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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Owl rescued after wing trapped in fence near Winchester

    An unfortunate owl had to be rescued after it's wing became trapped in a fence near Winchester.

  2. Phenomenal Photosynthesis

    Video content

    Video caption: Can we improve nature's engine room- the amazing process of photosynthesis?

    Some food crops convert just one percent of the sun's energy into edible food. If we can improve photosynthesis we can grow more food on less land. Tom Heap investigates.

  3. The Legal Fight

    Video content

    Video caption: Taking Governments and organisations to court enforce environmental law.

    Is it better to take to the courts than take to the trees? Legal organisation Client Earth are taking governments and business to court to get environmental laws taken seriously.

  4. Siberian Rewilding

    Video content

    Video caption: How trees and fluffy snow are the bad guys when it comes to climate change in Siberia

    In Siberia a radical experiment is taking place. Can removing trees and reintroducing musk ox and other grazing animals protect the permafrost from thawing and releasing carbon.

  5. More Power from the Sun

    Video content

    Video caption: Solar energy is cheap and clean, but it could be better. Tom Heap discovers how.

    Electricity from the sun is cheap and clean but the solar cells we see on our rooftops could be much more efficient. Tom Heap meets the innovator shaking up the world of solar.

  6. Chilling Food

    Video content

    Video caption: A fresh way to keep food cool and cut food waste.

    Chilled lorries keep our food fresh on route to the supermarket, but they have a dirty secret- their fridges run on diesel. Tom Heap meets the team behind a cleaner alternative.

  7. The First Five Fascinating Ideas

    Video content

    Video caption: Beating climate change takes the best ideas from the smartest minds.

    Beating climate change takes the best ideas from the smartest minds. Tom Heap offers up the first five bold ideas to cut carbon.

  8. Educating and Empowering Girls

    Video content

    Video caption: How does ensuring girls get a full education help fight climate change?

    Many girls around the world drop out of school before completing their education. Ensuring they remain in school empowers them but it can also bring benefits for the climate.

  9. Sublime Seagrass

    Video content

    Video caption: Can underwater seagrass meadows make a comeback to reduce our carbon?

    Seagrasses are great carbon sinks - said to be up to 35 times better than the rainforest. Can the underwater meadows being planted around the UK help us reach carbon zero?

  10. Video content

    Video caption: New Zealand earthquakes: “What happens if there is another one?”

    New Zealanders are still on edge after three tremors trigger tsunami warnings and evacuations.