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illustration of Aaron with a menorah

Bridwell Library

The Word Embodied: Scripture as Creative Inspiration in Twentieth-Century Book Arts

Online Exhibit

Twentieth-century printers and artists developed aesthetic principles that articulated the power of the book to influence the reader’s experience of a text. They endeavored not simply to copy or illustrate Scripture but to embody it in a meaningful form.

Image: The Story of the Exodus. Paris and New York: Leon Amiel, 1966.


sheet music cover: Votes for Women

DeGolyer Library

Women’s Voices, Women’s Votes: An Exhibition Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the 19th Amendment

Online Exhibit

Features over 100 objects from the collections of Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Helen LaKelly Hunt, and the DeGolyer Library documenting the history of the women’s rights movement from the 19th century and early 20th century.

Image: Votes for Women Suffrage Rallying Songs, DeGolyer Library, Danny O. Crew Sheet Music Collection.

Corris artwork: Incident on a Page XI: Self-Help (2016)

Hamon Arts Library

Incidents on a Page: Dallas-Venice Dreamscapes: 1976-2020

Gallery Exhibit

An exhibition of new work in the form of excerpts of selected texts and images by the artist, Michael Corris, and his colleagues. The exhibition links two themes that define Corris’ standpoint as an artist and writer in dialogue with the institutions of art: the impact on artists of the global art network, and the future of self-managed, sustainable support structures by and for artists and their public.

Image: Michael Corris, Incident on a Page XI: Self-Help (2016). Pigment on aluminum. 17 x 22-inches.