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The Liberty Bell cracked long ago, but its voice has never been stilled. Experience the site where the USA was born! Retweets & likes are not endorsements.

Philadelphia, PA
Unit: octubre de 2009



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  1. Tuit fixat

    Tickets for Independence Hall will be fully mobile August 1, 2021! Read the details at:

  2. Effective tomorrow, masks are required in all park buildings, regardless of vaccination status. Maintain social distance and expect reduced building capacities. Independence Hall tickets must be obtained in advance through

  3. This wall pocket courtesy displayed the word “respect” in the home where it hung. Perhaps it reminded visitors of proper deference for authority, religion, or elders. Maybe it was a woman’s demand for respect for her person and her labor.

    Mostra el fil
  4. News from the best park in history!

  5. 22 de jul.
  6. , July 28, 1768: Benjamin Franklin writes to a French physician extolling the health benefits of sitting in the nude every morning.

    Marble bust of Benjamin Franklin
  7. Got mail? On this day, July 26, 1775, the Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin, an active Pennsylvania representative, as the first Postmaster General of what would become the .

    Looking through a brick tunnel at a Postal vehicle. To the right of tunnel is a door with sign over top that says “B. Free Franklin Post Office”
  8. 22 de jul.

    Founding Monsters has a 3D scanned and 3D printed replica of the key to Independence Hall and is ready to sneak in and see where the first reconstructed mastodon skeleton was located

  9. 19 de jul.

    One of our outstanding Protection Interns working with us this summer, Henry Wileman shows us how keeping fit and healthy for the job you're doing is important! Henry is stationed at .

    Person uses an exercise bike inside a gym.
  10. 1848: The Seneca Falls Convention adopts the Declaration of Sentiments, a document modeled on the Declaration of Independence calling for equal rights for women. (image: courtesy of )

    Color drawing of a woman standing and writing a large document with a black and white silhouette image of a man looking over her shoulder
  11. 1787: Delegates to the Constitutional Convention approve the Great Compromise, providing for representation by population in the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate.

  12. 12 de jul.

    in 1804, Alexander succumbed to wounds sustained during his duel with Aaron Burr the previous day. What do you think about Hamilton's legacy today? 📷: "The Burr and Hamilton duel, 11 July 1804, at Weehawken NJ," George Grantham Bain Collection,

  13. This little rabbit was right in front of the Liberty Bell Center this morning when our grounds staff were weeding.

  14. 6 de jul.

    in 1976, Queen Elizabeth II visited and dedicated the Bell, a 6-ton bell cast at the same foundry as the . During her speech, the Queen emphasized the shared heritage of the principles of the Magna Carta guiding both our nations.

    Queen Elizabeth II gives a dedication speech for the Bicentennial Bell on stage in front of the former NPS visitor center on 3rd and Chestnut Streets.
    Queen Elizabeth II unveils a monument plaque for the Bicentennial Bell.
    Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip talk with staff from the National Park Service and Department of the Interior.
    The Bicentennial Bell in the tower of the former NPS visitor center on the corner of 3rd and Chestnut Streets.
    , , i 2 més
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  15. 6 de jul.

    On July 6, 1976, Her Majesty The Queen toured , including visiting the Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. 🔔 HMTQ commemorated America's 200th Birthday by presenting the United States with the Bicentennial Bell as a gift on behalf of British people. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸

    View of the bicentennial bell by Tom Davies 1976, courtesy of @IHTrust
    Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip view cracked Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, July 6, 1976.
Toronto Star Photograph Archive, Courtesy of Toronto Public Library
    , , i 2 més
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  16. 6 de jul.
    Ceramic pipes and bowl
  17. From the cradle of liberty and the birthplace of the United States of America, we wish you all a very happy & safe 245th birthday America!

    A uniformed park ranger holding a copy of the Declaration of Independence during a presentation to park visitors inside Independence Hall.
    The Liberty Bell with crack on two steel pillars with brick building (Independence Hall) in background.
  18. 2 de jul.

    Welcome back! The is at the hosting our annual Revolutionary War Encampment here on ! Come check it out!

  19. 2 de jul.

    The may be most recognizable—but this 1752 copy of Romeo & Juliet bears signatures of 3 women, too. Julia Marlowe (1895) was an actress known for her interpretations of Shakespeare + feminist activism

    Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with signatures
  20. 1 de jul.

    Benjamin Franklin took seriously and thought that everyone should learn to swim to promote health and hygiene. Join us for a discussion with Sarah Pomeroy on her new book—Benjamin Franklin, Swimmer—on 7/14 at 1PM to learn more:


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