{'United States Code': [{'Title': '49', 'Section': '101', 'headtext': ' Purpose', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/101'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '102', 'headtext': ' Department of Transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/102'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '103', 'headtext': ' Federal Railroad Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/103'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '104', 'headtext': ' Federal Highway Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/104'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '105', 'headtext': ' National Highway Traffic Safety Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/105'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '106', 'headtext': ' Federal Aviation Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/106'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '107', 'headtext': ' Federal Transit Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/107'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '108', 'headtext': ' Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/108'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '109', 'headtext': ' Maritime Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/109'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '110', 'headtext': ' Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/110'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '111', 'headtext': ' Repealed. Pub. L. 112–141, div. E, title II, §\u202f52011(c)(1), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 895]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/111'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '112', 'headtext': ' Repealed. Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §\u202f6012(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1570]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/112'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '113', 'headtext': ' Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/113'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '114', 'headtext': ' Transportation Security Administration', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/114'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '115', 'headtext': ' Transportation Security Oversight Board', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/115'}, {'Title': '42', 'Section': '4321', 'headtext': ' Congressional declaration of purpose', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/42/4321'}, {'Title': '39', 'Section': '5402', 'headtext': ' Contracts for transportation of mail by air', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/39/5402'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40101', 'headtext': ' Policy', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40101'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40102', 'headtext': ' Definitions', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40102'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40103', 'headtext': ' Sovereignty and use of airspace', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40103'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40104', 'headtext': ' Promotion of civil aeronautics and safety of air commerce', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40104'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40105', 'headtext': ' International negotiations, agreements, and obligations', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40105'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40106', 'headtext': ' Emergency powers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40106'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40107', 'headtext': ' Presidential transfers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40107'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40108', 'headtext': ' Training schools', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40108'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40109', 'headtext': ' Authority to exempt', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40109'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40110', 'headtext': ' General procurement authority', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40110'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40111', 'headtext': ' Multiyear procurement contracts for services and related items', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40111'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40112', 'headtext': ' Multiyear procurement contracts for property', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40112'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40113', 'headtext': ' Administrative', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40113'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40114', 'headtext': ' Reports and records', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40114'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40115', 'headtext': ' Withholding information', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40115'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40116', 'headtext': ' State taxation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40116'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40117', 'headtext': ' Passenger facility charges', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40117'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40118', 'headtext': ' Government-financed air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40118'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40119', 'headtext': ' Repealed. Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §\u202f1991(c)(3), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3627]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40119'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40120', 'headtext': ' Relationship to other laws', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40120'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40121', 'headtext': ' Air traffic control modernization reviews', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40121'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40122', 'headtext': ' Federal Aviation Administration personnel management system', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40122'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40123', 'headtext': ' Protection of voluntarily submitted information', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40123'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40124', 'headtext': ' Interstate agreements for airport facilities', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40124'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40125', 'headtext': ' Qualifications for public aircraft status', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40125'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40126', 'headtext': ' Severable services contracts for periods crossing fiscal years', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40126'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40127', 'headtext': ' Prohibitions on discrimination', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40127'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40128', 'headtext': ' Overflights of national parks', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40128'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '40129', 'headtext': ' Collaborative decisionmaking pilot program', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/40129'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41101', 'headtext': ' Requirement for a certificate', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41101'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41102', 'headtext': ' General, temporary, and charter air transportation certificates of air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41102'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41103', 'headtext': ' All-cargo air transportation certificates of air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41103'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41104', 'headtext': ' Additional limitations and requirements of charter air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41104'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41105', 'headtext': ' Transfers of certificates', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41105'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41106', 'headtext': ' Airlift service', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41106'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41107', 'headtext': ' Transportation of mail', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41107'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41108', 'headtext': ' Applications for certificates', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41108'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41109', 'headtext': ' Terms of certificates', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41109'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41110', 'headtext': ' Effective periods and amendments, modifications, suspensions, and revocations of certificates', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41110'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41111', 'headtext': ' Simplified procedure to apply for, amend, modify, suspend, and transfer certificates', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41111'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41112', 'headtext': ' Liability insurance and financial responsibility', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41112'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41113', 'headtext': ' Plans to address needs of families of passengers involved in aircraft accidents', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41113'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41301', 'headtext': ' Requirement for a permit', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41301'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41302', 'headtext': ' Permits of foreign air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41302'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41303', 'headtext': ' Transfers of permits', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41303'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41304', 'headtext': ' Effective periods and amendments, modifications, suspensions, and revocations of permits', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41304'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41305', 'headtext': ' Applications for permits', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41305'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41306', 'headtext': ' Simplified procedure to apply for, amend, modify, and suspend permits', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41306'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41307', 'headtext': ' Presidential review of actions about foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41307'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41308', 'headtext': ' Exemption from the antitrust laws', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41308'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41309', 'headtext': ' Cooperative agreements and requests', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41309'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41310', 'headtext': ' Discriminatory practices', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41310'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41311', 'headtext': ' Gambling restrictions', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41311'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41312', 'headtext': ' Ending or suspending foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41312'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41313', 'headtext': ' Plans to address needs of families of passengers involved in foreign air carrier accidents', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41313'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41501', 'headtext': ' Establishing reasonable prices, classifications, rules, practices, and divisions of joint prices for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41501'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41502', 'headtext': ' Establishing joint prices for through routes with other carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41502'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41503', 'headtext': ' Establishing joint prices for through routes provided by State authorized carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41503'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41504', 'headtext': ' Tariffs for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41504'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41505', 'headtext': ' Uniform methods for establishing joint prices, and divisions of joint prices, applicable to commuter air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41505'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41506', 'headtext': ' Price division filing requirements for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41506'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41507', 'headtext': ' Authority of the Secretary of Transportation to change prices, classifications, rules, and practices for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41507'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41508', 'headtext': ' Authority of the Secretary of Transportation to adjust divisions of joint prices for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41508'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41509', 'headtext': ' Authority of the Secretary of Transportation to suspend, cancel, and reject tariffs for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41509'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41510', 'headtext': ' Required adherence to foreign air transportation tariffs', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41510'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41511', 'headtext': ' Special prices for foreign air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41511'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41701', 'headtext': ' Classification of air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41701'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41702', 'headtext': ' Interstate air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41702'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41703', 'headtext': ' Navigation of foreign civil aircraft', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41703'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41704', 'headtext': ' Transporting property not to be transported in aircraft cabins', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41704'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41705', 'headtext': ' Discrimination against handicapped individuals', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41705'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41706', 'headtext': ' Prohibitions against smoking on passenger flights', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41706'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41707', 'headtext': ' Incorporating contract terms into written instrument', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41707'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41708', 'headtext': ' Reports', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41708'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41709', 'headtext': ' Records of air carriers', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41709'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41710', 'headtext': ' Time requirements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41710'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41711', 'headtext': ' Air carrier management inquiry and cooperation with other authorities', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41711'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41712', 'headtext': ' Unfair and deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41712'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41713', 'headtext': ' Preemption of authority over prices, routes, and service', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41713'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41714', 'headtext': ' Availability of slots', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41714'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41715', 'headtext': ' Phase-out of slot rules at certain airports', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41715'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41716', 'headtext': ' Interim slot rules at New York airports', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41716'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41717', 'headtext': ' Interim application of slot rules at Chicago O’Hare International Airport', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41717'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41718', 'headtext': ' Special rules for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41718'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41719', 'headtext': ' Air service termination notice', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41719'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41720', 'headtext': ' Joint venture agreements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41720'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41721', 'headtext': ' Reports by carriers on incidents involving animals during air transport', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41721'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41722', 'headtext': ' Delay reduction actions', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41722'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41723', 'headtext': ' Notice concerning aircraft assembly', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41723'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41901', 'headtext': ' General authority', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41901'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41902', 'headtext': ' Schedules for certain transportation of mail', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41902'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41903', 'headtext': ' Duty to provide certain transportation of mail', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41903'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41904', 'headtext': ' Noncitizens transporting mail', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41904'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41905', 'headtext': ' Emergency mail transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41905'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41906', 'headtext': ' Duty to oppose unreasonable prices under the Universal Postal Union Convention', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41906'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41907', 'headtext': ' Weighing mail', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41907'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41908', 'headtext': ' Effect on foreign postal arrangements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41908'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41909', 'headtext': ' Renumbered §\u202f41906]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41909'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41910', 'headtext': ' Renumbered §\u202f41907]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41910'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41911', 'headtext': ' Repealed. Pub. L. 110–405, §\u202f2(b)(7)(A), Oct. 13, 2008, 122 Stat. 4289]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41911'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '41912', 'headtext': ' Renumbered §\u202f41908]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/41912'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46101', 'headtext': ' Complaints and investigations', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46101'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46102', 'headtext': ' Proceedings', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46102'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46103', 'headtext': ' Service of notice, process, and actions', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46103'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46104', 'headtext': ' Evidence', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46104'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46105', 'headtext': ' Regulations and orders', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46105'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46106', 'headtext': ' Enforcement by the Department of Transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46106'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46107', 'headtext': ' Enforcement by the Attorney General', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46107'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46108', 'headtext': ' Enforcement of certificate requirements by interested persons', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46108'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46109', 'headtext': ' Joinder and intervention', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46109'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46110', 'headtext': ' Judicial review', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46110'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46111', 'headtext': ' Certificate actions in response to a security threat', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46111'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46301', 'headtext': ' Civil penalties', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46301'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46302', 'headtext': ' False information', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46302'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46303', 'headtext': ' Carrying a weapon', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46303'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46304', 'headtext': ' Liens on aircraft', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46304'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46305', 'headtext': ' Actions to recover civil penalties', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46305'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46306', 'headtext': ' Registration violations involving aircraft not providing air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46306'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46307', 'headtext': ' Violation of national defense airspace', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46307'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46308', 'headtext': ' Interference with air navigation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46308'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46309', 'headtext': ' Concession and price violations', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46309'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46310', 'headtext': ' Reporting and recordkeeping violations', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46310'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46311', 'headtext': ' Unlawful disclosure of information', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46311'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46312', 'headtext': ' Transporting hazardous material', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46312'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46313', 'headtext': ' Refusing to appear or produce records', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46313'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46314', 'headtext': ' Entering aircraft or airport area in violation of security requirements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46314'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46315', 'headtext': ' Lighting violations involving transporting controlled substances by aircraft not providing air transportation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46315'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46316', 'headtext': ' General criminal penalty when specific penalty not provided', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46316'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46317', 'headtext': ' Criminal penalty for pilots operating in air transportation without an airman’s certificate', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46317'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46318', 'headtext': ' Interference with cabin or flight crew', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46318'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '46319', 'headtext': ' Permanent closure of an airport without providing sufficient notice', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/46319'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47101', 'headtext': ' Policies', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47101'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47102', 'headtext': ' Definitions', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47102'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47103', 'headtext': ' National plan of integrated airport systems', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47103'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47104', 'headtext': ' Project grant authority', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47104'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47105', 'headtext': ' Project grant applications', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47105'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47106', 'headtext': ' Project grant application approval conditioned on satisfaction of project requirements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47106'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47107', 'headtext': ' Project grant application approval conditioned on assurances about airport operations', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47107'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47108', 'headtext': ' Project grant agreements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47108'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47109', 'headtext': ' United States Government’s share of project costs', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47109'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47110', 'headtext': ' Allowable project costs', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47110'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47111', 'headtext': ' Payments under project grant agreements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47111'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47112', 'headtext': ' Carrying out airport development projects', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47112'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47113', 'headtext': ' Minority and disadvantaged business participation', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47113'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47114', 'headtext': ' Apportionments', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47114'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47115', 'headtext': ' Discretionary fund', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47115'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47116', 'headtext': ' Small airport fund', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47116'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47117', 'headtext': ' Use of apportioned amounts', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47117'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47118', 'headtext': ' Designating current and former military airports', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47118'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47119', 'headtext': ' Terminal development costs', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47119'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47120', 'headtext': ' Grant priority', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47120'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47121', 'headtext': ' Records and audits', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47121'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47122', 'headtext': ' Administrative', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47122'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47123', 'headtext': ' Nondiscrimination', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47123'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47124', 'headtext': ' Agreements for State and local operation of airport facilities', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47124'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47125', 'headtext': ' Conveyances of United States Government land', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47125'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47126', 'headtext': ' Criminal penalties for false statements', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47126'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47127', 'headtext': ' Ground transportation demonstration projects', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47127'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47128', 'headtext': ' State block grant program', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47128'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47129', 'headtext': ' Resolution of disputes concerning airport fees', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47129'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47130', 'headtext': ' Airport safety data collection', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47130'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47131', 'headtext': ' Annual report', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47131'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47132', 'headtext': ' Repealed. Pub. L. 106–181, title I, §\u202f123(a)(1), Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 74]', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47132'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47133', 'headtext': ' Restriction on use of revenues', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47133'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47134', 'headtext': ' Airport investment partnership program', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47134'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47135', 'headtext': ' Innovative financing techniques', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47135'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47136', 'headtext': ' Zero-emission airport vehicles and infrastructure', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47136'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47137', 'headtext': ' Airport security program', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47137'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47138', 'headtext': ' Pilot program for purchase of airport development rights', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47138'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47139', 'headtext': ' Emission credits for air quality projects', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47139'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47140', 'headtext': ' Increasing the energy efficiency of airport power sources', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47140'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47141', 'headtext': ' Compatible land use planning and projects by State and local governments', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47141'}, {'Title': '49', 'Section': '47142', 'headtext': ' Design-build contracting', 'cleanpath': '/uscode/text/49/47142'}], 'Statutes at Large': [], 'Public Laws': [], 'Presidential Documents': []}