
Switzerland supports reforms in Kosovo to facilitate its European and regional integration. The main areas of cooperation relate to the promotion of democracy and economic development and improvements to infrastructure.

Map of Kosovo

In 2008, the Kosovar parliament declared the independence of the province under UN administration. As a new nation-state, it still faces many challenges, which delay its accession to the EU. While the institutions for a democratic framework are now in place, they are not yet used systematically. The economy remains weak and unemployment high, contributing to the country’s growing social disparities. Moreover, relations between the Albanian majority and the Serb minority are still strained, although the representation of the latter in the government is guaranteed.

Democratic governance and human security

Political and administrative decentralisation is a key to peaceful co-existence in Kosovo. Switzerland supports the development of local administrations that provide high-quality services in regard to transparency, reliability and efficiency. It also encourages active citizen and civil society engagement in policy-making processes. At the national level, the focus is on inclusive institutions as key enablers of social cohesion, especially in relation to dealing with the past and the dialogue with Serbia.

State and Economic Reforms

Economy and employment

Switzerland’s main cooperation objectives in Kosovo include a dynamic private sector that can offer attractive career prospects and good working conditions. This means developing work skills and entrepreneurship, particularly among young people. To help achieve this, Switzerland invests in vocational training that is geared to the labour market. Career guidance and job placement programmes also increase the likelihood of jobseekers finding work and of companies finding the staff they need. Furthermore, Switzerland supports Kosovo in improving its business regulations and investment framework in order to foster a more attractive investment climate. Switzerland is currently considering additional support aimed at reducing the amount of non-performing loans in Kosovo’s banking system, with the view to free blocked assets and allow their reassignment to more productive use and thus contribute to job creation.

Private Sector Development and financial services

Basic education and vocational training

Water and climate change

The main objective is to ensure access to high-quality and affordable water and sanitation services that improve livelihoods. Switzerland works towards this by fostering policy dialogue, by strengthening the institutions managing and governing the water sector, and by investing in drinking water networks, sanitation systems and wastewater treatment facilities. It also raises general awareness about responsible water usage. In addition, public services are encouraged to participate in efforts to protect the environment and mitigate the impact of climate change.


Climate change and the environment


Switzerland contributes to modernising Kosovo’s health services by supporting the introduction of a mandatory basic healthcare insurance scheme. At the local level, the programme aims to improve healthcare by fostering capacity building among medical staff and encouraging citizens to access the services available. Particular attention is placed on the needs of disadvantaged or excluded groups. Other focus areas are the prevention of non-communicable diseases and awareness of healthy lifestyle behaviours among the population.



Switzerland has had a migration partnership with Kosovo since 2010. The programme aims to build capacities among Kosovo’s migration authorities with a set of targeted measures in migration policy and management. It also seeks to counter migratory flows by improving the social inclusion of marginalised groups, who are among those more inclined to migrate. Meanwhile, Kosovo’s diaspora contributes to the country’s social and economic development.


Organisation and partners

The 2017-2020 cooperation strategy is implemented jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the FDFA’s Human Security Division (HSD).

Switzerland's main partners in Kosovo:

  • National partners: ministries and local governments, local civil society organisations, e.g. Community Development Initiatives, Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians

  • Swiss NGOs, e.g. Helvetas/Swiss Intercooperation, Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER), Swisscontact

  • International companies and NGOs

  • Multilateral organisations, e.g. World Bank, IMF, UNDP

  • Private sector and think tanks

Current projects

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Strengthening regional cooperation on migration in the Western Balkans

01.06.2025 - 31.12.2027

In light of diversifying migration patterns and challenges with increasing regional dimensions, the migration policy priorities of Western Balkan governments are changing and the relevance of regional dialogue, coordination and cooperation is growing. This proposal seeks to promote coherent and effective regional governance of migration in all its multifaceted dimensions contributing to greater social cohesion and regional integration in the Western Balkans.

Planned project

Support to Integrated Water Resource Management in Kosovo

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2031

The water resources in Kosovo are increasingly under threat from pollution and rising demand for water for farming, industry and growing urban centers. Climate change is projected to exacerbate the impact on the availability of water resources as well as increase the risk for flood related disasters. The program supports different stakeholders in Kosovo at the national, regional and local level to tackle these complex pressures in establishing an integrated water resources management approach.

Social Justice for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (SORAE)

15.07.2020 - 31.12.2022

In order to improve the social inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) in Kosovo, this project will develop their livelihoods through ensuring better access to educational opportunities, enhanced children rights and protection, upgraded housing conditions and more income generation prospects. These multi-sectorial interventions will be complemented with antigypsyism policy interventions that counter discrimination against RAE and foster equality in Kosovo.




Combating corruption in Kosovo

01.07.2020 - 30.06.2024

The purpose of this project is to address key challenges in the policy and legislative frameworks, strengthen capacities of anticorruption institutions and foster public demand for accountability through civic engagement. This will be done through concluding the framework for preventive and suppressive anti-corruption processes that lead to asset confiscation.


Housing solutions for displaced persons

Apartment building in Serbia

01.03.2019 - 31.12.2022

As a consequence of the war in the 1990s, over three million people were displaced both within and beyond the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. Twenty-five years after the Dayton Accords, the Western Balkans are still host to almost half a million vulnerable persons displaced by conflict in the former Yugoslavia. The Regional Housing Programme (RHP) aims to provide durable housing solutions for refugees and internally displaced persons in need.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Western Balkans
Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking)

01.03.2019 - 31.12.2022

CHF 1'555'000

lntegrated Water Resource Management in Kosovo

01.10.2018 - 30.04.2024

The Integrated Water Resource Management project supports different stakeholders in Kosovo at the national, regional and local level for establishing an integrated water resources management approach. This approach will address issues such as pollution, rising demand for water for farming, industry and growing urban areas, and will help mitigate the impact of climate change.


Rural Water and Sanitation Support Programme in Kosovo

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022

Since 2005, the Swiss Rural Water and Sanitation Support Programme has provided better access to safe drinking water and sanitation to 474’000 people living in rural areas. By further strengthening the capacities of the water companies and their oversight bodies and with targeted infrastructure investments, the RWSSP exit phase will contribute to a sustainable and socially inclusive provision of high-quality water and sanitation services. For the first time the program will include the Northern municipalities of Kosovo.

Decentralization and Municipal Support in Kosovo (DEMOS)

Two young people rollerblading on a cycle path..

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021

Since the declaration of independence in 2008, Kosovo has been engaged in the reform and decentralisation of its public authorities with the aim of strengthening autonomy and local democracy in its 38 municipalities. The SDC's “Decentralisation and Municipal Support” project (DEMOS) aims to help municipalities enhance democratic governance and municipal management and provide better public services, thereby supporting Kosovo in its transition to a democratic and decentralised state.

Country/region Topic Period Budget

Democratic participation and civil society

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021

CHF 12'800'000

Reducing youth unemployment in Kosovo with the help of the private sector

Two people on an adventure park ropes course.

16.11.2017 - 15.11.2021

The Promoting Private Sector Employment (PPSE) project is strengthening companies in the food and tourism sectors and spurring job creation in Kosovo.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Employment & economic development

SME development

16.11.2017 - 15.11.2021

CHF 7'320'000

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