erickohnVerifizierter Account


Executive editor and chief critic for IndieWire. NYU prof. Space nut. New media enthusiast. Heritage: Texas-Colombia-Seattle-NYC

ÜT: 40.72269,-73.996309
Beigetreten März 2008


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    23. Juli

    In this week’s podcast, I try not to gloat about calling the Palme d’Or race, and ⁦⁩ explains how some recent shifts to the awards season schedule will make for another unpredictable season…

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  2. vor 7 Stunden

    NYC, it would appear that there are a good number of showtimes left around the city today. Highly recommend INSIDE as a theatrical experience

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  3. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    thank you to everyone who went to a screening of inside last night. i hope you had a good time. additional showings have been added through the weekend.

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  4. 24. Juli
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    24. Juli

    Watch ‘Titane’ Palme d’Or Winner Julia Ducournau’s Twisted Debut Short ‘Junior’

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  6. 24. Juli

    Rather extraordinary to see Ciment still in action at Cannes.

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  7. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    Even before the pandemic, film festivals faced an uphill battle in America. Here's how they can adapt to the future.

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  8. hat retweetet
    24. Juli

    Gaspar Noé survived a brain hemorrhage shortly before the pandemic hit, a one-two punch that brought the director closer than ever to his own mortality and led him to make , his most personal film. He talks about it here:

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  9. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    Neon has dated the explosive Palme d'Or winner for an October 1 release in the U.S. Read our review of one of the wildest films to ever play Cannes:

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    24. Juli

    Ishmael Reed believes that the capricious tastes of white readers have made Black literature appear to be a revolving door of transient stars. “Our writers can’t be permanent,” he says, like Hemingway and Faulkner.

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  11. hat retweetet

    I brought ten drill bits to Mars. Most are for collecting samples; others, like this one, are for abrading rocks (grinding away the outer surface). That’s all part of getting to the scientific clues hidden inside the rocks.

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  12. hat retweetet
    23. Juli

    "American film festivals faced an identity crisis even before the pandemic."

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  13. 23. Juli

    For IndieWire’s 25th anniversary, we’re kicking off a series of stories about the future of the entertainment industry with this look at the sustainability of film festivals — and some ideas for what it’ll take to keep them alive and relevant in America

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    22. Juli

    what's amazing about Memoria is that it is as much an experience of sound waves as it is of the visual spectrum

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  15. 22. Juli

    "Receive what cheer you may. The night is long that never finds the day." See you all at Tavern on the Green.

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  16. hat retweetet
    21. Juli

    So much is going on in the world of specialty distribution, the people who bring us non-blockbuster, non-Hollywood films, that it makes your head spin. fills us in on what just-concluded Cannes revealed about "the new normal." via

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  17. hat retweetet
    21. Juli

    Check out all the movies from this year's that will continue to push 2021 ahead in the film industry! Listen to & 's conversation to find out what you should be watching for the rest of the year!

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  18. hat retweetet
    21. Juli

    I spent decades thinking My Dinner With Andre was a movie about aesthetes trying to one up each other (I blame The Simpsons). Turns out it’s one of the best movies about professional jealousy, money, and class-based resentment. 10/10 would recommend.

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  19. hat retweetet
    20. Juli

    “Hayley Arceneaux, 30, a physician’s assistant at St. Jude and a survivor of childhood cancer. She will be the first person to travel to space with a prosthetic—an artificial left femur that replaced the bone she lost to her disease at age 10.” — WOW!

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  20. hat retweetet
    20. Juli

    is shaping up nicely, but for my money, there are few films I am more excited to see than a new Clio Barnard joint and all those Cannes hits:

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