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Camping Gear
Adventurer’s Club
To understand why you’re seeing a particular ad, open the menu in the upper right corner of the ad and select Why am I seeing this?
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Keep in mind that even after making changes to your ad preferences, you might still see ads that seem related to things you removed. For example, you might see an ad if it’s broadly targeted to everyone in your town or city.
Adventurer’s Club
Camping Gear
If you don’t want to see a particular ad, open the menu in the upper right corner of the ad and select Hide Ad.
Evan Walker
Camping Gear
This won’t change how many ads you see but, because we’ll know more about what you like, they should be more relevant.
Evan Walker
Camping Gear
You can also let us know more about what kinds of ads you'd like to see by liking Pages and posts, commenting on posts, adding interests to your Timeline and clicking on ads you find useful or interesting.
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