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Beigetreten März 2008


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    vor 10 Stunden

    While police say the suspect in the Atlanta shootings denied having racial motivations, experts and activists alike say it's nearly impossible to divorce race from the discourse, given the historical fetishization of Asian women. (1/7)

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  2. vor 2 Minuten

    Opinion | Nancy Wang Yuen: "Asian women, along with Black and Indigenous women and other women of color, endure racism and sexism in intersectional ways constantly, and they have throughout history." -

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  3. vor 7 Minuten

    A 1-year-old was found in the Atlanta area after the vehicle she was in was stolen while her mother was making a DoorDash delivery early Thursday, authorities say.

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  4. vor 12 Minuten

    : talks with Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba about the link between neglected infrastructure and race that left tens of thousands of Jackson, Mississippi, residents without clean water. Listen now:

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  5. vor 14 Minuten

    "Since the beginning of the pandemic, we heard constant rhetoric directed at the AAPI community, including from leaders at the highest levels of our government. There is a systemic problem here," Rep. Matsui said.

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  6. vor 28 Minuten

    An Atlanta-area sheriff's office said it regrets "any heartache" caused by the comments of a department spokesman who said the suspect in the spa shootings that left eight people dead was having a "bad day."

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  7. vor 32 Minuten

    Fake 'prescription' pills sold by traffickers on social media may contain lethal amounts of fentanyl, DEA says.

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  8. vor 37 Minuten

    How to talk to children about shootings: An age-by-age guide -

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  9. vor 47 Minuten

    Sen. Paul: “You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show." Dr. Fauci: "Can I just state for the record that masks are not theater...I totally disagree with you.” -

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  10. vor 57 Minuten

    President Biden is considering keeping US troops in Afghanistan until November, rather than withdrawing them by the May 1 deadline outlined in an agreement negotiated between the Trump admin. and Taliban, per two people familiar with the discussions.

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  11. vor 1 Stunde

    The effect of vaccines on asymptomatic infection had been a big unknown, but scientists say it will be crucial to ending the pandemic.

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  12. vor 1 Stunde

    Victims in Atlanta-area spa shootings include recently married mother and an Army veteran.

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  13. vor 1 Stunde

    The NFL has finalized media deals valued at more than $100B that it says will help transition fans from traditional television to streaming platforms.

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  14. vor 2 Stunden

    "You can't ask perpetrators what they think," one expert said. "That's not how we determine whether something is or isn't a hate crime."

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  15. vor 2 Stunden

    The FBI has released 10 videos of what it describes as the “most egregious” attacks on law enforcement officers during the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol; urges the public to help identify the suspects.

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  16. vor 2 Stunden

    "Chip Roy glorified lynching at a hearing on violence against Asians. The largest mass lynching in US history was against Chinese immigrants," Rep. Lieu tweeted, referring to the Chinese Massacre of 1871 in Los Angeles. At least 17 people were hanged.

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  17. vor 2 Stunden

    JUST IN: The House votes 228-197 to pass immigration bill that would create a pathway to citizenship for millions of "Dreamers," undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, and others granted temporary protection from deportation.

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  18. vor 2 Stunden

    Alexi McCammond, who was newly named editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue, says she and Condé Nast have agreed to part ways following heavy criticism over resurfaced racist and homophobic tweets.

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  19. vor 3 Stunden

    "This hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community and to find solutions. And we will not let you take our voice away from us," Rep. Meng said to Rep. Roy during a cmte. hearing on the spike in hate incidents against Asian Americans.

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  20. vor 3 Stunden

    Biden admin. is working to finalize plans to send roughly 2.5M doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to Mexico and 1.5M doses to Canada, White House says.

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  21. vor 3 Stunden

    Republican Rep. Roy says he has "no apologies" after making an apparent pro-lynching remark during a congressional hearing on combatting anti-Asian American violence.

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