
Congress Moves To Fix Medicare Enrollment, But Misses The Biggest Problem

Congress moved to fix some Medicare enrollment problems but missed the biggest one. The government still doesn't have to tell you about Medicare when you turn 65.

More from Retirement
Jan 12, 2021

The Legal Fallout Expected After The Capitol Riots

The American justice system is going to be very busy in both civil and criminal courts in the coming months as a result of the Capitol riot. It stands to reason that many of the individuals who will stand trial or plea bargain for having participated in this event will claim that they were misled.
Jan 10, 2021

After The Georgia Runoff What Tax Planning Should You Do NOW?

The Biden Administration may enact costly and harsh tax legislation affecting estate planning for wealthy clients. If you did not complete all the estate planning in 2020 that you should have you should act NOW! But 2021 planning presents unique issues that you should factor into your plan.
Jan 10, 2021

The Crazy Stuff We Do With Money—Explained

We all do crazy stuff with money, but psychologists and financial planners report good news: We aren't crazy. We're just byproducts of a vast collection of life experience. The even better news is that we can change. We can amplify our good money habits and muffle our bad. Here's how.