The University of KansasEgiaztatu kontua


We wear masks. We physically distance. And most of all, we Rock Chalk.

Lawrence Kansas
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@UnivOfKansas blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @UnivOfKansas desblokeatuko.

  1. It's true what they say: Distance makes the heart grow fonder. We've really missed this view.

  2. Desegin
  3. KU’s fight song, “I’m a Jayhawk,” includes a syncopated clap pattern. Whether you’re new to this tradition or just never got the hang of it, now’s a good time to practice.

  4. (e)k Bertxiotua
    abu. 24

    Our best selves: Always learning, constantly innovating, respecting others. Welcome back, Jayhawks! You are KU's purpose and our inspiration! everywhere

    , , eta beste 7
  5. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 14 ordu

    These students are practicing impeccable social distancing while viewing the Common Work of Art! Our event goes until 3PM today and all KU students are welcome to stop by to tour the galleries and do an art making activity.

  6. ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| _ ┻┳| •.•) Wash your hands, wear a ┳┻|⊂ノ mask, keep 6 feet apart, ┻┳| and Rock Chalk.

  7. abu. 24

    How is KU protecting students and staff from the COVID-19 virus? Watch as Chancellor Douglas A. Girod responds to questions about masks, physical distancing, group gatherings, COVID-19 testing, contract tracing, and more. 📹 WATCH:

  8. abu. 24

    Campus has been uncharacteristically quiet since the spring. With the start of the fall semester, Jayhawks are back and ready to once again raise our chant — and our voices.

  9. abu. 24

    Campus has been uncharacteristically quiet since the spring. With the start of the fall semester, Jayhawks are back and ready to once again raise our chant — and our voices.

  10. abu. 24
  11. abu. 23

    It’s the first day of Hawk Week, so we’d better celebrate the bird, right? After all, to be a Jayhawk, you should know the history of the Jayhawk. This video tells the tale of our favorite fabled bird.

  12. abu. 22

    If you plan to attend virtual Hawk Week events with maximum pizazz, we’ve got your back — your backgrounds, that is. Choose from a variety of images custom-made for this festive week. 📲

  13. abu. 21

    A KU research center has published a new edition of writing guidelines for describing people with disabilities, which includes discussion of a shift in some communities to a preference for language showing disability pride.

  14. abu. 21

    Hawk Week is only two days away. Have you picked your perfect lineup of events? Info sessions, open houses, and food giveaways are sure bets. Build a Hawk Week that works for you in the app.

  15. abu. 21

    The event list for Hawk Week is now live! We hope you’re ready to join in, meet up — and eat up — with other new Jayhawks all week. Open the app and build your custom schedule.

  16. abu. 20

    With over 200 trees and small wildlife, Marvin Grove, just east of KU’s Campanile, has been a natural getaway for decades — as this scene from the 1940s attests. It was named for Chancellor James Marvin, who planted the first trees in 1878.

  17. abu. 20
  18. abu. 19

    Is a new beauty trend called “fox eye” racist against Asians? CNN calls on Kelly H. Chong, a KU sociology professor, to explain how the makeup trend is cultural appropriation.

  19. abu. 19

    Masks reduce the spread of COVID-19, so be sure to wear one whenever you’re on campus. More tips: 🔴 Masks should fit snugly and cover your mouth, chin, and nose. 🔵Wash or dispose of your mask after each use. 🔴 Wash your hands before and after touching your mask.

  20. abu. 18

    We know a guy who's bringing the crimson and blue to an Animal Crossing island near you. He's , assistant professor of journalism at @kujschool. Rock Chalk, Ever!


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