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Do You Have To Pay Taxes On Your Coronavirus Stimulus Check?

Getting a payment won't mean a higher tax bill for 2020, but the amount of your stimulus money could ultimately change.

Last April, the government sent the first round of direct payments to Americans as part of the larger coronavirus stimulus package. In January, a second round of stimulus checks began going out, and Congress is currently working out the details of a third payment.

While the money is much needed by those who lost income as a result of the pandemic, many are wondering whether there’s a catch. Will the money be taxed later? Is it simply a tax refund advance that will need to be paid back next year?

If you’re confused about how stimulus payments affect your taxes, you’re not the only one. Here’s what you need to know.

Are stimulus checks taxable?

The short answer: no.

The stimulus payments are actually a new type of refundable tax credit that will ultimately be computed based on your 2020 tax return information, according to Mark Jaeger, director of tax development for TaxAct.

Technically known as “economic impact payments” in IRS parlance, the first stimulus checks received in 2020 were valued at up to $1,200 per qualifying adult and up to $500 per qualifying dependent child under the age of 17.

A tax credit is not actually income. Instead, it’s a specific amount of money that taxpayers are allowed to deduct from total taxes owed. Unlike tax deductions, which reduce your taxable income, credits are a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your overall tax bill. And since tax credits are not income, they can’t be taxed as such.

So why are these tax credits being awarded in the form of a check?

“Instead of Americans having to wait to file their 2020 tax return in order to claim this credit, the CARES Act permitted the Treasury Department to advance these credits to the American people,” explained Logan Allec, a certified public accountant and founder of personal finance blog Money Done Right. Likewise, the second round of checks worth up to $600 per qualifying adult and child dependent, will be claimed on your 2021 taxes.

Does getting a stimulus payment mean a smaller tax refund next year?

You may have seen some claims spreading on social media that the stimulus payments are simply a refund advance, and will be “taken out” of your tax refund for 2020. That’s not the case. “The stimulus payment is an advance of an entirely new credit,” Allec said.

He shared this example: Say the stimulus payments didn’t exist and you would be eligible for a $1,000 refund on your 2020 tax return.

Now let’s come back to reality where the stimulus does exist and you were eligible for a $1,200 payment in 2020. In this case, the refund reflected on your 2020 tax return would be $2,200 (your original $1,000 refund + the $1,200 thanks to the new credit). However, the government already sent you that extra $1,200 in advance in the form of a stimulus check.

So now, all else being equal, you would receive the same $1,000 refund on your tax return that you would have received if the new tax credit (and the related stimulus payments) had never been created.

In other words, if you qualified for a stimulus payment in 2020, your refund this year will actually be larger than usual, but you got that extra chunk last year. Alternatively, if you owe taxes, your tax liability will be reduced in the same manner. And the same is true for 2021 taxes: If you received stimulus payments this year, you’ll officially claim that credit when your file taxes in 2022.

Your stimulus check amount could change based on 2020 tax info.

Even though you won’t have to pay income taxes on your stimulus checks, you will still need to report that you received them. Jaeger noted that since the first two stimulus payments were calculated against a prior year’s tax return (2018 or 2019, whichever is most recently available to the IRS), the amount you ultimately receive will be reconciled against your 2020 tax information when you file this tax season. There are three scenarios that could potentially come of that, he said.

For most tax filers, the credit will equal the stimulus payment they received, which leads to a net $0 on the 2020 tax return. “This scenario includes tax filers whose tax situation didn’t change much from the prior year to 2020,” Jaeger said.

In some cases, the tax credit will end up greater than the stimulus payment you received. Tax filers who fall into this situation include anyone who gains a new child dependent in 2020 or whose AGI was above the stimulus threshold in 2019 but fell below it in 2020. If this happens, the difference will either be added to your refund or further reduce your total tax bill. Additionally, the IRS has stated that if you didn’t receive the full credit amount you were supposed to in advance ― for example, you received the $1,200 for yourself, but not the $500 for each of your qualifying children ― you will be made whole on your 2020 tax return.

On the other hand, it could turn out that your stimulus payment was greater than the credit once it’s reconciled on your tax return. “Tax filers in this scenario would be anyone who has a dependent that turned 17 in 2020 or whose income increased over the threshold in 2020 but was under the threshold in 2019,” Jaeger said.

What’s yet to be seen, Allec noted, is whether the IRS will require those who received more stimulus money than they were entitled to repay the overage on their 2020 tax return. Although the CARES Act states that Americans whose stimulus payments ended up being too high should not have to pay back the difference, the IRS hasn’t released official guidance on this point.

One scenario in which the IRS has already pushed back, however, is with stimulus payments sent to dead people. The IRS erroneously sent out payments to deceased individuals and is now advising survivors to return the money. It’s not clear what the consequences are for failing to do so.

correct number of exemptions on your W-4 and end up having too much tax withheld from each paycheck. And that’s money you could have used to pay off debt or socked away to collect interest.

Ideally, you should have just enough withheld from your paychecks to break even at the end of the year.","credit":"Douglas Sacha via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e8390b4250000ec006b6e7f.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"US Treasury federal tax return check","credit":"Douglas Sacha via Getty Images","width":5472,"height":3648,"ops":""},"title":"Getting a big refund in April","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e83917b250000e40005860c.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":5616,"height":3744,"credit":"vitapix via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e839184c5b6a1bb764ec968","caption":"Whenever you file taxes, you have to choose a status. \"This choice determines almost everything on your tax return and is made at the beginning of the process, yet most people don’t understand the basic options available to them,” said Ryan McInnis, founder of Picnic Tax.

If you’re single with no kids, choosing the right filing status might seem obvious. But married couples, single parents and caretakers might have a tougher time choosing the right one.

For example, McInnis said most married couples choose “married filing jointly,” even though there are many situations when this isn’t the optimal choice. “Say you or your spouse have a large amount of out-of-pocket medical expenses and one spouse has a much higher gross income than the other spouse. Because you aren’t able to deduct medical expenses until they exceed 10% of gross income, it may be better to file separately so that the spouse with the lower income can deduct the medical expenses on their own return,” he said.

There are countless other examples, too. For instance, single parents who have a qualifying dependent and pay for more than half the total cost of running the household may qualify to file as “head of household,” which increases the standard deduction. You can also be considered unmarried if your spouse didn’t live with you for the last six months of the year.","credit":"vitapix via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e83917b250000e40005860c.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"couple at home, applying for credit via online application","credit":"vitapix via Getty Images","width":5616,"height":3744,"ops":""},"title":"Claiming the wrong filing status","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e8397ee240000d600d55fcc.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":4997,"height":3497,"credit":"Tetra Images via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e839829c5b65dd0c5d56b96","caption":"It might seem silly, but sending in tax returns late is one of the biggest mistakes taxpayers make. “With the increasing popularity of e-filing, many people wait until the last minute to submit their returns and don’t complete their email transmission until after the 11:59 p.m. deadline on April 15 (or October 15, if they are on extension),” said Gary Scheer, a registered financial consultant, certified senior advisor, author and speaker.

It’s always a good idea to give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to file, just in case any last-minute issues come up. And if you send your return by mail, Scheer recommends sending your documents by certified mail with registered receipt requested.If you are a freelancer, contract worker or business owner, you especially need to pay attention to important tax deadlines throughout the year. “By far, the most common mistake I see is people failing to make estimated income tax payments and then getting assessed the failure to pay and sometimes even failure to file penalties by both the IRS and their state taxing authority,” said George Birrell, a certified public accountant and founder of Taxhub.

The good news is this penalty is waived for certain taxpayers: those who owe less than $1,000 in taxes after subtracting their withholdings and credits, or those who paid at least 90% of the tax owed for the current year or 100% of the tax shown on the return for the prior year, whichever is smaller.","credit":"Tetra Images via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e8397ee240000d600d55fcc.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Woman holding a calendar on April 15th","credit":"Tetra Images via Getty Images","width":4997,"height":3497,"ops":""},"title":"Missing tax deadlines","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e839a9b240000dc00d55fce.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":7360,"height":4912,"credit":"Somsak Bumroongwong / EyeEm via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e839ac1c5b6a1bb764eef6e","caption":"You know you need to report the income you earned through your job, though you may wonder if you really need to include other small earnings, too. Though it might not seem like a big deal to leave out a check or two from your income for the year, it’s not a good idea.

“Every statement of income you get in the mail at tax time also gets sent to the IRS,” explained Andy Panko, an enrolled agent and owner and financial planner at Tenon Financial LLC. “Whether you intentionally or mistakenly leave off one of the items of income, the IRS will pretty easily catch it and eventually request it from you.”

Depending on the amount of the missing income and the length of time it takes for the IRS to catch it, you could owe a sizeable amount in underpayment penalties, late payment penalties and interest, Panko said. Sure, there’s a chance you’re never caught, but it that’s a potentially expensive risk to take.","credit":"Somsak Bumroongwong / EyeEm via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e839a9b240000dc00d55fce.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Cropped Hand Holding American One Hundred Dollar Bills On Table","credit":"Somsak Bumroongwong / EyeEm via Getty Images","width":7360,"height":4912,"ops":""},"title":"Not claiming all your income","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e839914240000ca00d55fcd.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":4288,"height":2848,"credit":"emmgunn via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e839916c5b6a1bb764eeb3a","caption":"You don’t necessarily need to hire a professional to do your taxes, but if you take the DIY route, be sure you’re fully aware of the tax credits and deductions available. One in five tax filers who prepare their own returns miss out on an average of $460 in write-offs, for a collective $1 billion each year, according to H&R Block.

A few commonly missed deductions, according to Panko, include those for medical expenses, teachers’ classroom supplies, business use of your home and property damage caused by federally-declared disasters. Common credits that get missed are child and dependent care credits, credits for higher education expenses and the earned income credit for those with incomes below a certain level.

“The U.S. tax code is incredibly convoluted, and therefore, it’s difficult to know what you don’t know. As such, it’s generally a good idea to either do your taxes using professional software or have them done by a credentialed tax return preparer,” Panko said.","credit":"emmgunn via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e839914240000ca00d55fcd.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"A close up of Schedule A for itemizing deductions for United States income tax.Click here for more income tax images:","credit":"emmgunn via Getty Images","width":4288,"height":2848,"ops":""},"title":"Missing out on valuable deductions and credits","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e8399e8250000d400058619.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":5122,"height":3415,"credit":"amana productions inc via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e8399f0c5b65dd0c5d56f95","caption":"On the flip side, you might be more inclined to spend money assuming you’ll be able to write off the expenses at tax time. However, with major changes that were made to our tax code in 2017, many of those write-offs may no longer exist, especially for self-employed taxpayers. “Because these are fairly recent changes, taxpayers can overlook this and spend more in ways that will no longer benefit them, said Stephanie Hammell, a wealth advisor at LPL Financial.

For example, entertainment expenses are no longer deductible at all, though meals during entertainment events are still tax deductible. “But if you’re planning to take out clients to an impressive dinner, weigh out the tax implications first ... there’s now only a 50% deduction available, and this is only if the self-employed individual is present during that time and that impressive dinner isn’t too extravagant,” Hammell said.","credit":"amana productions inc via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e8399e8250000d400058619.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Four businesspeople having lunch in sushi restaurant","credit":"amana productions inc via Getty Images","width":5122,"height":3415,"ops":""},"title":"Relying on outdated write-offs","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5e839b5c2700006000a6764a.jpeg","queryParams":{},"width":6000,"height":4000,"credit":"Mohd Izuan Md Yusop / EyeEm via Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"5e839b91c5b6a1bb764ef141","caption":"If you’re running short on time during tax time and need to file an extension, you’re welcome to do so. However, an extension only grants you more time to submit your tax return, not more time to pay up.

“If you file for an extension, you are supposed to send payment for what you may possibly owe,” said Daniel Slagle, a certified financial planner who co-owns Fyooz Financial Planning with his wife. “If you don’t, you may owe additional penalties and interest.” So be sure to have that cash handy come April 15, even if you don’t officially file until October.","credit":"Mohd Izuan Md Yusop / EyeEm via Getty Images","creditUrl":"","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"5e839b5c2700006000a6764a.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Photo taken in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia","credit":"Mohd Izuan Md Yusop / EyeEm via Getty Images","width":6000,"height":4000,"ops":""},"title":"Misunderstanding how an extension works","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null},"provider":null}],"options":{"device":"desktop","editionInfo":{"id":"us","name":"U.S.","link":"https://www.huffpost.com","locale":"en_US"},"slideshowAd":{"scriptTags":[{"attribs":{"type":"text/javascript"},"scriptBody":"\r\n(function(){\r\n \r\n \r\n var sizes = '300x250';\r\n var rotationEnabled = true; // Ads rotate/refresh when in view\r\n var requireViewable = false; // Ads appear when element is in view\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n sizes = '300x250,300x600';\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n var flightModuleSize = '300x250';\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n var overrideSizesMap = {\r\n '6x2': '300x250,300x600,6x2'\r\n };\r\n if ( overrideSizesMap.hasOwnProperty(flightModuleSize) ) {\r\n sizes = overrideSizesMap[flightModuleSize];\r\n }\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n var type = '' || 'RR-MULTI-GAL_ATF';\r\n \r\n jacJill.createPosition(\r\n type, '963887077', 'ad-jac-slideshow_300x250_req', 'slideshow_300x250_req', sizes,\r\n { requireViewable: requireViewable, rotationEnabled: rotationEnabled }\r\n );\r\n return;\r\n})();\r\n"}],"otherHtml":"
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7 Common Tax Mistakes That Can Cost You Big