P3 Impact Award

Date: 05/05/2014 Description: P3 Impact Award - State Dept Image

How can 1+1=3? When two organizations form a partnership, they can utilize not only their own individual resources, but also the new ideas and capabilities which spring from their shared learning. The Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships (S/GP) recognizes public-private partnerships (P3s) that illustrate the best impact of cross-sector collaboration, the P3 Impact Award.

S/GP partners with Concordia and the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society (IBiS) to confer the P3 Impact Award. This builds on S/GP’s collaboration with both institutions during the annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW). The applications are judged by a panel from each organization, and the winner is announced at the Concordia Summit in New York City every fall.

The P3 Impact Award recognizes and honors leading public-private partnerships that are improving local communities and the world in the most impactful ways. The award gives partnership practitioners the opportunity to reflect on current developments in P3 implementation, as well as inspiration for further innovation.

The 2016 finalists are profiled here.
The 2015 finalists are profiled here.
The 2014 finalists are profiled here.

Learn more about the P3 Impact Award at: https://p3impact.nonprofitcms.org/awards/page/about.