Petra Kuenkel


Driving transformation for a world that works for 100% of humanity and the planet. Founder , Author, Speaker, Leadership Expert, Member Club of Rome

Potsdam/Cape Town
Joined January 2012


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    28 Feb 2019

    My new groundbreaking publication, new Report to the , gives you an architecture – a guide that is anchored in a systems view of life, and is checked and balanced with a practical approach in multi-stakeholder collaboration.

  2. Retweeted
    Jun 9

    Meet the next generation of femxle change-makers from all over the world who have commenced becoming a transformation network to develop the pillars of our economic future!

  3. Apr 14

    It is time to stage the voice of femxle change-makers for a new economic architecture. Listen to this touching voice

  4. Retweeted
    2 Dec 2020

    Womxn are not sufficiently present in the spheres of influence to re-write the economic story. It's time to change that🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️ Apply today join the chagemakers in the project.

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  5. Retweeted
    3 Dec 2020

    It's new economic thinkers like that inspired the project. Femxle-led economic thinking is vital for the global systems change that's needed. Join to become one of the 36 womxn leading the way.

  6. Retweeted
    30 Nov 2020

    Support in the |competition of – our pitch: restoring 5 kettle hole lakes close to the Peene river – good for , + protection – share +

  7. Retweeted
    1 Dec 2020
  8. 30 Nov 2020

    Apply to join the group of femxle game-changers, if you see yourself as Thinker, practitioner, activist, policy developer or researcher in new economic theory or practice. .

  9. 30 Nov 2020

    Apply to join a group of femxle game-changers, if you see yourself as strategic thinker eager to co-create new narratives, ideals, principles and practices for economic development. .

  10. 27 Nov 2020

    Apply to join the group of femxle game-changers, if you see yourself as pro-active femxle who is passionate about building economies focused on supporting life on earth and the planetary wellbeing. .

  11. 27 Nov 2020

    We can build economic architectures that empower people and support all planetary life, redistribute wealth, strengthen local communities, ensure circular flow of materials and allow a pluriversality of approaches. Apply today: .

  12. 26 Nov 2020

    The 36×36 transformation network will bring together 36 next generation femxle professionals. Apply today: .

  13. 26 Nov 2020

    It is time to turn around human history. It is time womxn take the lead and become the architects of the economy of the future. Apply today: .

  14. 24 Nov 2020

    We are searching for the future pioneers - application starts: „We are faced with a global pandemic, climate crisis and widening inequality. (...) We cannot solve these crises by using the thinking that caused them in the first place“

  15. Retweeted
    24 Nov 2020

    Bewerbung eröffnet für Vordenkerinnen: „Humanity is at a crossroads. We are faced with a global pandemic, climate crisis and widening inequality. (...) We cannot solve these crises by using the thinking that caused them in the first place“

  16. 29 Oct 2020

    The world is changing; we are part of this change. Understanding deeper levels of how we co-create future realities is paramount to the way we steward sustainability transformations successfully. Listen to my short talk here:

  17. 14 Apr 2020
  18. Retweeted
    30 Mar 2020

    A green reboot after the pandemic

  19. Retweeted
    30 Mar 2020

    New on SE: A Social-Green Deal, with just transition—the European answer to the coronavirus crisis

  20. Retweeted
    24 Mar 2020

    Planetary emergency and Corona Pandemic folded together in same crisis of the Anthropocene. We need a people and planet health plan for full recovery

  21. 16 Mar 2020

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