
As part of its current Cooperation Strategy (2017–21), Switzerland (SDC) is supporting the Cuban government with the modernisation of its socio-economic model. It has been focusing its efforts on local development since 2011.

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In comparison with other Caribbean and Central American countries, Cuba performs well in terms of basic social services (healthcare, education and social security). However, the country is faced with economic problems stemming from its dual currency system and dependence on other countries for basic food products. The government has been pursuing a policy of devolution of public services, the privatisation of certain economic activities and municipalisation since 2011.

SDC supports projects in 95 of 168 Cuban municipalities in the fields of participation (support with decentralisation, development of municipal institutions’ capabilities, planning and participative management), agriculture and economic development (support for private cooperatives, enhancement of value chains, certified organic production and renewable energies) and the promotion of gender equality (social inclusion, combating discrimination due to gender, age and sexual orientation).

Municipal management

Civic engagement and decentralisation

80 municipalities have produced a municipal development strategy with support from SDC since the reform of decentralisation was launched in two pilot provinces – Mayabeque and Artemisa – in 2011–2012. This primarily involves helping local authorities to define consultation processes with local sectoral institutions and the population and then identifying small-scale local development projects funded either by local taxes (1% of municipal revenues can be used locally) or with the support of SDC.

In some municipalities up to five projects supported by Switzerland are working in tandem with the municipal authorities to improve the living conditions of the population in specific key areas, such as housing, agricultural production and renewable energies. Restrictions on financial resources and the powers of municipal authorities continue to represent major challenges which need to be clarified at governmental level.

Agriculture and economic development at municipal level

There was a 10.7% annual increase in agricultural production on average between 2010 and 2016 in the 40 or so municipalities where the SDC is operating. 3.9 million people, which represents 31% of the total population, have benefited from these activities (creation of employment, increase in income). Establishing networks between the various actors (small-scale producers, cooperatives, state enterprises) and economic mechanisms (certification, transportation, marketing) represent major challenges.

Agriculture and food security

Social inclusion and gender equality

SDC supports two platforms made up of official institutions, local NGOs and community projects working on the issues of social inclusion, the combat against all types of discrimination and the promotion of gender equality. The 15 partner institutions supported by Switzerland carry out national campaigns on these key issues, reaching both citizens (awareness-raising) and national authorities (adjustment of the legal framework).  

History of cooperation

Humanitarian support first and foremost since 1997

SDC has been present in Cuba since 1997, primarily focusing on humanitarian projects, particularly in the medical field. In 2000, SDC set up a cooperation office in Havana and developed a special cooperation programme. After an exploratory phase (2000–03), the Swiss programme focused on two priorities – local development and sustainable economic development. These priorities were maintained until 2011 when the transversal issue of gender was added. As part of the current Cooperation Strategy (2017–21), the programme is focusing on a single area of activity – local development.

Current projects

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Contribution au programme santé de mediCuba-Suiza (mCS)

01.09.2025 - 31.08.2027

Après plusieurs années de soutien sporadiques, la coopération suisse propose de renouveler un soutien programme à l’association suisse mediCuba-Suiza (mCS). Cette dernière collabore avec plusieurs institutions publiques de premier plan, et favorise les échanges techniques entre professionnels de la santé en leur permettant un accès aux technologies et méthodes de traitement modernes. mCS  contribue ainsi à la couverture universelle des services de santé.

PRODEL - Program for strengthening municipal capacities for local development

01.04.2021 - 30.06.2024

PRODEL III contributes to the decentralization reform through introducing its municipal autonomy approach into new laws and policies, through training of “multipliers” and creation of advisory services to extend its tool of Municipal Development Strategy to more municipalities. The EDM strengthens municipal autonomy and efficient use of local resources for production infrastructure and services, while promoting participation and inclusion.

Support for cooperative management in the agricultural sector in Cuba (APOCOOP)

01.08.2019 - 31.12.2022

APOCOOP contributes to food security in 17 municipalities by improving the management of agricultural cooperatives, strengthening tools and enhancing the capacities and conditions of cooperative members and other actors. It promotes models of inter-cooperation between agricultural cooperatives, with gender equity, resilience and economic, social and environmental sustainability, and to socialize results and methods in spaces of influence on land policies in Cuba.

GEPAC- Gestión participativa local en la recuperación del Centro Histórico

01.06.2018 - 31.05.2021

GEPAC contribuye a la descentralización en Cuba creando herramientas de participación ciudadana directa en la planificación, la gestión urbana y la decisión sobre el uso de recursos financieros locales y de fortalecimiento del pequeño sector productivo no estatal con un enfoque de responsabilidad social e inclusión, priorizando oportunidades y demandas para personas de la tercera edad, mujeres, jóvenes y grupos en desventaja. 

HÁBITAT - “Implementación de estrategias para la gestión local del hábitat a escala municipal en Cuba”

01.04.2018 - 31.12.2022

HÁBITAT contribuye al proceso de descentralización en el país, promoviendo la gestión local del sector vivienda. Ofrece a gobiernos municipales capacitación, herramientas y financiamiento para implementar programas y proyectos de acceso a vivienda y servicios urbanos con un enfoque que prioriza las demandas de grupos vulnerables y mujeres, así como la participación ciudadana, la resiliencia y el funcionamiento de cadenas de producción que fortalecen el tejido productivo local.

Proyecto de Apoyo a una Agricultura Sostenible en Cuba PAAS

01.04.2018 - 31.12.2021

PAAS promueve las bases de un modelo de gestión para el autoabastecimiento local de alimentos, en 22 municipios, que involucra a instituciones, gobiernos, productores y consumidores, y fomenta mejoras en la producción agroecológica, procesamiento, certificación y comercialización a nivel local para 6 cadenas de valor (frutas, miel, hortalizas, oleaginosas, yuca y pollo); a la vez que se genera confianza de los consumidores, mayor acceso a alimentos sanos y nuevos empleos.

PIAL – “Proyecto para fortalecer un Sistema de Innovación Agropecuaria para el Desarrollo Local”

01.02.2018 - 31.07.2022

PIAL fomenta capacidades locales para gestionar los problemas de las cadenas agro-alimentarias en 75 municipios, contribuyendo al incremento de la disponibilidad de alimentos. Así, se institucionaliza y extiende en el país un Sistema de Innovación Agropecuaria Local (SIAL), con espacios y mecanismos para la participación de agricultores, autoridades y otros actores locales en la solución de estos problemas. 

PADIT - Programa Plataforma Articulada para el Desarrollo Integral de los Territorios

06.12.2017 - 31.12.2021

PADIT apoya el fortalecimiento del desarrollo local en Cuba, genera herramientas de gestión descentralizada basadas en la articulación y cooperación entre niveles de decisión (nacional, provincial, municipal e intermunicipal) y entre el sector público y el privado y cooperativo para crear servicios y actividades productivas y mejorar opciones de empleo e ingresos, con énfasis en mujeres y jóvenes. A la vez, PADIT moviliza la participación ciudadana en las decisiones locales.

Respuesta al Huracán Irma: respuesta inmediata (PMA) y recuperación temprana (PNUD) – single phase

15.11.2017 - 31.12.2021

By deploying a mix of aid modalities SDC will address the needs of 2,615,064 people severely affected by Hurricane Irma in the 22 most affected municipalities. The Humanitarian Aid will support the immediate response with delivery of food assistance through the WFP. The South Cooperation will support early recovery by strengthening production of local construction material and capacities through the PNUD.

Planned project

PADIT - Plataforma Articulada para el Desarrollo Integral de los Territorios

01.10.2017 - 31.12.2020

El proyecto PADIT (Plataforma Articulada para el Desarrollo Integral de los Territorios) se enmarca en el proceso de descentralización en curso en Cuba, fortaleciendo capacidades para la gestión del Desarrollo local y articulando los tres niveles de gobierno (municipio, provincia, nacional). Como parte de las estrategias de desarrollo municipal, PADIT apoya la implementación de programas y servicios sociales y actividades productivas intermunicipales.

Programa de apoyo a la Equidad y Participación local - PYE

01.06.2017 - 31.05.2021

En el contexto de la descentralización del desarrollo en curso en Cuba, la Cooperación Suiza apoya a los gobiernos locales, las comunidades y actores de la sociedad civil en la disminución de brechas de equidad. Mediante nueve organizaciones (cuatro ONG nacionales, tres proyectos comunitarios, una agencia de prensa y un centro académico) con experticia en género, medio ambiente, cultura, racialidad y vulnerabilidad, este proyecto promueve el desarrollo equitativo y la inclusión social.

PROFET – Programme for Strengthening Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in Cuba

01.06.2017 - 31.05.2027

PROFET contributes to improve the integration of young people, especially women and disadvantaged groups, into the labour market by assessing demand in the productive sector, improving training quality in priority specialties for the economy of the country, promoting cooperation between educational institutions and the productive public and private sectors, and providing local counselling services for young people looking for jobs.

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