What would i do ?

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What would i do ?

Post by meredithsmith » Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:12 pm

Hi guy,

What would you do if you were me? I'm in the UK and looking for a change. I have 2 syndicated radio shows that are broadcast around the world on FM, AM and online stations.

The shows are broadcast in countries as far afield as New Zealand, Spain, China, America and of course the UK. Whilst I enjoy doing what I do, I really want to do something different.

I'd love the opportunity to work for a small to mid-sized oldies station in America, to be able to do oldies from a British perspective (50's - 80s) and to become part of the community, getting involved with station related in the broadcast area.

While I realise it's easier said than done in the present climate, I feel that I could bring an different outlook to the format. I'm a great lover of radio and don't feel it's dying. However I think it sometimes needs a fresh perspective.

I suppose my question is this. How would you start your quest if you were in my shoes?

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Re: What would i do ?

Post by charlietrece » Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:44 pm

I'd buy a new pair of shoes.

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Re: What would i do ?

Post by bradymma » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:57 am

I would hold off. Radio in America is in a pretty challenging place because of Covid-19. Revisit this thought in a year and focus on what you're doing for now.

It's a struggle to do much and anything that is being done is being done well by those who are really part of the community.

I say this with no ill-will and I hope it doesn't come off rude, but outsiders won't be as welcomed anywhere on the radio right now. Listeners are looking for anything that seems stable and consistent. Americans want to go back to their old way of life before Covid happened. There's comfort right now in familiarity.

There's no telling where our economy is going to go because it's very unstable at the moment. You'd be out of your mind to come to America and hope for the best.

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Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:35 am

Re: What would i do ?

Post by kayburton89 » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:24 am

One cannot but agree, now everything is very unstable, even in the most previously reliable areas, everything is very unpredictable. People loved and will continue to love music, but how much money will be invested in the development of radio stations? The question is extremely difficult, winter is approaching, let's see what the epidemiological situation will be. From spring it will be clear whether there is a ray of hope or everything will be even worse.

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