Thomson Reuters Backstage

A monthly video series where we pull in experts from behind the scenes at Thomson Reuters and ask them the questions that you want answered.

Upcoming episodes


Are your future-proofed tax and accounting systems already obsolete?

December 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. ET

2020 has pressed the fast-forward button on many of our “future” plans. Remote work and cloud technologies became instant necessities, and our new way of working shed light on common challenges around data, systems, and processes.

Our brilliant team members at Thomson Reuters are busy at work on cloud technologies that drive new innovations and ideas. Join us as they talk about cutting-edge research and lab-tested solutions for real-world customer challenges.

On-demand episodes

What would you like to see in a future Backstage episode?

If you could ask the folks behind the scenes at Thomson Reuters anything at all, what would it be? Your idea could wind up making it into a future episode.