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Did Sarah laugh?

Did Sarah laugh?

Sara laughed when G-d told her she was going to have a baby at age 90! Or did she? She denies it! And who's asking, anyway? IRabbi Gedalia Meyer, Monday, 10:50 AM
I am here - which of us could pass that test?

I am here - which of us could pass that test?

A poet might find irony is the request.  A dramatist, cruelty.  A comedian, absurdity. But Abraham was simply a man of G-d.Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, Monday, 10:15 AM
Eulogizing Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is not enough

Eulogizing Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is not enough

Imagine being asked what you are doing with your commitment to Judaism. What will you answer?Sivan Rahav-Meir, Sunday, 12:38 PM
Four eulogies

Four eulogies

The Prophet Zecharia foresaw that two funerals would be held in Jerusalem whose eulogies would be on a par with those of Josiah and Ahab.Rabbi Nachman Kahana, Saturday, 7:34 PM
The final test

The final test

Why does G-d ask Abraham to do the tenth and final test, but command that he do the others?Rabbi Ari Enkin, Saturday, 7:18 PM
To get joy out of Zooming and washing dishes

To get joy out of Zooming and washing dishes

It's all a matter of attitude - and your children absorb it.Sivan Rahav-Meir , Saturday, 7:00 PM
Vayeira: 'Sanctity in Space' - as synagogues begin to reopen

Vayeira: 'Sanctity in Space' - as synagogues begin to reopen

Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: 'What is religious humility? Why have a set location for prayer?'Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Kook, Friday, 12:00 PM
How could Abraham pray for the wicked people of Sodom?

How could Abraham pray for the wicked people of Sodom?

Rabbi Dessler: If they were allowed to remain alive, they would surely continue to transgress.Danny Ginsbourg, Friday, 11:00 AM
A challenge for you! (Talking Parsha - Vayeira)

A challenge for you! (Talking Parsha - Vayeira)

Hashem knows everything, so He knows Avraham will succeed in the test - so why put him through a test to begin with?Tuvia and Yitzi, Friday, 9:43 AM
Don't look back!

Don't look back!

A blast of burning chemicals petrified Lot's wife, who still hankered for life in Sodom, it's where her heart was. A lesson from history.Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Friday, 7:35 AM
Larger than life - and still right

Larger than life - and still right

A review of “Rabbi Meir Kahane – His Life and Thought" – Volume Two, by Libby Kahane, a riveting story of dedication told by an insider.Tzvi Fishman, Friday, 1:30 AM
Did Avraham Avinu “love” G-d or “fear” Him?

Did Avraham Avinu “love” G-d or “fear” Him?

At Avraham's tenth and most difficult test, Akeidat Yitzchak, the Torah praises him as "G-d-fearing," and not as one who loves G-d.Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, Thursday, 9:41 PM
Self-sacrifice and November 5th

Self-sacrifice and November 5th

Rabbi Kahane was this era’s conscience, a leader who lived and ultimately gave his life for his fellow Jews. In memoriam.Howard Michael Riell, Thursday, 6:00 PM
Which mitzva is more important? Man to man or man to G-d?

Which mitzva is more important? Man to man or man to G-d?

Can a tzaddik be righteous but not good?Torah MiTzion, Thursday, 3:30 PM
‘Flowers for Shabbat’: Healing our divisions

‘Flowers for Shabbat’: Healing our divisions

We’re struggling for minimum levels of respect in emotive discussiion, to find a way to talk to each other differently. An initiative.Rabbi Warren Goldstein, Thursday, 2:00 PM
For the Shabbat Project: Lot, ancestor of Moav

For the Shabbat Project: Lot, ancestor of Moav

A study of a prosperoous and greedy society, of cruelty, perversion - and divine retribution, culled from Parshat Vayera and the Midrash.Steve Apfel, South Africa, Thursday, 5:36 AM
The greatest leaders

The greatest leaders

The greatest leaders, just like great parents and teachers are all defined by one thing.UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Wednesday, 8:46 PM
Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.Rabbi Shimon Eisenbach, Wednesday, 6:30 PM
We are all part of the tikkun

We are all part of the tikkun

Could others, even those seemingly much less worthy than Abraham, be part of the Divine plan of tikkun?Rabbi Moshe Kempinski, Wednesday, 2:17 PM
Carlebach did not only sing, he spoke words of wisdom, too

Carlebach did not only sing, he spoke words of wisdom, too

Shlomo Carlebach said things that made listeners think. Like "When someone speaks, he needs quiet.When he sings, everyone sings with hm."Sivan Rahav-Meir, Wednesday, 12:51 PM
Up in the air

Up in the air

My parents were so honored to be Americans, living in the land of freedom and opportunity. They always would say: ‘Only in America’.Dr. Devorah Ungar, 11/3/2020, 10:29 PM
Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sarah, an inseparable bond

Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sarah, an inseparable bond

Did Adam and Eve's sin rob them and future generations of spirituality? The answer lies in the lives of Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sarah.Rabbi Nachman Kahana, 11/3/2020, 3:00 PM
Do not be exceedingly righteous

Do not be exceedingly righteous

When we rebel against rules on opening yeshivas during the pandemic, we insinuate that ours is a religion callous to medical dangers.Rabbi Mayer Twersky , 11/3/2020, 10:21 AM
The Chazon Ish - and young children's Torah study

The Chazon Ish - and young children's Torah study

Wise words from a great Torah luminary for his yahrzeit - and a message for the children now back in school whose learning is our bedrock.Sivan Rahav-Meir, 11/3/2020, 10:07 AM
Psalm 3: The enemy from within

Psalm 3: The enemy from within

Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: Sometimes our greatest enemy comes from within.Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook, 11/2/2020, 4:58 PM
A tale of two weddings

A tale of two weddings

Young people willing to undertake to build homes that will be loyal to tradition and Jewish values, is itself most joyful, Zoom and all.Rabbi Berel Wein, 11/2/2020, 4:00 PM
Seizing the opportunity of a lifetime

Seizing the opportunity of a lifetime

What was once a Divine obligation to Abraham is now coming to a place where you can pursue your professional and financial dreams.D. Ben Horin & R. Avrahami, 11/2/2020, 3:19 PM
The Zionist story of Abraham and Sarah in the Torah

The Zionist story of Abraham and Sarah in the Torah

Rabbi Aryeh Levin, known as the 'Tzadik of Jerusalem', and 'Father of the Prisoners', was an example of Abraham's heritage.Moshe Phillips, 11/1/2020, 7:44 PM
Every man and woman can change the world

Every man and woman can change the world

Opinion polls are dangerous mainly due to their making us think that what we decide is insignificant. Abraham changed the world alone.Rabbi Moshe Kempinski, 11/1/2020, 11:49 AM
Give an opponent the benefit of the doubt

Give an opponent the benefit of the doubt

A. Leftists are not “against the Jews and for the Arabs”, but people who feel giving up land is necessary for peace B.Haredim vs. police.Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, 11/1/2020, 7:19 AM
A Covenant of love and a Covenant of commitment

A Covenant of love and a Covenant of commitment

Torah thoughts from young scholars in Religious Zionist yeshivas: Brit Milah and Torah Study - our part of Abraham's Covenant with God.Eretz Yisrael Yomi, 11/1/2020, 7:00 AM
Rachel and Avraham's blessings light up the world

Rachel and Avraham's blessings light up the world

The grandfather of the grandfather of each of our Nobel prize winners sat down every day with a gemara and cracked open its problems.Sivan Rahav-Meir , 10/31/2020, 7:30 PM
Why did God choose Abraham?

Why did God choose Abraham?

On what basis did God single out Abraham to become Avraham Avinu, the forefather of the Jewish nation? Avraham achieved true greatness. How?Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, 10/30/2020, 3:30 PM
The never-ending journey of Lech Lecha

The never-ending journey of Lech Lecha

Perhaps it is this challenge of permanency and belonging that has shaped the concept of the eternity of Avraham’s future nation.Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, 10/30/2020, 12:00 PM
I'm here! (Talking Parsha - Lech Lecha)

I'm here! (Talking Parsha - Lech Lecha)

What happened to Avraham's great Emuna? Why plan risky tactics to save himself from the Egyptians and not trust Hashem to protect him?Tuvia and Yitzi, 10/30/2020, 9:46 AM
Lech Lecha - Get thee forth to America?

Lech Lecha - Get thee forth to America?

Hashem wants the Jews to live in the Land of Israel. What makes so many Jews stay in exile?Tzvi Fishman, 10/30/2020, 9:14 AM
The courage not to conform

The courage not to conform

One reason Jews have been, out of all proportion to their numbers, leaders in many spheres of endeavour, is a willingness to be different.Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, 10/30/2020, 9:06 AM
What is the saddest verse in the Torah?

What is the saddest verse in the Torah?

A D׳var Torah on the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzchak Rabin.UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, 10/30/2020, 2:00 AM
 Weekly Torah Study: Lech Lecha

Weekly Torah Study: Lech Lecha

Torah from the Temple Institute in the Old City of Jerusalem.Rabbi Gedalia Meyer, 10/29/2020, 10:48 PM
Where is Avraham’s resume?

Where is Avraham’s resume?

In our first encounter with Avraham, the Torah teaches us the basic knowledge that underlies the existence of the people of Israel.Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, 10/29/2020, 2:00 PM
Video: The Tomb of Mother Rachel

Video: The Tomb of Mother Rachel

On her yahrzeit, the story of Mother Rachel, her life and where her tomb is located in an inspiring and enlightening video.Chagi Ben Artzi, 10/29/2020, 1:19 PM
What really made Abraham great?

What really made Abraham great?

In the portion of Lech Lecha we meet Abraham - the first Jew. He taught the world about G-d. But he also taught us a lesson on how to live.Rabbi Ari Enkin, 10/29/2020, 9:01 AM
An upside-down world

An upside-down world

Leadership keeps changing its mind on the corona crisis, our political parties have switched personalities. Our lives? On hold. What to do?Rabbi Eli Hecht, 10/29/2020, 8:21 AM
Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.Rabbi Shimon Eisenbach, 10/28/2020, 3:26 PM
What should a leader do as he nears the end of his term?

What should a leader do as he nears the end of his term?

Hitler tellingly made sure to murder Hungarian Jewry when he was losing the war. What did others do during their last days in power?Rabbi Yosef Bitton, 10/28/2020, 2:41 PM
A light unto the nations

A light unto the nations

We are creating now the world in which the next generation will be living.  How do we want it to look?Dr. Devorah Ungar, 10/28/2020, 2:20 PM
Get ready - don't just wait

Get ready - don't just wait

When Mashiach comes, what will the children of the Exile do? Expect him to come and get them?Hinda Leah Sheyman, 10/27/2020, 12:50 PM
A response to Rabbi Benny Lau

A response to Rabbi Benny Lau

Rabbi Lau's recent words on LGBT relationships provoked a response by a woman who did not give her real name.Rachel Ben Ami, 10/27/2020, 11:16 AM
The day after the Covid crisis is over

The day after the Covid crisis is over

Rav Yehuda Amital's description of the changes he witnessed as a survivor are analogous to Noah before and after the Deluge. And ours?Sivan Rahav-Meir, 10/27/2020, 9:57 AM
Totalitarian society in biblical times - and today

Totalitarian society in biblical times - and today

"One language and the same few words.” It reflects the inability to tolerate other opinions and different words. Cancel culture?Rabbi Berel Wein, 10/26/2020, 2:00 PM
Noah's Ark and the Final Redemptiom as seen by Rabbi Nachman

Noah's Ark and the Final Redemptiom as seen by Rabbi Nachman

Rare film of Saba Yisrael Ber Odesser with English subtitles on Rabbi Nachman of Uman's on redemption, beseeching. "Come, come to me."Barouch Levy, 10/26/2020, 1:00 PM
Say what you mean - words matter!

Say what you mean - words matter!

It is only Man who is capable of communicating the depth of his intellect and his soul; only man can communicate his heart.Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, 10/26/2020, 12:00 PM
How can we educate during the pandemic period?

How can we educate during the pandemic period?

Education given at home has a far greater impact than any educational institution's, and is always the primary responsibility of parents.Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, 10/25/2020, 7:00 PM
From the Ark to America

From the Ark to America

The Midrash sees the Flood as an allusion to Israel’s exile, and Noah’s leaving the Ark, as an allusion to Israel’s return to its Land.Daniel Pinner, 10/25/2020, 5:00 PM
Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.Rabbi Shimon Eisenbach, 10/25/2020, 3:39 PM
Psalm 95: Bowing Before Our Maker

Psalm 95: Bowing Before Our Maker

Israel's first Chief Rabbi and the iconic leader of Religious Zionism on controlling the soul's emotions.Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook, 10/24/2020, 9:02 PM
What's the solution?

What's the solution?

After the Flood, it seems that humans have learned nothing. Until...Sivan Rahav-Meir, 10/24/2020, 7:56 PM