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Publisher of Humanities, Social Science & STEM Books


Leading brands in Humanities and STEM publishing

Serving Specialist Communities

Taylor & Francis publishes over 7,000 new books each year and maintain a books backlist of around 145,000 titles, with a particular specialism in Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM content.

Through our two leading brands of Routledge & CRC Press, we are continuously digitising content and investing in technology to make scholarly thinking and research in book format searchable and usable, to maximise how easily it can be found and used by readers and researchers today.

Around 85% of all our books titles are available digitally, and all recently published or front list titles. Around 25% of our book sales each year are in eBook format.

Through our "badged series" - Psychology Press, Focal Press, Speechmark, Productivity Press, Eye On Education, and David Fulton - we are committed to publishing quality books that serve specialist communities. Whether for scholars and researchers, Higher Ed instructors, students, or professionals, our books help define fields of study, nurture curiosity, and give readers the competitive edge.

Routledge & CRC Press leading books

eBooks for Individual Purchase

Routledge.com offers eBook purchase and rental options on select titles through our third party partner - VitalSource.

We happily continue to offer more than 100,000 titles in ebook format in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Built Environment, and Law through most retailers and resellers:

  • Amazon Kindle
  • Apple iBookstore
  • Google eBooks
  • Ebooks.com
  • Kobo
  • Nook (Barnes & Noble)
  • Waterstones
  • Mobipocket
  • VitalSource
  • CourseSmart