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First Person

First Person

First-person essays and interviews with unique perspectives on complicated issues.

Meet the voters who switched parties in 2020

From vote-switchers to first-time voters, here are a few of the new converts to both the left and right this election.

I paid off all my student loans. I still support student loan forgiveness.

Love, delayed

As the pandemic rages on, single people are feeling the anxiety of missed opportunities.

A Pennsylvania poll worker explains the painstaking process of counting votes

The best $475 I ever spent: A kayak that made me appreciate where I come from

Why so many people have started journaling during the pandemic

How ballots are actually counted, explained by 3 election officials

Money Talks: The father and son running a coffeehouse together

Support for Trump is tearing apart Vietnamese American families

3 small-business owners on life after shutting down

During the worst summer of our lives, I didn’t have internet. It was the best.

The best (or worst) $20,000 I ever spent: The money to start a small business

What it’s like to be enrolled in a Covid-19 vaccine trial with your entire family

Why one small-business owner shut down her shop for a month

A millennial moved back in with her parents. Her mom maybe wants her to stay forever.

The 6 types of tidy people: A comic

The great hypocrisy of California using Indigenous practices to curb wildfires

The often-overlooked reasons why young people don’t vote

Here’s what it’s like to vote from inside prison

Money Talks: The small-business owners who just started another one

“I can’t sit this one out”: 6 expats on why voting from abroad is so important this year

I’m a contact tracer. Trump’s advice not to fear Covid-19 is dangerous.

My family had the same virus as Trump, but not the same privilege

The best $96 I ever spent: A Keurig to show my mom I love her

How Trump’s attempted WeChat ban would devastate Chinese American families like mine

“I don’t want to be a nurse, a purse, or worse”: 5 seniors on dating online

The hell that is remote learning, explained in a comic

The best $40 I ever spent: A not-quite-tarot deck

From BTS fandom to video games: How 4 new friendships formed during lockdown

Meet the students thriving in remote learning

I did Shop With a Cop as a kid. Now I realize it was police propaganda.

The best $141 I ever spent: A skateboard

The NBA strike is a big moment for athlete activism — and the labor movement in America

What it’s like working at the polls in the middle of a pandemic

1 in 3 Black Americans knows someone who died of Covid-19. These stories capture the toll taken by the disease.

“I miss my friends a lot”: 5 students on the uncertainty of school openings

“For the first time in my life, I had money in my savings”: Workers on the relief of the $600 weekly benefit

The unexpected joy of the worst summer of our lives

The best 80 cents I ever spent: A pen I use to write to my friends

3 renters on getting screwed over by landlords during the Covid-19 housing crisis

A police officer killed my father 27 years ago and went unpunished. It changed my life forever.