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ETDs @ Harvard - About

Supporting early-career scholars

ETDs @ Harvard is the University’s electronic theses and dissertation submission system. It is managed by each participating School and maintained by the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication.

Built on Vireo, open-source software developed by the Texas Digital Library, OSC developers have extended ETDs @ Harvard to be responsive to each participating School’s particular needs.

For students whose research interests are interdisciplinary and reach across Schools, and for Schools with multiple dissertation submission processes, this centrally managed, flexible tool streamlines the submission process for students, faculty, and administrators.

Dissertations that have been submitted through ETDs @ Harvard are piped to several downstream systems, including DASH, Harvard’s open-access digital repository, making the work openly available; HOLLIS+, Harvard Library’s catalog, making the work discoverable; and DRS2, Harvard Library’s digital preservation repository, preserving the electronic copy of the student’s thesis.

ETDs @ Harvard received the generous support of the Arcadia Fund.