Girl laying on bed using tablet, image of the Golden Gate Bridge in the background

Your personal information,
in your hands

The California Consumer Privacy Act requires companies to include certain disclosures including "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" links on their websites and mobile applications. We do not sell information that identifies who you are to anyone. You have always been able to opt out of certain sharing. Now we're making it even easier to manage and set your preferences.

Please visit our Privacy Policy anytime to learn more about our privacy practices. There, California residents can also read about their rights.

Account Based Choices

When you subscribe to our Services, information linked to your account may be used or shared to conduct audience measurement, perform analytics, or deliver personalized advertising.  You can set your preferences by logging in to your account.

Opt out of all You can opt out of all the activties described here through a single click or manage individually with the choose your preference button below.

Choose Your Preferences
Audience measurement

Audience Measurement

Choose whether to be counted in external video ratings reports.
Icon of web advertisement

Digital Advertising

Choose whether some of the ads we provide on our websites and mobile apps are personalized based on your interests.
Icon of TV with Ad

Video Advertising

Choose whether some of the ads you see in your video programming are personalized based on your interests.
Dollar sign with slash over top

Affiliate Sharing

Choose whether we share household level information with other companies within the Comcast family of businesses.

Device-Based Choices

Our sites and applications use cookies and other technologies that collect information from your device.  You control how we and online platforms use this information for advertising and online analytics through your device settings or directly with these other platforms and services.

Web browser icon with ad

Interest-Based Advertising

Set your preferences for how advertisers customize the ads you see on this device.
Laptop icon with data on screen

Social Media

You can set your social media account settings to opt out of some of the advertising we participate in by visiting these opt-out pages:
Mobile icon with stats on the screen


You can use your browser controls or go directly to our providers to disable third party analytics on this device:

Communications from Xfinity

You're in control of your Xfinity communications. Let us know the best way to contact you, and whether you'd like to opt out of any communications.

Sales calls

Calls, SMS, Mail Advertising, and In-Person Solicitation

Manage the way we contact you with marketing offers.
Icon of envelope

Marketing and Special Offer Emails

Decide what email marketing you’d like to receive.
Icon of a book with a padlock on the page

Want to know more about the companies that collect and sell information about you?

We may obtain information about you from other companies, sometimes called “data brokers.” When you opt out of our use or sharing of your information, it does not opt you out of the use or sharing by these other companies. To learn more about the companies that may provide us with this information and opt out of their use and sharing, visit California's or Vermont's data broker registries anytime.

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