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World Health Data Platform

World Health Data Platform


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This content is last updated on 4 January 2021.

(COVID-19) data

The latest data on the COVID-19 global outbreak.



Confirmed cases
Confirmed deaths

Geospatial Centre for Health

The WHO Geospatial Centre for Health connects maps, apps, data and people to support rapid public health decision-making.

Dating back to 1854, the seminal work of John Snow illustrates the power of mapping and geographic systems to respond to the cholera outbreak. Using GIS to intersect between spatial representation and public health planning will enable timely and reliable decisions that can save many lives.

WHO has an established history of using GIS and mapping to analyze spatial distribution and risk factor patterns, to identify, prevent and control diseases, and to improve the impact of public health interventions. 15 of the 17 SDGs  related to health rely on GIS, for example  monitoring air, water quality and sanitation, neglected tropical diseases (malaria, guinea worm, snake bites), Polio, and health emergencies.


WHO / Sebastian Oliel
Governmental health care workers consulting a map of a poor neighbourhood in Salto, where empty containers are a potential breeding site for mosquitoes.
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Data standards

ICD11 logo


International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The International Classifications of Diseases, of which ICD-11 is a major update, provides 17 000 diagnostic categories, over 100 000 medical diagnostic index terms and is usable online or offline.

ICHI logo


International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI)

The International Classification of Health Interventions provides a common tool for reporting and analyzing health interventions for statistical, quality and reimbursement purposes.

ICF logo


International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) assesses the overall functioning of an individual and aggregates data captured at the population level.

DDI bars icon

WHO Division of Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact