Returning to Switzerland

Photo of wing of a Swiss airliner
Wing of a Swiss airliner representing the return home. © Doug - CC BY 2.0

Each year, thousands of Swiss nationals return home after having lived abroad. In principle, they have to take the same steps as they did when they emigrated: deregister in the host country, deal with customs formalities, find a place to live, register with the local authorities, find a job, register for social insurance, etc.

The following pages contain information about all the steps that have to be taken by Swiss nationals returning to Switzerland.

Entry and customs formalities

From deregistration in the host country to duty-free import of household/personal effects into Switzerland

Registration requirements

Local residents’ registration office, military service, health insurance, social insurance (AHV/IV), etc. – where you have to register upon your return

Seeking employment in Switzerland

Useful hints and assistance with finding employment in Switzerland

Unemployment and social assistance

Unemployment benefits and assistance for Swiss nationals returning from abroad who run into difficulty