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News from The Japan News, the English-language sister publication of Japan's largest daily newspaper, The Yomiuri Shimbun.

Tokyo, Japan


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  1. 釘選的推文

    This is our special guide in which our ramen-loving reporters visit, taste and report on unique and distinguished ramen restaurants.

  2. Japan plans to export destroyers for the first time, with Indonesia the intended destination, perhaps as a way to help the Southeast Asian nation counter China.

  3. Ichikawa Ebizo attempts to spark the revival of Japan’s theater culture by performing during a prayer ceremony on the Dotonbori River in Osaka.

  4. Toyota plans to mass-produce 30,000 fuel cell vehicles a year as its new Mirai passenger vehicle is set to go on sale in December.

  5. Preparations are underway for China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi to visit Japan in late November to hold talks with Prime Minister Suga and Foreign Minister Motegi.

  6. Shrines and temples across the country are working to come up with ways to deal with the coronavirus pandemic heading into the New Year period, when visitors traditionally come in the millions.

  7. Editorial: Children raised in orphanages or foster homes become independent at 18, but they still need — and should receive — help making their way in the world.

  8. Editorial: Before resorting to heavy-handed fee collection techniques, NHK should win public understanding by putting its own house in order.

  9. Illegal fishing by Chinese ships are on a sharp rise in Japan’s EEZ, especially for squid around the Yamato Bank off Ishikawa Prefecture.

  10. If you’re feeling a little peckish and you’re craving ramen, visit The Japan News website to read about the 11 ramen restaurants in Tokyo that we have reviewed so far.

  11. AKB Member Ayane Takahashi from Saitama Prefecture talks about a hilarious manga all about her prefecture.

  12. Legendary photographer Nobuyoshi Araki has decided to mark his 80th year with a new book titled “Araki Nobuyoshi, Shashin ni Ikiru,” featuring a collection of essays along with both new and old photos.

  13. The massive and intricate cardboard models of steam locomotives designed and built by architect and train lover Hideo Shima shed new light on the possibilities of the sturdy material.

  14. 11月3日

    Many Japanese companies, including Kansai Electric Power Co., have announced that they’re branching out into the aquaculture industry, both to get an edge on the competition and to lend a hand to a pressing issue.

  15. 11月3日

    Japan’s local governments put building plans on hold, turn to outdoor facilities amid pandemic.

  16. 11月3日

    A centenarian Japanese painter energetically continues pursuing her craft and teaching dozens of students.

  17. 11月3日

    Nishiaizu International Art Village provides artists with a space for inspiration while reinvigorating the local town.

  18. 11月3日

    Japan raises vigilance as Chinese government ships enter contiguous zone off the Senkaku Islands for a record 283rd day this year.

  19. 11月3日

    Flying cars are about to jump out of their science fiction confines and into practical use sooner than you think.

  20. 11月3日

    Australian prime minister to visit Japan, sign military collaboration treaty

  21. 11月3日

    Strategies to boost domestic tourist spending needed in Japan as sharp drop in visitors from abroad exposes overdependence on overseas tourists.



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