) and to providing equal access to a reliable potable water supply system to deprived and informal areas in the economically disadvantaged governorates of Upper Egypt.

Potable Water Management Programme (PWMP) in Upper Egypt – Phase 1

01.07.2017 - 31.12.2021

Egypt is a water scarce country and has critical needs in better managing water resources and reducing water losses as well as water consumption. Switzerland can share its know-how in the water sector. This programme contributes to equitable access to safely managed water to deprived and informal settlement areas in the economically disadvantaged governorate of Aswan in Upper Egypt and to improved potable water management and service provision in Aswan Water & Sanitation Company (AWSC).

Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP) - Phase II

01.11.2019 - 30.06.2023

The GWSP is a leading global "think tank" of the World Bank to address the water and sanitation challenge in an integrated manner, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. GWSP advances innovative global knowledge production and exchange as well as builds capacity through country-level support across regions.

AfDB Boost Africa Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab

15.06.2019 - 31.03.2024

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Lab ("the Lab") by the African Development Bank (AfDB) is part of the Boost Africa initiative that aims at creating quality jobs and enhancing innovation on the African continent by supporting start-ups. The Lab strengthens the local entrepreneurial ecosystems necessary for start-ups to grow and become successful.

Sustainable Recycling Industries Phase II

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023

With the growth of the global economy and the digitalization of today's businesses and society, electrical and electronic equipment has become more affordable and in combination with short usage times of the devices Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE or e-waste) has become the fastest growing waste stream worldwide.

Object 1 – 12 of 23

Projects Libya

Object 1 – 3 of 3

  • 1

ACTED: Strengthening humanitarian coordination and access to safe and dignified protection in Libya

01.02.2019 - 31.01.2020

Through the current intervention, ACTED will adopt a twofold approach aiming to contribute to strengthen the response to protection cases in Libya through enhanced coordination and provision of cash assistance. On the one hand, ACTED will strengthen response capacities through the distribution of one-off cash grants based on ongoing protection monitoring activities. On the other hand, the project will support the voices of INGOs in the humanitarian coordination structure, by developing the activities of the INGO Forum.

North Africa Cultural Programme (NACP), Phase 1

15.12.2018 - 14.03.2022

By developing a Regional Cultural Programme, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in North Africa, hence providing a contribution to the prevention of violent extremism and alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

North Africa Cultural Programme

01.07.2017 - 30.06.2025

Le programme fournit un cadre pour un appui à la Culture comme vecteur d’échanges et de dialogue entre les personnes et les sociétés civiles en Afrique du Nord. Il contribue aux processus de transition politique, à la création d’opportunités de développement économique et à une vision positive de la migration. Il renforce la capacité des peuples d’Afrique du Nord à mettre en valeur leur patrimoine et aux jeunes de la région à exprimer pacifiquement leurs aspiration et leur inventivité.

Object 1 – 3 of 3

  • 1

Projects Morocco

Object 1 – 9 of 9

  • 1

North Africa Cultural Programme (NACP), Phase 1

15.12.2018 - 14.03.2022

By developing a Regional Cultural Programme, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in North Africa, hence providing a contribution to the prevention of violent extremism and alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

North Africa Cultural Programme

01.07.2017 - 30.06.2025

Le programme fournit un cadre pour un appui à la Culture comme vecteur d’échanges et de dialogue entre les personnes et les sociétés civiles en Afrique du Nord. Il contribue aux processus de transition politique, à la création d’opportunités de développement économique et à une vision positive de la migration. Il renforce la capacité des peuples d’Afrique du Nord à mettre en valeur leur patrimoine et aux jeunes de la région à exprimer pacifiquement leurs aspiration et leur inventivité.

Projet Oriental Protection Migrants Maroc

01.01.2017 - 31.03.2018

Morocco is a country of transit and destination for migrants and refugees, 20’000 of which live on the margins of society, despite the 2014 adopted first ever migration strategy, promising the respect of human rights and access to public services. The “Projet Oriental” facilitates access to health care and provides humanitarian support to 5’600 vulnerable migrants per year and coaches public and civil society service providers to care for the specific needs of the migrants.

Sustainable tourism in Morocco

01.09.2019 - 31.03.2025

The first phase of this project in Morocco aims at supporting the provinces of Azilal and Béni Mellal to develop a sustainable rural tourism with integrated sectors in order to reduce poverty, generate income opportunities, create new jobs and improve existing jobs in this region, especially for young people and women.

IFC Sustainable Cities Platform

01.12.2018 - 30.11.2023

The availability and quality of urban infrastructure and related services constitute an essential basis for enhancing competitiveness, reducing poverty and environmental and climate change impacts.

MENA Financial Inclusion: Women Banking Champions Program

16.10.2017 - 30.09.2021

The Women Banking Champions Program aims at increasing access to financial services for women and women entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa region through the provision of advisory services to financial institutions (banks and microfinance institutions). It is a contribution to SECO/WE's inclusive and sustainable growth mandate.

World Bank City Resilience Program

01.07.2017 - 31.12.2021

The City Resilience Program is a project preparation facility, which aims to enhance capacity and consolidate city engagement on urban resilience.It will support the establishment of comprehensive engagements in selected cities as well as the foundation of strategic partnerships in order to unlock new sources of capital for building up resilience.

Multi-Country Investment Climate Program

01.01.2017 - 31.12.2024

The Multi-Country Investment Climate Program (MCICP) supports investment climate reform advisory in a total of 20 SECO partner countries. It is implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a globally recognized leader in this field.

Global program on Textil & Clothing - GTEX

01.01.2017 - 31.12.2021

GTEX addresses challenges faced by the Textile & Clothing (T&C) sector, in particular for companies to meet international market requirements. It will enhance capacities at company level, promote a conducive policy environment and strengthen trade support institutions such as business entities, consultancy firms or training centres.

Object 1 – 9 of 9

  • 1

Projects Tunisia

Object 1 – 12 of 25

Participation active des citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens – PACT

01.01.2026 - 31.12.2028

La Suisse veut contribuer à la transition démocratique de la Tunisie suite à la révolution de 2011. Cette transition passe par une participation accrue des citoyens, en particulier des jeunes, dans la gestion des affaires publiques à travers la mise en place de mécanismes de participation inclusive. La Suisse entend promouvoir des initiatives citoyennes faisant la promotion d’une culture de redevabilité des acteurs politiques auprès des communautés tout en formant les nouveaux élus locaux dans le cadre de la décentralisation.

Planned project

Transition redevable pour la société tunisienne (TRUST)

01.03.2022 - 28.02.2028

L’intervention contribue à l’émergence d’un système de redevabilité durable, veillant au respect de l’Etat de droit, favorisant la réactivité, l’efficacité et la confiance des citoyennes et des citoyens dans les institutions publiques. Elle soutient de manière ciblée les capacités de partenaires publics et de la société civile à exercer leurs rôles dans la régulation, la surveillance et le contrôle de l’activité publique par une approche transversale et complémentaire aux soutiens existants.

Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (OMCT)

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025

L’intervention a pour objectifs de renforcer la responsabilisation des acteurs publics pour les violations des droits humains et de contribuer à la réforme de l’environnement institutionnel pour prévenir la torture et réduire l’impunité en Tunisie. Elle offre une assistance directe aux victimes et promeut une meilleure conduite professionnelle des forces sécuritaires et carcérales. L’OMCT travaille aussi en lien étroit avec la société civile pour mener des plaidoyers communs contre la torture et l’impunité des responsables.

Redevabilité, sécurité et prévention de l’extrémisme violent pour les citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens RESPECT

01.12.2020 - 30.11.2026

L’intervention renforce la gouvernance du secteur de sécurité tunisien et les capacités institutionnelles de prévention de l’extrémisme violent. Elle contribue ainsi à une meilleure protection des citoyennes et des citoyens tunisiens à travers une assistance vers une gestion de la sécurité redevable et efficace, et à travers un soutien à la définition et à la mise en œuvre de politiques publiques limitant le phénomène de l’extrémisme violent.


ELECT – Elections libres et crédibles en Tunisie

15.08.2019 - 30.06.2021

The project supports the orderly conduct of the 2019 Electoral process in Tunisia (legislative and presidential elections). It aims at ensuring International and African observation missions and enabling local NGOs to co-lead the process. This short term project completes and facilitates Switzerland’s support to democratic processes in the field of accountability and citizen participation since 2011.

Participation active des citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens — PACT

01.04.2019 - 31.12.2022

L'intervention améliore les conditions de vie des citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens, notamment des

jeunes et des femmes, ainsi que qualité des services publics fournis par le biais d'une participation

accrue dans la prise des décisions communales et la création d’un cadre favorable et durable de

gouvernance démocratique locale.

La valeur ajoutée Suisse réside dans les méthodes et les forums communautaires avec pouvoir de

décision sur des projets. Le projet cible la région marginalisée des Hautes Steppes.

North Africa Cultural Programme (NACP), Phase 1

15.12.2018 - 14.03.2022

By developing a Regional Cultural Programme, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in North Africa, hence providing a contribution to the prevention of violent extremism and alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

Redevabilité, sécurité et prévention de l’extrémisme violent pour les citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens (RESPECT), Phase 1

01.12.2017 - 31.12.2021

L’intervention contribue à la prévention de l’extrémisme violent en renforçant la capacité des autorités à déterminer les causes de celui-ci et les moyens de les prévenir par des actions concrètes dans tous les secteurs d’activité de l’Etat, en collaboration étroite avec la société civile. Elle vise notamment à améliorer la relation de confiance entre les citoyens et les agents de l’Etat chargés de garantir leur sécurité par une meilleure redevabilité, une information plus transparente du public et une implication de la société civile dans les décisions.

North Africa Cultural Programme

01.07.2017 - 30.06.2025

Le programme fournit un cadre pour un appui à la Culture comme vecteur d’échanges et de dialogue entre les personnes et les sociétés civiles en Afrique du Nord. Il contribue aux processus de transition politique, à la création d’opportunités de développement économique et à une vision positive de la migration. Il renforce la capacité des peuples d’Afrique du Nord à mettre en valeur leur patrimoine et aux jeunes de la région à exprimer pacifiquement leurs aspiration et leur inventivité.

Vocational skills development in Tunisia – destination employment

In Tunisia, an SDC programme enables young job seekers to acquire the technical and social skills required in the workplace

01.01.2016 - 30.06.2021

An SDC programme boosts the employability of young Tunisians entering the job market. It provides them with training in vocational skills to equip them with the practical experience and know-how required in the workplace.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Vocational training
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation

01.01.2016 - 30.06.2021

CHF 9'603'475

Market Access of Products of Terroir - Tunisia, Phase II

01.10.2019 - 31.12.2024

Improving the valorization of typical origin-based Tunisian products through a value chain approach is key to increase overall market access and employment opportunities. UNIDO and the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) will consolidate and upscale the approach and results of the previous SECO project.

Object 1 – 12 of 25