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2021 Literary Horoscopes

Rejoice: we are departing the earthy realm of 2020 and taking flight in the airy skies of 2021! Last year was a year of endings and pivotal shifts. In the coming year, we still have aspects that speak of dealing with change and collapsing old structures, but crucially, they also speak of more time spent envisioning and creating new structures to take the place of the old. As our recent Winter Solstice saw the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, we ushered in a new era. Now we are just in the very beginning. And beginnings are sometimes rocky, so buckle up for an exciting ride. For most of this year, both Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius, sign of society and community, futuristic plans, and brilliant minds. Our focus will be on those themes, which are about the way we will structure society in the future, hopefully for the good of all. Of course, people often disagree on what “for the good of all” means and how to get there. With Saturn squaring Uranus all year long, an aspect that happens every twenty-two years, we are living in the tension between security and freedom. We have to figure out how to build structures that free us, or live with the disruptions that come from ignoring the consequences of our actions. With Mercury’s retrogrades taking place in the cerebral air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra this year, and our eclipse cycle along the knowledge-oriented axis of Gemini and Sagittarius, we’ll spend a lot of time thinking and communicating on these themes. Which makes it an excellent year for reading! Get your thinking caps on, and your libraries stocked. The world needs your big ideas.
—Brittany Goss
