Mandalay vice mayor, MCDC members resign

Mandalay vice mayor, MCDC members resign

Approximately half of the Mandalay City Development Committee members have resigned as a sign of protest against the Tatmadaw’s forced transfer of power.

This includes the vice mayor, said former member of the committee U Kyaw San Myint.

The committee comprised 13 members who were selected from six townships and appointed by the regional government.

"Six committee members including vice mayor U Ye Mon have submitted resignations. The other resigning members are U Khaing Myint (Aung Myay Tharzan), U Kyaw Zaya (Chan aye Tharzan), U Kyaw Zaw Aung (Maha Aung Myay), Daw Thit Sin and me," said U Kyaw San Myint.

They resigned despite the military’s proposal for them to continue their duties.

"(The military) held a discussion with us this morning. They asked if we can continue our duties as the municipal committee needs to continue operating as usual. We can also resign if we cannot do it,” said the former committee member.

“We decided to resign because we stand with the people." he said. - Translated
