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A comprehensive Digital Government Strategy aimed at delivering better digital services to the American people was launched on May 23, 2012. The strategy builds on several initiatives, including Executive Order 13571Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service, and Executive Order 13576Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government.

U.S. Government agencies are asked to “build a 21st century digital Government that delivers better digital services to the American people.”

One of the components of the digital strategy, open data, was further promoted though Memorandum M-13-13, Open Data Policy-Managing Information as an Asset. The Open Data Policy has as its goals to increase operational efficiencies at reduced costs, improve services and support mission needs, to safeguard personal information and to increase public access to valuable government information. This page publicly reports the U.S. Department of State’s progress in meeting the requirements of the Digital Government Strategy and implementing the Open Data Policy. The Open Data Plan, which contains the Inventory Schedule, is listed below. A description of the open data (metadata) available or planned to be available is posted at www.state.gov/open-government-initiative/. The format of the open data metadata is located on the Project Open Data website. The Project Open Data website is a collection of supporting code, tools, and case studies designed help agencies adopt the Open Data Policy and help users unlock the potential of government data.

Another component of the digital strategy is achieving efficiency, transparency, and innovation through reusable and open source software as described in Memorandum M-16-21 Federal Source Code Policy (FSCP).

In order to comply with the FSCP, an inter-bureau working group within the State Department has drafted policy to address the technical implementation of the FSCP mandates.

The Department’s FSCP policy document is available on the FAM website. The Department’s FSCP Working Group is building a Departmental Source Code Inventory and Repository, leading to the work of State computer coders being available to other government agencies and computer analysts worldwide. The Department of State will also continue to participate actively in the bi-weekly interagency coordination meetings facilitated by OMB as it strives to achieve the objectives of the policy memorandum.

Comments or questions on the Department’s Digital Strategy may be sent to OpenGov@state.gov. Comments or questions on the FSCP Working Group may be sent to FSCPWorkingGroup@State.Gov.

IT Leadership Directory

Directory in html format: https://www.state.gov/it-leadership-directory/ 
Directory in .json format: http://www.state.gov/digitalstrategy/bureaudirectory.json

State Department Documents


Report in .json format: http://www.state.gov/digitalstrategy.json
Report in .xml format: http://www.state.gov/digitalstrategy.xml
Report in .html format:  https://www.state.gov/digital-government-strategy-report-for-the-department-of-state/


U.S. Department of State

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