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Introduction to Chicago Tribune Archive

Viewing papers on Chicago Tribune Archive

The Chicago Tribune Archive viewer is a powerful tool that lets you explore a newspaper page in close detail, clip a page or article and print, save or share what you find.

Here are some of the Viewer's key features:

Viewer Sample Screen Shot

Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Next Page:
  • Previous Page:
  • Zoom in: +
  • Zoom out: -
  • Info panel: i
  • Find on page: f
  • Print or Save: p or s
  • Share: shifts

Print & Download

When you find something on Chicago Tribune Archive that you would like to have a copy of you can print the image directly from the viewer or you can download the image and save a digital copy.

To print or save from the Viewer

  1. Click the Print/Save button in the viewer's tool bar.
  2. Choose all or part of the image.
  3. Choose to print or save the file.
  4. If saving, follow the instructions to choose where you would like to save the image and, if you would like, change the filename but keep the ".jpg" at the end.
  5. If printing, follow the instructions for printing.


Clippings are an easy way to keep track of interesting things you find on Chicago Tribune Archive.

To clip an article, just click the "Clip" button in the viewer, move and resize the clipping box around the article you want to clip, and, if you want, add a title or description for the clipping. Clippings are sorted by “Clips By Me” and “Clips By Everyone”. Additional filters can be applied as you choose.

Clippings on Chicago Tribune Archive

Me/Everyone selector on Chicago Tribune Archive

Save things you like

Once you've clipped something, it is saved to your clippings list where you can easily find it again. Just click on the "Clippings" link at the top of the page. You can also get to this list by clicking the arrow next to your member name in the upper right of the page and selecting "My Clippings."

Share interesting stories you find

You can easily share clippings by email or on Facebook, Twitter or other social sites. When you share a clipping, your friends can see the image even if they don't subscribe to Chicago Tribune Archive.

Privacy settings

By default, clippings you make are "public" (other people will see what you've clipped on the Clippings page, in search, or on your profile). You can hide your clippings from the public with privacy settings found in the Clipping Settings page in Your Account.

If you click the settings icon at the top of the My Clippings list page, you can change the default setting so that new clippings are not public.

Save to

Saving a Search

The "Save/Notify" button on the search results page lets you save a search that you want to try again later.  Saving a search also sets a notification for that search.  We will automatically search the millions of new pages we add each month and email you when we add something with matches for your saved search.

Save a Search on Chicago Tribune Archive

Save a Search on Chicago Tribune Archive

You can see and delete searches you've saved on your profile page. You’ll find links to that page in the list of links under your Membername in the upper right of the site (when you are signed in), on the “Account Details” page and among the links at the bottom of most pages.

Following a Paper or Person

If there are particular newspapers on the site that you are interested in or if you find another user whose research you find valuable, click the "Follow" button on paper's page or the person's profile.  When you follow a paper, we'll notify you when we add new pages for that paper or when someone clips an article from it.  When you are following a person, we'll notify you when they do something new on the site.

You can see and delete papers or people you are watching on your profile page. You’ll find links to that page in the list of links under your Membername in the upper right of the site (when you are signed in), on the “Account Details” page and among the links at the bottom of most pages.

Profile Pages

Profile page on Chicago Tribune Archive

Chicago Tribune Archive Member profile of grant42

Each Member of Chicago Tribune Archive has a Profile Page that includes information about them and displays clippings they have made.

My Profile

You can update your profile to:

  • Include a photo that represents you.
  • Specify your general location.
  • Share your interests in the About Me section.
  • Choose whether or not to allow other members to contact you.

Other Members' Profiles

Profile Pages of other Members can be a great way to find interesting information. When you find an interesting clipping on Chicago Tribune Archive, you will see the image and member name of the person who made it. Clicking on the member name will take you to the profile page of that member where you'll find other things that member has clipped.

When you find other Members with interests similar to yours, you can clip their profile to be notified when they add something new and, if they allow it, contact them to get more information or share an insight.

Manage Account Details

Your Account Details page is private and cannot be accessed by other Members.

Go to Account Details when you need to:

  • Change your Member Name, password or email address.
  • Change your subscription settings.
  • Change communication settings.
  • Link your Facebook account to Chicago Tribune Archive account
  • Update billing information