• This is a guide to installing Windows on your Apple Computer via the BootCamp Assistant, the method most GSD students prefer when needing to run Windows.
    • You will first need a copy of Windows if you do not have one already
    • You can obtain a copy of Windows 10 through the 3rd party vendor OnTheHub – the University has an agreement with the vendor to provide students software licenses and discounts.
    • Navigate to https://harvard.onthehub.com  and click on Personal Purchases
    • Windows 10 is the newest version and we recommend installing this version on any machine from 2012 to current model.





  • Once you’ve made the purchase you will be able to download the software – remember to save the Product Key and store it somewhere (such as email it to yourself)


  • Make sure to choose the 64-bit version of the download – the 32-bit version will not be able to take advantage of your computer hardware!
  • Now that you have your copy of Windows ready,
  • You can find the Boot Camp Assistant on your Mac in your Applications directory or by searching on your Mac.




It is important not to underestimate the amount of space you’ll need for Windows – once you choose this you will not be able to change it after

At least 100GB is recommended just for the Windows installation – remember you’ll still need space for your programs and files!

If you have the available space we usually recommend dedicating 150GB to Windows to avoid running out of space mid-semester!







  • Windows will now install – taking approximately 30 minutes to complete







     While Boot camp installer is running do not stop it, it will install all the necessary drivers to run Windows on your Mac, like sound and video track pad and keyboard tools. it is a very important step.

     After the computer has finished the install the first thing you should do is install all the available Windows Updates and turn on Windows Firewall and Windows Defender/Security Essentials

  • Many GSD-provided software will not function correctly unless you install these Updates!