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  1. US confronts virus surge as Biden plans transition

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    Video caption: Joe Biden: 'I implore you, wear a mask'

    The US has now recorded more than 10 million cases and almost 240,000 deaths from coronavirus, the highest figures in the world.

    For almost a week, more than 100,000 new cases have been confirmed each day, as infections continue to rise across the country in a third peak that threatens to be worse than those of the spring and summer.

    Transmission of the virus slowed in August, but has been rising since September, driven by renewed outbreaks in the north and Midwest.

    Chart showing number of daily cases and deaths in the US over time

    With several states posting record numbers of cases, more state leaders are tightening restrictions.

    Residents of Wisconsin and Nevada have been urged to stay at home for two weeks. Bars and restaurants are to shut at 22:00 in Minnesota and masks will be required at indoor gatherings of 25 people or more in Iowa, the Associated Press reports.

    Chart showing extent of outbreak in US Midwest

    President-elect Joe Biden has vowed to make tackling the coronavirus his first priority upon taking office in January. Having long criticised President Trump's handling of the pandemic, he has set up an advisory panel of scientists and experts and wants to see mandatory mask wearing in public places.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: Republicans decline to acknowledge Biden victory

    The secretary of state, vice-president and other Republicans bat away questions about the president-elect.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Toronto van attack: 'Love for all, hatred for none'

    A vigil has been held in Toronto following the van attack that left 10 people dead.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: Joe Biden: 'Embarrassment' that Trump has not conceded election

    President-elect Joe Biden says that not conceding the election "will not help the president's legacy".