TGEU aims to create change at the European level to improve the situation of trans people at the local level. TGEU represents trans people politically and publicly and advocates for their human rights.

TGEU has long-standing experience in engaging and awareness raising with European institutions. Thus, we provide information to and engage with European and international institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, and the OSCE.

Our advocacy work has contributed to achieving significant trans-inclusive developments at the Council of Europe (Recommendations of the Committee Ministers on Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 2010(5); Commissioner for Human Rights’ work on trans issues) and the European Union (see our overview of trans-relevant EU law) and its EU agencies (EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s LGBTI research, including its 2014 Being Trans in the EU Report and EIGE’s expert forum). TGEU also advocates for the protection of the human rights of trans and gender-variant people through the usage of the EU external-action policies.

These are very powerful tools and mechanisms that can benefit trans people. TGEU has been contributing to these processes with written submissions, presentations, and interventions on the experiences and demands of trans people and their communities.

To help clarify and establish human rights for trans people, we support strategic court cases and engage in selective legal action. To this end, we make use of third-party interventions (amicus curiae) and collective complaints. With Trans Legal Net, we have also created the first European network of legal professionals representing trans clients in court.

TGEU works in solidarity with other organisations and movements, such as ILGA-Europe and OII Europe. TGEU is a proud member of Social Platform and participates actively in the FRP – Fundamental Rights Platform.

Through this work, TGEU aims to contribute to a Europe where every person can live openly, according to their gender identity and without interference, enjoy their human rights, and share full equality in all spheres of life.