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Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009


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    "We are not arresting people because of their political affiliation," Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says police is arresting suspects who have breached laws based on evidence

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    WATCH: Vlad Tenev, co-founder and chief executive officer at Robinhood Markets, discusses why he decided to restrict buying on 13 securities on the platform

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    Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says there is no indication that China will take action against banks that comply with U.S. sanctions

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    WATCH: "We are obviously all about access and we're going to stand for the individual investor," says Vlad Tenev, CEO and co-founder of Robinhood, the trading app popular with investors behind this month’s wildest stock swings via

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    WATCH: Robinhood is in "constant communication" with regulators, says CEO and co-founder Vlad Tenev. But he declined to elaborate on whether regulators were in contact before the app restricted trading of stocks like GameStop, Nokia and AMC

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    WATCH: Robinhood CEO and co-founder Vlad Tenev defends decision to restrict trading of stocks like GameStop, Nokia and AMC. "I think these situations are different ... and these are unprecedented times in the past couple weeks," he says

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    Bloomberg’s asks Robinhood CEO and co-founder Vlad Tenev if he was prepared to deal with the avalanche of complaints. Here’s what he had to say via

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    That brings to a close! Thank you to all who participated or tuned in. Special thank you to our sponsors and for making these conversations possible! Missed the event? Catch the recap here!

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    What about the day's news -GameStop? "It's analogous to social platforms generally. When you create this wide-open space, democratize investing as brands itself as doing, and you have it in a deregulated environment already it creates a runaway train"

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  11. "There is a lot of sloppy behavior". discusses the retail mania hitting the markets with &

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  12. Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian tells the "root" of the GameStop trading frenzy is "a financial system that has gone unchecked for a long time"

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  13. COMING UP: Vlad Tenev, CEO and co-founder of Robinhood, the trading app popular with investors behind this month’s wildest stock swings. Watch on

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  14. Nothing has gripped the market this week more than the moves in stocks like GameStop and AMC. Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and others discuss the effect of retail traders

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  15. Robinhood is said to have drawn down some of its credit lines with banks. This is according to people with knowledge of the matter. Details ⬇➡

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    How can we combat vaccine hesitancy? Chief Scientist , "People rather than being anti-vaccine just want more information. They have questions they want answered. We need to start communicating about how it was developed, how it's assured quality."

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    Where are we when it comes to vaccine data collection? Dr. of talks with . "What we are already seeing is incomplete data. Only 17 of the 50 states are actually reporting racial and ethnic demographic data."

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    .' talks with 's about when it's fair to assess how equal distribution has been. "A minimum of six months. It's unprecedented that several vaccines have been developed within 12 months of a new pathogen being discovered."

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  19. Interactive Brokers took steps to curtail trading in GameStop and other high-flying stocks today. "We are worried about the integrity of the marketplace and the system,” says chairman Thomas Peterffy.

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    How is building its business in China? CEO Stephen Squeri discusses with . "We think China is really going to be a good growth opportunity for us. The brand does resonate very well within China."

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