Multimedia Content Use Policies


Harvard University photographers are active on campus and around the world, providing insight into Harvard faculty and staff, news, and events. A large selection of these images are available for download by the members of the media, faculty, and staff.

Harvard University owns the copyright and all other rights to the photos appearing in this gallery. News organizations have Harvard University’s permission to publish the photos in connection with news articles about Harvard, provided that the photo is not altered in any way (other than for formatting purposes) and that such use does not state or otherwise imply the approval or endorsement by Harvard University or any Harvard School, unit, division, or affiliate of the article’s content, the news organization, or any other organization, person, product, or service. The display of the photo must credit Harvard University, preferably with the name of the photographer, when available.

If you are a member of the media seeking a stock image for a story, please see our stock photo gallery. If you would like to order a photo not available in this gallery, please submit an order form

If you are a member of the faculty or staff seeking to order a photo, you can do so via Webdam, a large library of stock images maintained by Harvard Public Affairs and Communications. 


Harvard University's YouTube channel shares video content about life and learning that takes place on campus and around the world. Media is welcome to embed Harvard videos and audio from our account, but as a general rule, Harvard University does not grant permission to alter or edit University footage. Should you have questions regarding the policy, please email


Harvard shares its world-class educational content via iTunes U and SoundCloud. Listen to Michael Sandel give his famous "Justice" lectures, learn about the intersection of science and cooking, or listen to Yo-Yo Ma perform Bach’s Suite No. 1 for Solo Cello.

Content from the Harvard Gazette

Unless otherwise noted, you can republish Harvard Gazette articles for free, provided you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • You can't state or imply that Harvard, the article, or anyone featured in the article endorses a particular product or service.
  • You cannot reproduce any Harvard insignia, shield, logos, or other marks without specific permission. 
  • You can't edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location, and editorial style. (For example, “yesterday” can be changed to “last week,” and “Cambridge, Mass.” can be changed to “Massachusetts” or “here.”)
  • If you're republishing online, you have to link to the original Gazette story, and include all of the links from our story.
  • You can't sell our material separately.
  • It's ok to put our stories on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories.
  • You can't republish our material wholesale, or automatically; you need to select stories to be republished individually.
  • You cannot republish our photographs without specific permission. For photo permissions, please email
  • You can embed Harvard videos and audio from our YouTube channel and SoundCloud accounts.
  • You have to credit us – ideally in the byline. We prefer “Author Name, Harvard Gazette.”
  • We do not generally permit translation of our stories into another language.

For any further questions about the use of Harvard-curated content, please contact HPAC at (617) 495-1585.