Bookshelf by VitalSource version 9.3 - Page Navigation Improvements for Desktop Apps

Bookshelf by VitalSource version 9.3 - Page Navigation Improvements for Desktop Apps

The way that students read digital textbooks is constantly evolving. At Bookshelf, we strive to always provide the experience and tools that our users need for an optimal reading experience. We are excited to announce that, based on user feedback, we have improved the page navigation experience in Bookshelf version 9.3 in our Mac and Windows desktop apps.

Continuous Scroll

For users that like to scroll through the book as they read, we have added continuous scroll navigation to PDF books. To turn continuous scroll on, click the Aa icon on the bottom navigation bar and check the Continuous Scroll option. As you read, you will be able to scroll vertically through the book. At the end of each page, the next page will automatically load. Continuous scroll will remain on for a particular book until you open the Aa button and toggle Continuous Scroll off.



System Requirements

PDF continuous scroll improvements will be available on Bookshelf version 9.3 running macOS version 10.12+ or Windows 10.16299+ operating systems.