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How switching to a plant-based diet has changed my life stuff nation

Pre v post vegan: Chloe Garnham has lost 12kg and seen significant health improvements since switching to a plant-based diet.

OPINION: I was extremely sceptical about going plant-based, but even a former meat lover can't argue with these results.

Not all landlords are greedy - we have bills too stuff nation

Landlord Lucia Best says increasing rent on her properties is about necessity not greed.

OPINION: I have just increased my tenants' rent by $40 a week, but it's not to pay for bottles of champagne at Christmas.

My rent just went up $100 a week stuff nation

"We are physically in disrepair all over because everything has been put on hold until we've locked in a home of our ...

OPINION: My partner desperately needs fillings and I haven't bought new clothes in years, but we're forced to agree to our landlord's demands.

Future Super Rugby competitions must learn from past mistakes stuff nation

"Any future versions of Super Rugby must remain a round robin format, and they must also be more careful about expansion."

OPINION: Super Rugby has the potential to return to its former glory, but the teams and format have to be handled right.

Where is Aotearoa-NZ's sweetest sweet spot? stuff nation

We want to know why your home town is the best spot in the country.

Tell us why your home town is the best spot in the country.


Keeping it all in the family - Crowded House to debut new line-up

Keeping it in the family: Crowded House will feature a new line-up on Wednesday when they play for the first time in ...

It will be a Crowded family House in Christchurch when the new line-up for perhaps New Zealand’s most famous band makes its live debut.

Ghost towns and shipwrecks: Why every Kiwi should tour the West Coast stuff nation

When it comes to heritage, the West Coast has plenty of iconic hot spots and hidden gems that await discovery.

Where is Aotearoa-NZ's sweetest sweet spot? stuff nation

Capitol protests: Are you a Kiwi living in the US? stuff nation

more of your stories

Moody teen: is it serious? stuff nation

"Teenagers often don’t want to (or know how to) talk to their parents, and sometimes the best they can give is a shrug."

OPINION: Here are some signs for young people and their parents to look out for.

One sandwich, four hungry kids stuff nation video

OPINION: A hungry child is only thinking about where the next meal is coming from. They can't be expected to thrive at school.

"In a perfect world maybe the bank of Mum and Dad could have funded this, or higher education would be free for ...

Your loan, your problem stuff nation

OPINION: Any bank would expect a mortgage or car loan to be repaid, a student loan is no different.

living with endometriosis

I suffer with her stuff nation

I might not be able to fully understand the effects this disease has, but I can make sure my wife doesn't have to go it ...

I never wanted my wife to feel like endometriosis was a journey she would have to take alone.

At 32, I begged for a hysterectomy stuff nation

When I told the doctor at the hospital how much pain I was in, he told me I was lying.

I was told that nothing could be done, but I knew something could. And I wasn't giving up. (File photo)

Fight for your diagnosis stuff nation

Vomiting and fainting from pain, and having blood drip on the floor is not normal.

let's talk about free speech

The dangers of being a woman stuff nation

Freedom of speech is important, but I think my right to life and to freedom from assault and sexual violence are more ...

Every day of my life since I was a teenager I have thought about my physical safety. I will continue to think about it every single day until I die.

Free speech, not hate speech stuff nation

Freedom of speech and thought is a fundamental human right, but the tricky part is - what exactly is hate speech?

It may be possible to talk to one person without offending them, it's almost impossible to speak to a large group of ...

We need free, true speech stuff nation

The secret to being clever is not what you read, but what you remember. It's why I take notes when reading and listening to thinkers like Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris to name just a few.

the euthanasia debate

My brother might still be here stuff nation

After living with Parkinson's for 30 years, the thought of being trapped in care was too much for my brother.

After living with Parkinson's for 30 years, the thought of being trapped in care was too much for my brother.

Don't tell me how I should die stuff nation

My father was forced to endure a painful death because he didn't have the option to end it himself.

I was told to think about turning my wife's life support off. Eight months later, she's looking forward to the future.

You can't reverse euthanasia stuff nation

I was told to think about turning my wife's life support off. Eight months later, she's looking forward to the future.

climate change and me

Inaction is not an option stuff nation

"We are now living with the exponentially compounding negative effects of shockingly poor human stewardship for the planet."

Climate change is a man-made disaster. Eco-terrorism. An assault on Mother Nature. It was avoidable… but not now.

Saving the world for your kids stuff nation

Parents say they'll do anything for their kids, but they haven't made any sacrifices for the sake of the environment.

"We advocate to councils and central government for the things that will make it easier to reduce emissions and improve ...

Kiwis fighting climate change stuff nation

Eight households share the changes they've made to help save the planet.

te reo and mÄ?ori culture

If not te reo, other languages stuff nation

Rather than making te reo M?ori a compulsory subject, why not make learning a second language compulsory?

OPINION: Rather than making te reo MÄ?ori a compulsory subject, why not make learning a second language compulsory?

I could barely spell 'kia ora' stuff nation

OPINION: MÄ?ori culture always fascinated me from a young age, even when I didn't know I was MÄ?ori.

I still struggle with the English language today, but now I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it.

Te reo has ups and downs stuff nation

OPINION: I was brought up by my grandparents in a traditional MÄ?ori way, I had to teach myself English.

your rental property horrors

We'll never rent again stuff nation

Our house was trashed, and we were left to foot the bill.

Our house was trashed, and we were left to foot the bill.

When landlords harass tenants stuff nation

Your home should be a sanctuary - but when your landlord is your harasser, it's anything but.

"The photos looked good on the internet..."

Sight-unseen rental horror stuff nation

We rented a house in as-is, where-is condition. I'm now facing lifelong health issues.

your experience with depression

Depression: I suffer in silence stuff nation

Depression, it's been a long road. (File photo)

Everyone who knows me is fully aware that I have suffered from depression. It's been a long road.

Not just 'teenage blues' stuff nation

My teen years were dismissed as hormonal attention seeking. But they were real, terrifying and miserable.

My sickness controls me so much, that I isolate myself from good people.

The lurking black dog stuff nation

I'm an expert at masking my illness - my loved ones only know something is up when I am at my very, very worst.