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Washington, D.C.
Joined April 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    15 Dec 2020

    Coming in February 2021: “Inheritance” A project about American history, Black life, and the resilience of memory (1/2)

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  2. "The federal government does not exclusively kill men and women who are on death row. It maintains a kill list of people whom it condemns to die in secret and kills with drones," writes:

  3. Biographies of Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover, Abraham Lincoln, and more both clarify and complicate presidential legacies in this week's . From :

  4. Netflix’s “Bridgerton,” like many viral new Instagram accounts, satisfies a particular pandemic-induced craving: the need for anonymous gossip, writes.

  5. Retweeted

    In a welcome critique of the death penalty, Sonia Sotomayor recently wrote that prior to the Trump Admin the feds hadn't executed anyone in 17 years. The claim was misleading. On America's shadow death row, the executions are frequent and extrajudicial.

  6. Retweeted

    Republicans "continue to be addicted to Donald Trump,” said new chair , expressing Democratic optimism about 2022. “They’re so hooked on Trump, they forgot about the voters they need to win in competitive districts.”

  7. Andy and Gabe have taken a walk to give each other a high five once a week for the past six years—continuing the tradition even after Gabe got sick with a brain infection and lost his memory. They talk with for The Friendship Files:

  8. "I cannot remember a presidential address in which the values of the speaker’s faith were as evident as in this one—and not through loud exhortations of piety but through statements and commitments reflecting compassion and empathy," writes:

  9. Retweeted

    Me on Biden’s speech, from a “how inaugural speeches are usually put together” perspective

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    6 hours ago

    These two friends walked 30 minutes to give each other a high five every week for six years. Then one of them lost his memory, and something amazing happened in the hospital.

  11. Joe Biden and the Democrats are hoping a different approach will help them defy historical trends as they look ahead to the 2022 midterms, reports:

  12. Retweeted

    NEW - Biden's team would very much like to have more of a celebration by next January 20 - a "renewing of the vows," as some are calling it. Here's how they hope to get there:

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  13. Retweeted

    “Unity” has become a common refrain, but it’s not what the country needs at this moment. on President Biden’s challenge ahead:

  14. "Thinking in terms of root causes and nonpunitive interventions is never ridiculous, even when the target is right-wing extremism," and write:

  15. The battle to contain the pandemic enters a new phase. The latest Atlantic Daily, by :

  16. "The federal government does not exclusively kill men and women who are on death row. It maintains a kill list of people whom it condemns to die in secret and kills with drones," writes:

  17. Disunion was a cornerstone of the Trump administration. If President Biden wants to achieve unity, it will require clear policy initiatives that address the transgressions of the past four years. writes:

  18. “From a distance, the hum of the highway sounded like waves crashing into land. In his bed, he would pull the covers over his head and imagine being in the ocean. Alone and at peace.” Read a new short story by Brontez Purnell:

  19. The country’s future now rests in the hands of a generation that won’t be around to see the outcomes of its decisions. Read 's latest:

  20. "Orifice in Chief, father of grief, we’ve drifted into a starless dream with you." James Parker's latest poem is a dark farewell to the Trump presidency:

  21. "The Biden administration must resist pressure from members of Congress and others who are urging an unconditional return to the JCPOA," and write:


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