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Energy & Environment

Vox's coverage of climate change, renewable energy, conservation, and other environmental issues

Featured stories

Natural disasters are increasing. The world’s poorest are left to fend for themselves.

Help is available, but it’s not getting to those who need it most.

How affluent people can end their mindless overconsumption

Every energy reduction we can make is a gift to future humans, and all life on Earth.

Big electric trucks and buses are coming. Here’s how to speed up the transition.

Why we need policies to reduce meat consumption now

A young Ugandan climate activist’s challenge to Joe Biden

Jeff Bezos plays it safe on his $10 billion climate giveaway

I Am Greta is an intimate, vulnerable documentary about the teen behind the headlines

The Earth itself could provide carbon-free heat for buildings

How Joe Biden could make Brazil his first “climate outlaw”

Why the Biden administration should establish a Department of Climate

It’s official: 2020 is the busiest Atlantic Hurricane Season on record

The world’s strongmen are silent so far on Joe Biden’s election win

How Joe Biden plans to use executive powers to fight climate change

Europe’s leaders on climate change are the first to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden

Joe Biden will be president, but there will be no Green New Deal

Live results: Nevada renewable energy ballot initiative

The US just left the Paris climate agreement

Why fracking got so much airtime in the home stretch of Trump’s campaign

Filed under:

A second Trump term would mean severe and irreversible changes in the climate

Daylight saving time ends Sunday: 8 things to know about “falling back”

Trump’s “Sharpiegate” grudge may have cost NOAA’s acting chief scientist his job 

We have to accelerate clean energy innovation to curb the climate crisis. Here’s how.

Cars too dangerous and dirty for rich countries are being sold to poor ones

Big Oil’s hopes are pinned on plastics. It won’t end well.

Why the record low Arctic sea ice this October is so alarming

The absurd controversy over Joe Biden’s “transition away from the oil industry”

Typhoon Molave battered the Philippines. Vietnam is next.

What Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation will mean for Joe Biden’s climate plan

Colorado is fighting its largest wildfire in history. Other massive blazes are close behind.

Trump might be surprised to learn most Americans want more wind and solar


Why American public transit is so bad

Swing-state Pennsylvanians are divided on fracking. Here’s why.

A stranded oil tanker at risk of spilling in the Caribbean looks to be safe — for now

We asked Joe Biden’s campaign 6 key questions about his climate change plans

We must burn the West to save it

Geothermal energy is poised for a big breakout

The world is worried about the coronavirus. It’s equally concerned about climate change.

Why Trump flip-flopped on California disaster relief

What’s causing climate change, in 10 charts

How the world’s biggest emitter could be carbon neutral by 2050

How the 137 million Americans who own stock can force climate action

Tropical depression Delta brings heavy rain and wind to the Gulf Coast