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#FireGinaCarano Reignited Over ‘Mandalorian’ Star’s Post Comparing Political Divide to Nazi Germany

In a follow-up post, Carano shared this message: "Expecting everyone you encounter to agree with every belief or view you hold is fucking wild."

Gina Carano in "The Mandalorian"Gina Carano in "The Mandalorian"

Gina Carano in “The Mandalorian”


Gina Carano is once again at the center of backlash among “Star Wars” fans, this time for re-sharing a post to her Instagram page that compared the current political divide in the United States to Nazi Germany (via Variety). Carano’s post made the #FireGinaCarano social media movement go viral all over again. “Star Wars” fans originally came forward in November 2020 asking Disney and Lucasfilm to fire Carano from “The Mandalorian” due to controversial tweets involving transgender pronouns, voter fraud, and pandemic mask wearing. Now “Star Wars” fans are calling for Carano’s firing yet again because of her Instagram story.

Carano re-shared the following post on her Instagram story late Tuesday night: “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

By Wednesday afternoon, Carano had reportedly taken down the post. Another post, depicting a person wearing several cloth masks and the caption “Meanwhile in California,” was also removed from the actress’ profile. A post that remained was the following quote: “Expecting everyone you encounter to agree with every belief or view you hold is fucking wild.”

Carano starred as Cara Dune in the first two seasons of “The Mandalorian” and is rumored to be at the center of the upcoming spinoff series “Rangers of the New Republic.” Vanity Fair reported last year that Carano angered “Star Wars” fans over the summer because she remained silent during Black Lives Matter marches and liked several tweets that disparaged the protests. Carano was accused of being transphobic in September for putting “beep/bop/boop” in her social media profile, seemingly mocking transgender pronouns.

Carano, who made a name for herself as an MMA star before making the jump to Hollywood, also outraged many “Star Wars” fans in November when she announced she would be migrating her social media presence over to the Parler app, a conservative-bent free speech tool that many Republicans flocked to in the aftermath of the election. Parler was removed on Apple, Amazon, and Google platforms earlier this year because of social media engagement that encouraged violence.

Throughout the entirety of the #FireGinaCarano social media movement, neither Disney nor Lucasfilm has released a statement on the matter. The hashtag has also inspired a rebuttal movement deemed #StandWithGinaCarano, supporters of which urge Disney not to fire Carano, as it would be an example of censorship.

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