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  • Online Meetings for Presenters

Online Meetings for Presenters


With online meetings, you can:

  • Invite up to 250 people
  • Invite both attendees who have Skype for Business and those who don’t
  • Include multiple presenters
  • Share content and give over control
  • Record audio and visual content

Best Practices for Presenters

  • Set up and test your audio devices before starting.
  • Join your meeting early to upload your content.
  • Include as much detail in the meeting agenda as possible.
  • If it is your group's first time using Skype for Business, consider scheduling a pre-meet to make sure everyone can get logged in.
  • Set your screen display to 1024 x 768 pixels for the best viewing experience (800 x 600 portrait for tablet PCs).
  • Mute participants who cause a poor audio experience.
  • Enlist the help of an assistant for larger meetings.

Schedule an online meeting

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Scheduling an online Skype for Business meeting is very similar to scheduling a regular meeting. You must use the Outlook desktop software and be signed in to Skype for Business when you schedule the meeting.

To create an online meeting or conference call request:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and select Calendar.
  2. In the Calendar view, on the Home tab, click New Skype Meeting. In Outlook 2010, select New Online Meeting. Or, create a new meeting and select Skype Meeting in the Meeting tab.
    new skype meeting
  3. An automatically generated footer will appear with a hyperlink to the online meeting and a phone number and conference ID to join by phone. NOTE: Do not modify any of the existing text in the meeting request. Doing so may prevent people from joining the meeting.
  4. In the meeting request, in the To box, type the email addresses of the people you want to invite to the meeting, separated by semicolons. By default, Skype for Business will include assume all attendees are presenters. To change this, see Change meeting access and presenter options7.
    BEST PRACTICE: Add individual email addresses when possible. If you are using a distribution list or an Outlook group, expand the group. If you invite individuals, you can later specify individuals as presenters in the advanced meeting options.
  5. (Optional) In the meeting request, on the Meeting tab, in the Show group, click Scheduling Assistant. Use the Scheduling Assistant to ensure that everyone is available during the time you choose.
  6. In the meeting request, in the Subject box, type a subject for the meeting.
  7. By default, the location will appear as Skype for Business Meeting. If you are also holding an in-person meeting at the same time, add the room and reserve it as you normally would.
  8. (Optional) In the body of the meeting request, above dotted line, type additional meeting details.
  9. Include instructions for others to join: Those using the Skype for Business Web App for the first time will need to download a small plug-in file to be able to share video and audio. Your attendees can join the meeting ahead of time and install the plug-in file.

Recurring meetings - what to keep in mind

If you are using the default meeting options, you will reuse the same meeting space. Which means you could see some materials from meetings held in the past 15 days. TIP: It's best practice to put an end date on a recurring meeting that is less than a year away.

Schedule a meeting on behalf of someone else

At this time, delegates cannot schedule Skype for Business meetings on behalf of someone else without using a workaround.

  1. Have the person create a Skype for Business meeting in Outlook and invite you.
  2. Copy the meeting join information in the footer.
  3. Create future Skype for Business meetings by creating a new meeting request and pasting the meeting join information from the previous meeting into the invitation.
  4. Complete and send the meeting request as you normally do. 

Change meeting access and presenter options

By default, Skype for Business will reuse the same meeting space for all of your meetings and make all invitees presenters. Presenters can display content and take over the presentation. They can also join the meeting directly and will not have to wait in a virtual lobby. For a small and casual meeting with people inside your company, use the meeting default options and skip changing the settings.

For larger audiences (more than 10-15 people), meetings when you’re presenting confidential information, or external customers, you will want to change the settings in Meeting Options to create a new meeting space and control permissions. This creates a more private meeting space and lets you control participation.

How to change meeting access and presenter options:

  1. In the Skype for Business online meeting request, in the Online Meeting group, click Meeting Options.

    skype meeting options
  2. To change the meeting options, select A new meeting space (I control permissions).
    skype meeting options

    TIP: If you want to always use this option, click Remember Settings at the bottom of the window, so that all your future meetings automatically have a new ID and the permissions you select.
  3. You will now be able to specify advanced options for the meeting. Accept or change the default options as required. Then, select OK or Remember Settings if you’d like to save as your default settings.
Virtual Lobby:

By default, anyone joining as an attendee will automatically wait in a virtual lobby until admitted to the meeting by a presenter. Presenters and attendees who call in by phone will bypass the virtual lobby and join the meeting. You can specify people who don’t have to wait in the virtual lobby by using the drop-down menu.




Only me, the meeting organizer

You are the only one who gets into the meeting directly. Everyone else has to wait until admitted.

You have a high security meeting and confidential information.

People I invite from my company

Only people who were invited join the meeting directly. Everyone else has to wait until admitted.

You’re discussing confidential information, and want to only allow specific people to join.

Anyone from my organization

Anyone from your company can get in to the meeting directly, even if not invited.

You don’t have external participants and you are not discussing confidential information.

Anyone (no restrictions)

Anyone who has access to the meeting link gets in to the meeting directly.

You’re inviting outside participants and you’re not discussing confidential information.

Announce when people enter or leave:

This option makes it so that everyone can hear the names of people joining or exiting. We highly recommend to leave this option unchecked. In medium to large meetings, it can be incredibly distracting to get the automatic entry and exit announcement.

Who’s a presenter?

Here you can choose who gets to be a presenter in your meeting. Remember that all presenters have full control over the meeting, and can share content, record the meeting (except when using Skype for Business Basic, which doesn’t support recording), change the meeting options, mute people, and other meeting tasks.

  1. Using the drop-down menu under Who’s a presenter, select People I choose.
  2. Click the Choose presenters button.
  3. You will see a list of everyone on the invite under attendees. Select those individuals that you would like to be presenters and move them to the Presenters column by clicking on Add >>. TIP: If you've added a distribution list to the meeting request, you may need to expand the list before being able to select individuals as presenters.




Only me, the meeting organizer

Only you as the meeting organizer will have presenter permissions.

Use when the participants don’t have to interact with the meeting content. You can designate additional presenters during the meeting if you change your mind.

Anyone from my organization

Anyone from your company will be a presenter.

Suitable for causal meetings with your teammates, where all participants can share and modify content.

Anyone (no restrictions)

Everyone you invite will be a presenter.

Use when you have external participants and want them to present.

People I choose

You and the people you choose.

 Pick this option when you want specific people to be presenters.

Options for limiting participation:

If you are setting up a large event or want to eliminate interruption, you can mute all attendees, disable meeting IM or prevent them from using their webcam, by checking the boxes below:

  • Disable IM – You may want to disable Instant Messaging and instead use a Question & Answer session in the meeting, which allows for a more guided dialogue.
  • Mute all attendees
  • Block attendees’ video

These settings apply only to attendees. Presenters can always share audio and video in the meeting.


Getting set up for the meeting

Set up or upload presentation content

You can log in well in advance of the meeting and upload or create any content you’d like to share in the meeting. For example, if you know that you’d like to conduct a poll in the meeting. You can join the meeting the morning before the meeting and set up the poll. If you plan to share a program during the meeting, you will want to launch the program before the meeting begins.

To find presentation materials during the meeting:

  1. Within the meeting, hover over the monitor icon and select Manage Presentation Content.
    manage presentable content
  2. You will see a list of all presentable content and can start or stop presenting or remove content.

Create a contact group

It can be helpful to create a contact group within Skype for Business with all of the attendees before the meeting. This will allow you to instant message everyone at once if something should come up before the meeting. If someone should accidentally leave the meeting, you can quickly drag and drop them from your contacts list to the meeting window to add them back in. Note: At this time you can only add contacts from KU or organizations who have chosen Open Federation within Skype for Business. For more information, see Contacts & Groups10.

Running your meeting in a conference room

It’s a good idea to give yourself time to get the room ready before your meeting starts, to make sure Skype for Business is set up to work with the room audio and video devices.

If multiple people are in the same conference room, only one computer should log on to the meeting to prevent audio feedback unless multiple presenters will be sharing content. If additional computers must log on, they should choose Don't join audio when initiating the meeting.

In addition, if you have a speaker presenting at a podium, and moderators assisting with the meeting, you will want to make sure that the person who is signed at the podium is unmuted and the audio devices set up.

How to project a Skype for Business meeting:

  1. If you’re using the room projector, connect the cable to your computer and select the appropriate display. Press the Windows key + P to start the display. You can choose one of the following options:
    presentation options
    • Duplicate - shows your desktop on both your computer monitor and the room projector. TIP: Microsoft recommends selecting Duplicate so you can see the meeting both on your monitor and the room display.
    • Extend - extends your desktop from your computer monitor and the room projector.
    • Projector only - shows your desktop only on the room projector.
  2. Set your screen display to 1024 x 768 pixels for the best viewing experience (800 x 600 portrait for tablet PCs).
    • Right-click on your desktop and left click on Screen Resolution.
    • Click the drop-down menu by Resolution.
    • Click and drag the slider to 1024 x 768. Note: The resolution might not appear until you drag over it.
       screen resolution

How to select and test your audio device:

Before using Skype for Business with your meeting, select your audio device and check the quality. You can use your computer’s mic and speakers or plug in a headset. Skype for Business-certified devices work best, but it is possible that other devices will work.

  1. Connect to the conference speaker and/or microphone devices.
  2. Launch Skype for Business. You may need to go to the Start Menu > All Programs > Microsoft Office 2013 > Skype for Business 2013.
  3. Click Select Primary Device using the drop-down menu in the lower-left corner of the Skype for Business interface, then click Audio Device Settings.
    audio device settings
  4. Pick your device from the Audio Device menu, and adjust the speaker and microphone volume, as needed.
  5. Select Check Call Quality to record a message and hear it played back.
    checking call quality
  6. Once you are satisfied with the audio quality, click OK.

How to prepare to record the meeting:

Remember to plug your laptop into a power source.

Starting the meeting

With Skype for Business, starting a meeting is the same as joining the meeting. Note: At this time, you cannot start a meeting by using the call-in number and conference ID.

How to start or join a meeting:

Online instructions for all users are located at <<<Need to update>>>8. Include these directions in your meeting invite. 

Because you are from KU and have Skype for Business software on your PC, the meeting will launch in your desktop software after you do one of the following:

  • Click on Join Skype for Business Meeting in the Outlook meeting request.
  • From the Microsoft reminder pop up, click Join Now.
  • From the Skype for Business Calendar view, double-click the Skype for Business meeting. (It will appear in blue.)

Use the recommended audio settings.

How to admit attendees from the virtual lobby:

By default, attendees joining the meeting through the Skype for Business Web App, who sign in as a guest will wait in a virtual lobby until a presenter admits them. Note: Presenters and attendees who call in will bypass the virtual lobby and directly join the meeting.

  1. When attendees are waiting in the virtual lobby, a yellow bar will appear in the meeting window.
  2. Click on either Admit to admit all attendees waiting in the lobby or See Lobby to admit individual attendees.
At the beginning of the meeting, remind participants of best practices:
  1. Use a wired Internet connection whenever possible. If you are experiencing audio or visual issues, you may need to switch to a wired internet connection, close the meeting, and then rejoin the meeting.
  2. Use a recommended Skype for Business audio device.
  3. Mute your audio unless you are speaking. Remind the audience on how to mute and unmute themselves.
  4. If you are joining a meeting alongside other attendees in the same room, use only one computer to log on to the meeting to prevent audio feedback.



Conducting the meeting


When you record a Skype for Business Meeting, you capture audio, video, instant messaging (IM), screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard, and polling. Any of the presenters can record a meeting and save it on their computers.

How to record your meeting:

  1. Click the ellipses icon in the lower right corner of the meeting, then Start Recording. Note: If the recording option is dimmed, your audio might not be connected. Click the mic/phone icon to connect audio, then try again.

    Starting a recording
  2. Use the controls at the bottom of the meeting to pause, resume, or stop the recording.
  3. To see who else is recording, hover over the red recording button.
  4. When you’re done, click the ellipses icon and choose Stop Recording or select the stop button.
    stop a meeting recording
  5. Skype for Business automatically saves the recording in MP4 format that plays in Windows Media Player.
  6. You can exit the meeting while the recording is being processed.

Best practices for recording a meeting:

  1. Notify meeting attendees when you are recording and if you plan to distribute to others.
  2. Make sure you are plugged in to a power source.
  3. Once you are finished recording, use a service such as KU’s Media Hub, mediahub.ku.edu11, to upload and share your media. See After the Meeting12 for more information.

Participant controls

On the people menu, you see a list of the participants and can access a contact card with a right-click on the names. If you’re a presenter, you’ll have access to other controls, such as muting the audience or inviting more people.

How to view and change participant rights:

  1. Pause on the people icon to manage participants individually or as a group:
    • To add additional participants, click Invite More People, and find or select the people you want to invite. Note: This only works for KU contacts or members of organizations that have chosen Open Federation. See How to invite others to the meeting on the fly.13
    • To mute, unmute, make presenter/attendee, or remove from the meeting, on the Participants tab, right-click a person’s name and use the options.
  2. To control the rights for multiple attendees at once, click the Attendees icon and then the Actions tab.
    participants button

    participant actions
    • Mute Audience to eliminate background noise.
    • No Meeting IM to disable instant messaging (IM) during the meeting.
    • No Attendees Video to block attendees from starting video.
    • Hide Names to hide the names on the pictures.
    • Everyone an Attendee to reduce the number of presenters if you have too many.
    • Invite by email to send email invitations to additional people.
  3. Select an option:​

How to invite others to the meeting on the fly:

The best way to invite others to a meeting on the fly is to send them the meeting join information. You can do this by:

  • Forwarding the original meeting request to the individual. Or,
  • Within the Skype for Business meeting, select the ellipses icon > Meeting Entry Info > Copy All Info.

    meeting entry info panel

    You can now paste that information into an email or instant message and send it to a new participant.

Skype for Business has many options for collaboration during conversations and scheduled meetings. You can show your entire desktop or just selected programs. In addition, you can give over control to others, which will enable them to control what’s being shared oF your computer. You can conduct polls, share interactive whiteboards, and hold Q & A sessions.

Keep in mind that you need to be a presenter to share presentable content. By default, all meeting invitees and conversation participants will be designated as presenters. If the sharing option is grayed out, ask one of the presenters to give you presenter access.

Note: Meeting attendees who join using the mobile app will not be able to see collaborative content.

view of meeting collaboration panel

You will find all of the presentation options by clicking on the present icon.

  • Present Desktop when you have to switch between programs, or work on documents from different programs. If you are using multiple monitors, you can choose to share one or both monitors.
  • Present Programs when you want to present specific programs or documents, and you don’t want people to see anything else on your computer.
  • Present PowerPoint files when you to give a more formal presentation using PowerPoint slides. Presenters will be able to cycle through the slides independently and share annotations.
  • Click More... to
    • Present a whiteboard when you want to collaborate on something visual or brainstorm. You can also copy and paste meeting notes into a whiteboard and participants will be able to add to them. When you’re done, you can save the whiteboard as a PNG.
    • Create and conduct a poll to gather quantifiable feedback from all online meeting participants. Polls are anonymous, and you can choose to hide results from attendees.
    • Add Q & A (question and answer) to provide a structured environment for answering questions during the meeting. This can be especially helpful in large meetings with multiple presenters. Attendees can ask questions, which appear for presenters to answer.

Presenting content

NOTE: While you are sharing, your Skype for Business status changes to Presenting, and you won’t receive instant messages or calls.15

  1. In a meeting or conversation, select the present icon  at the bottom of the window.
  2. Choose the option that you'd like or select More... to see more options. 
  3. You should now see the presenter’s toolbar at the top of the window if you are sharing your desktop or program.
  4. On the sharing toolbar, at the top of the screen, use any of these options:
    • Click Give Control to share control of your desktop or programs with the participants. For details, see Give and take control of a sharing session.
    • Select the blue pushpin to hide the toolbar and have more space. To un-hide the toolbar, move the mouse to the top of the screen. When the sharing toolbar appears, use any of the controls or click the pin again to keep the toolbar visible.
  5. Choose Stop Presenting in the presenter’s toolbar to stop sharing.

If you want a meeting attendee to share their screen, give them  presenter access, so they can use the controls. If they don’t use Skype for Business, they can still log in and use the web interface to present.

Share primary, secondary or all monitors:

If you have more than one monitor, you can select the present icon and choose Present desktop... You will see a preview of your monitors, and you can choose which one or both to share. When you share All Monitors, the sharing toolbar opens on your primary monitor.

Share a program

How to share a program:

  1. Launch the program you’d like to share.
  2. Select the present icon and select Present program...
  3. Skype for Business will display all of the programs you currently have open. Select the program you’d like to share.
  4. You will now be presenting the program. The window with the program will appear to have a yellow outline, and you’ll see the presenter’s toolbar at the top. You can use the options on the presenter’s toolbar to give control to others and end the presentation.

Give and take control of a sharing session

If you want another meeting participant to change a document, help you present, or demonstrate something, you can grant control to that person. You’ll both be in control of the sharing and you can take back control at any time.

  1. On the sharing toolbar, click Give Control.
  2. Select the name of the person you want to give control to.

Skype for Business sends a notification to that person to let them know you’re sharing control.

  1. To take back control, click Give Control on the sharing toolbar again, and then click Take Back Control.

TIP: You can enable people to automatically take control of your sharing session at any time, by clicking Give Control Automatically on the sharing toolbar. We recommend that you select this option only in small and casual meetings. To take back automatic permission, click Give Control on the sharing toolbar, and clear Give Control Automatically.

Share a PowerPoint

Giving a PowerPoint presentation is an effective way to get your ideas across. It lets you present your ideas visually and organize them in highlights to make them more memorable.

Use the meeting controls such as annotation tools, presenter notes, and switching presenters, to help you during your presentation. You can even make the slides available for downloading to all attendees to review after the meeting.

To upload your PowerPoint presentation:

It’s a good idea to upload your presentation in advance and practice with the presentation tools so you’re comfortable using them in the meeting.

  1. Select the present icon and choose Present PowerPoint.
  2. Find your presentation, and double-click it to upload in the meeting.
  3. To move the slides, use the arrows at the bottom of the meeting, or the arrow keys on your keyboard. You can also use the Thumbnails.
  4. Click Notes to see your presenter notes (visible only to you).
  5. If a slide contains a video, pause on the slide to unhide the video controls, such as PlayPause or Stop. The audio plays for participants who used computer audio when joining.
  6. Any animations in the slides play just like they do outside the Skype for Business Meeting.
  7. Press F5 on your keyboard to go to full-screen view, and Esc to go back to normal view.
  8. Click the Annotations button on the right side of the slide to unhide the tools and draw, stamp, highlight, and so on. See later in this article for more information.

To view slides privately:

If someone else has uploaded and started sharing a PowerPoint presentation, you can move ahead or back to view the slides privately, or take control of the presentation. Please note that you must be designated as a presenter to do this.

  1. Tap or click the slide, then use the arrows at the bottom of the meeting to move through the slides.

This won’t interrupt the meeting, and you’ll be able to return to the slide that the presenter is currently showing at any time. Just select Return to Presenter’s View.

Create a whiteboard

A Whiteboard is a blank page that you can use to work together with other meeting participants by being able to type notes, draw, or import images. When your meeting is over, you can save the Whiteboard with the data from the participants’ collaboration.

For more on interactive whiteboards, see Microsoft’s website.

Create and conduct a poll

Conducting a poll is a great way to get measurable feedback on a question. Polls are anonymous, and you can choose whether to hide or show results to attendees. You can export the results as a PNG.

  1. Select the present icon.
  2. Choose more and select Poll.
  3. Give your poll a name.
  4. Type a question to ask with the poll.
  5. Provide choices.
  6. Select Create to distribute to everyone in the session.

TIP: You can join your meeting and create a poll before your meeting starts.

Enable Q&A

Enabling Q&A (question and answer) provides a structured way for collaboration during the meeting. Any presenter can initiate the Q&A session. Attendees and presenters can ask questions, but only presenters can answer.

Note: When you initiate a Q&A session, meeting instant messaging will be turned off until the Q&A is over.

  1. Hover over the monitor icon and choose Q&A. If there are no other content presented, the content stage opens and displays the Q&A manager for all participants. If other content is active, the Q&A tab displays as a new tab next to the Presentation tab.
  2. When a question is submitted, any of the presenters can click Answer and type a reply. Then press Enter on the keyboard to post the answer.
  3. If you’re presenting content when a question is submitted, you’ll see a notification about the new question. You can click the Q&A tab at any time to answer the question, and then go back to Presentation tab to continue your presentation.
  4. If you start typing an answer and change your mind, click Cancel to answer later, or for another presenter to pick up the question.
  5. Click the Unanswered tab to filter for the questions that haven’t been answered yet.
  6. At the end of the session, click Stop Q&A. When Skype for Business asks if you want to enable IM, click Allow All Meeting IM, or click X on the notification if you want to keep the IM off.
  7. If you want a record of the Q&A session, click Save As, type a name and save the file on your computer. Q&A is saved in Notepad and contains the questions, answers, time stamps and the names of attendees and presenters who participated.

How to send and receive files:

  1. Pause over the monitor icon and select the Attachments tab.
  2. Select Add Attachment.
  3. Browse your computer, select the file, and select Open.

Record Meetings

When you record a Skype for Business Meeting, you capture audio, video, instant messaging (IM), screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard, and polling. Any of the presenters can record a meeting and save it on their computers.

Please note:

  • You’ll need to plug into a power source to record a meeting.
  • Unlike with Adobe Connect, the recording of the meeting is saved on your local computer. Once the meeting is finished, the video will need to process. To share the video, you’ll need to upload it to a host, such as mediahub.ku.edu to be able to share with a URL.
  • When you begin recording, all attendees are notified.

To record a meeting or conversation

Before beginning to record, plug in to a power source.

  1. In the meeting window, click More Options , and then click Start Recording.
  2. Use the controls at the bottom of the meeting room to pause, resume, or stop the recording.

After the recording is stopped, Skype for Business will process the recording and save it in a format that plays in Windows Media Player.


Ending the meeting

How to end a meeting:

  • If you just want to exit the meeting and let others stay connected, simply close the meeting window.
  • To remove everyone from the meeting, click the ellipses icon and then click End Meeting. Click OK on the prompt to continue. This closes the window and disconnects everyone from the meeting, including those participants who called in.

    end meeting



After the meeting

Play and share a recording

Once your meeting is over, any recordings will need to process on your machine. This can take several minutes depending on the length of your video. When your recording has been processed, you can access it to play or send to others. Skype for Business displays a message when the recording is ready. You can click the alert to open Recording Manager, or if you miss that, click on the black drop-down button on the Skype for Business main window, then choose Tools > Recording Manager.
recording manager

TIP: Once they have processed, recordings are saved in the Videos/Skype for Business​ Recordings folder on your computer.

To play your recording:

  1. In the Recording Manager window, click your recording to highlight it, then click Play on the right side of the window. You can also rename or delete your recording here.

To share your recording using KU's Media Hub:

You will need to first upload the recording to a media hosting service, such as KU’s Media Hub. From there, you will get a URL to share with others or embed on a Web page.

  1. Log in to your media hosting service. To use KU’s Media Hub, go to mediahub.ku.edu17 and log in with your KU Online ID and password.
  2. Click on Media Upload in the left navigation.
  3. Click on + Choose a file to upload.
  4. Locate the recording by going to your Videos Folder.
  5. On a PC, go to Libraries, Videos, and then Skype for Business Recordings.
  6. Select the recording and click on Open.
  7. The recording will first upload. When it has finished, you will see a message saying, “Finished uploading!” Click on Go to media page.
  8. Depending on the size of your video file, it may take a few seconds to several minutes to process. Once it has finished, you will see a preview of the video. Click on Share to locate the URL or the code to embed it on a Web page.


Other notes

For advanced Skype for Business users, there is a work around allowing you to start an impromptu meeting and invite others. This can be a great way to practice using the features within a meeting.

To start an unscheduled or impromptu meeting by instant message:

  1. Select one or more contacts.
  2. Right-click and select Send an IM. (You can also right-click on a group’s name in your contact list.)
  3. Add voice, video, or collaboration features using the icons at the bottom of the instant message window.

To start an unscheduled meeting by using the Meet Now command, follow these steps:

  1. Open Skye for Business, and in the Skype for Business main window, click the Show Menu black arrow to the right of the Options button, and then click Meet Now.
    meet now within skype for business
  2. In the conversation window, click the Skype for Business People Options button invite others icon, and then do one of the following:
    1. To invite people from your Contacts list, click Invite by Name or Phone Number, type a phone number or select one or more contacts, and then click OK.
    2. To invite people by sending an email, click Invite by Email, and then fill out the meeting request.

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Skype With The World

Do you have friends or family that use Skype for Business at other universities or organizations?

KU has open federation for Skype for Business, which means you can connect with friends and colleagues at more than 850 organizations around the world that also offer open federation. You can add a non-KU person at an open federation site to your contacts list and immediately begin a chat or S4B-to-S4B voice or video call. Check the Skype Directory to find organizations that have Skype for Business open federation.

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