
Switzerland is supporting the democratic development of the new federal state in Nepal. Through the SDC, it is working to promote equitable socio-economic development and to enable men and women to exercise their rights and responsibilities within the new federal structures.

Map of Nepal


Nepal is undergoing profound demographic, economic and political transformations. It is urbanising very rapidly, with the proportion of people living in cities expected to double by 2050. In 2015, the country was hit by a series of earthquakes, causing a slowdown in its economy. Labour migration, mainly to the Gulf States, is a key factor in reducing poverty, but is vulnerable to fluctuations in the regional economy. The national poverty rate has fallen from 53% to 23% in 15 years, thanks in particular to remittances by Nepalese workers in the Gulf States.

Nepal adopted a new federal constitution in 2015, creating 753 new local governments and seven new provinces. Elections in 2017 led to the appointment of thousands of newly elected officials from a range of social and economic backgrounds. However, forging a political culture that addresses the needs of the population remains a challenge, as does the functioning of the new federal system.

Swiss contributions to development and cooperation

Formation of a federal state

Ensuring gender-equitable socio-economic development 

Through the SDC, Switzerland supports the creation of forums for citizen consultation and participation within municipalities with a view to planning resources and managing identity conflicts. It also fosters capacity building for public sector employees and elected officials to ensure good-quality public service. It promotes participation, particularly by women, discriminated groups and migrant workers, so that they can exercise their rights and responsibilities and help influence the functioning, policies and decisions of the state in their favour.

The SDC also works to bolster dialogue between the authorities and the population as well as to improve the management of public finances. For example, Switzerland played a key role in shaping the new constitution, providing experts and offering the benefit of its own experience.

Engagement in fragile contexts and conflict prevention

State and economic reforms

Job and income creation

Supporting vocational skills development, improved agricultural production and infrastructure development

The SDC helps women and men, especially those from disadvantaged groups, to develop vocational skills that will enable them to find a job and increase their income. It also aims to encourage public participation in policymaking in the areas of agriculture, vocational education and training and infrastructure construction.

Enhancing the quality of production through services and advice to producers, and improving access to rural and urban markets, are also among the SDC's priorities. Young people in particular are helped to develop vocational skills through the apprenticeship model.

With SDC support, efficient transport infrastructure and irrigation systems have been put in place, improving the food security of over a million Nepalis, 60% of them from disadvantaged groups and 42% women.

Private sector development/Youth employment

Safer migration

Reducing migration-related risks

Labour migration is a mainstay of the Nepalese economy. Around 400,000 people emigrate each year, mainly to the Gulf States. Sixty per cent are men aged 18 to 40. Half of all Nepalese families receive remittances from abroad. These funds account for over 25% of the country's GDP.

Since 2011, the SDC has been working with the government in its efforts to promote safer migration: it helps to reduce the risks of abuse and exploitation by strengthening information services and access to continuing education and training prior to departure, as well as offering advice to the women left at home, in particular on how to better manage their savings. Where necessary, the SDC also contributes to services like legal assistance and psychological support. 


Approach and partners

The programme works with Nepalese, Swiss and international implementing partners, including national, provincial and local governmental organisations, UN agencies and international financial institutions, civil society organisations and private sector entities. With a focus on policymaking and dialogue, Switzerland helps to forge alliances and establish coordinated positions among donors. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is a key partner for the SDC.

Current projects

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Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response Project (GBV Project)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Gender-based violence is prevalent in Nepal because of patriarchal values, lack of rights awareness or support services and poor implementation of laws. In the first phase, the project will directly reach 50,000 households in three districts with GBV prevention activities involving women, girls, men and boys and will provide improved medical, psychosocial and legal services for a minimum of 1’000 GBV survivors. Subsequently, the coverage will be increased.

Planned project

Subnational Governance Program (SNGP)

16.07.2023 - 15.07.2030

The overall goal of the Program is to support the subnational governments to build sustainable, inclusive and democratic institutions that deliver services to the citizens, especially from disadvantaged groups, in an efficient and effective way and as per their constitutional mandate. The Program will be nationally coordinated government-led and implementation will mainly take place in all seven provinces and 753 local level governments of Nepal.

Nepal Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) Phase Il

16.07.2020 - 15.07.2024

Based on Swiss expertise in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, the project

contributes to establish a federal vocational qualifications system. The NVQS will increase the

transparency on the labour market for employers and workers, improve official recognition of

workers competencies in hospitality, construction and automobile sectors and allow links between

TVET and general education to access higher level qualifications for better employment in

domestic and international labour market.

Planned project

Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Reliable Employment (ENSSURE)

01.01.2020 - 31.12.2025

500’000 unskilled youths enter the Nepali labour market yearly but remain un- or underemployed as the market cannot absorb them. ENSSURE aims at enhancing gainful wage and self-employment mainly for youth of disadvantaged groups through short-/medium-term training, apprenticeship and business skills development. It will work through close public-private partnerships at national and district level of the vocational training and expand service provision to sectors of high productivity and employment.

Small Irrigation Programme (SIP)

01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024

Swiss engagement through this project assists farmers in doubling their agricultural income through year-round irrigation and better access to markets. Doubling of agriculture income will contribute to poverty reduction and reduce poor farmer’s need to migrate. In addition, Swiss pioneering work in operationalizing federalism, through this project at local level will address issues related to historic over-centralization and social exclusion and will contribute to peace and stability in the country.

Trail Bridge Sub-Sector Program

01.12.2019 - 30.11.2023

The project supports the Government of Nepal to institutionalize trail bridge building under the new federal structure. Due to the ongoing state restructuring process, Swiss support is required for a last phase to ensure the transfer of the institutional and human capacity built-up in trail bridges over the past four decades to the new state and local governments. Walking remains a major mode of travel in Nepal, and trail bridges are still essential for people to access basic public services

Support to Dealing with the past roadmap implementation in Nepal

01.06.2019 - 31.03.2025

The program aims to support a new inclusive and equitable mechanism of dealing with the past with the purpose to address the root causes of the conflict which remains an uncompleted process in Nepal. The implementation of a comprehensive national roadmap will guaranty to be victim-centred and a government-driven process. This program provides a solid basis for strengthening an inclusive federal state

Provincial and Local Governance Support Program (PLGSP)

01.04.2019 - 15.07.2023

Nepal’s new federal constitution addresses the long-standing root causes of conflict related to poverty, gender inequality and social exclusion. The Provincial and Local Governance Support Program is the government’s nationwide framework capacity building initiative to enable the newly elected provincial and local governments to assume their constitutional rights and duties. Switzerland led the planning for the development partners, The program will strengthen subnational institutions and service delivery, and contribute to peace and stability.

She Leads – Women Leadership Programme

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022

Federalism has created a historic opportunity for some 14’000 Nepalese women, over half of them from socially discriminated groups, to serve for the first time as elected representatives at local level. However, most elected women at local level remain excluded from political decision making due to discrimination based on patriarchal norms and values, and lack of resources and networks. The project promotes women leadership to support the peace process and to prevent future conflicts.

Planned project

State Support Programme (SSP)

01.10.2018 - 31.07.2030

Well-functioning State institutions and governance processes are key to success or failure of the new federal system in Nepal. States are a critical catalyst for identity, conflict resolution, regional development and the consolidation of the peace process. By promoting platforms for intergovern-mental cooperation and deliberative processes, and by fostering implementation capacities and the link with citizens in State 1, the program contributes to a successful federal transition in Nepal.

State Support Programme (SSP) Nepal

01.10.2018 - 31.01.2024

Switzerland contributes to peace and stability in Nepal by supporting the country’s successful transition to federalism which is a pre-condition for enhanced economic development and prosperity. States are a critical catalyst for identity, conflict resolution and regional development in Nepal’s federal system. The programme therefore supports the State’s systems and capacities for inter-governmental cooperation, implementation and responsiveness towards citizens’ demands.

Migrant Rights and Decent Work (MiriDew)

01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021

Remittances sent home by over 3 million Nepali migrant workers have significantly reduced poverty. Nevertheless, the rights of migrants are regularly violated. The proposed project will enhance the Government of Nepal’s understanding of overseas labour market conditions and strengthen mechanisms to better protect the rights of Nepali workers at home and abroad through better consular support and a strong presence in the international policy dialogue.

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