U.S. Africa Leaders Summit: Spotlight on Women and Girls and Advancing Gender Equality

Following are highlights of gender-related topics that were advanced at the historic U.S.- Africa Leader Summit held August 4-6, 2014, Washington, DC


Gender - Promoting Women's Leadership 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

The "Investing in Women, Peace, and Prosperity" Signature Event recognizes that African women’s leadership and meaningful participation at all levels — in government, the economy, and civil society — accelerates economic development, improves health and educational indicators, advances democratic development, and improves the safety and security of all of their citizens. The discussion will underscore the importance of supporting African women’s leadership and meaningful participation across all sectors of society. It will specifically highlight promising practices and reinforce U.S.-African partnerships in expanding economic opportunity for women, promoting civic and political leadership for women and girls, and increasing women’s meaningful roles in conflict prevention, peace-building, and security decision-making.

Investing in Health 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

The Health event will bring together U.S. and African government leaders and non-governmental organizations to discuss the great successes and commitments brought about by U.S.-African partnerships. The event will highlight Global health security, Reaching an AIDS-Free Generation; Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths; and Utilizing science and research to accelerate positive health outcomes. The goal of the session is for African and U.S. leaders to reaffirm our individual and collective commitments to investing in health and Africa’s future, discuss innovative models to address human resource and financing challenges related to these four key health themes, share successes and identify opportunities for enhanced collaboration going forward.


Spousal Event on Gender and Women and Girls Education 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

On August 6, First Lady Michelle Obama, in partnership with former First Lady Laura Bush and the Bush Institute, will host a day-long spouses symposium at the Kennedy Center focused on the impact of investments in education, health, and public-private partnerships