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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Coronavirus: The Russian provinces buckling under Covid

    Covid-19 infection rates are surging again in Russia and poor provinces are being hit the hardest

  2. Italy braced for 'lockdown lite' as Covid cases soar

    Mark Lowen

    BBC News, Rome

    Medic wearing PPE stands outside the Sant'Anna hospital in Como, northern Italy, on 11 November 2020

    How quickly it has changed. A month ago, Italy seemed to be avoiding the worst of the second wave that other European countries were seeing. Now its numbers are even worse than many of its neighbours.

    On Wednesday it passed the milestone of more than a million Covid cases. The health ministry reported 623 deaths, a level not seen since early April.

    The first country in the west to be crushed by the pandemic is falling again. And this time, it’s not just wealthy Lombardy in the north that’s suffering - but Campania and Calabria in the south too, two of the EU’s poorest regions.

    That’s prompted serious concern over their ability to cope. In Naples, some Covid patients had to be transferred to ambulances parked outside hospitals, since ICUs inside were filling up.

    Italy has increased its number of intensive care beds since the first wave - but in some places they’re again nearing capacity.

    Unlike March though, when Italy became the first country in the world to impose a national lockdown, this time the government is resisting it, opting so far for a regional tiered approach - a mix of red, amber and yellow zones.

    But although there’s some evidence that the rate of infection is beginning to stabilise, pressure is growing for a national red zone - "lockdown lite" is how it’s dubbed here, closing most shops, bars and restaurants and banning movement between regions. There could be a decision by the weekend.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Spain lockdown: How domestic workers became prisoners

    Live-in domestic workers have been confined to some employers' houses during the coronavirus pandemic.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: The moment a ballerina with Alzheimer's returned to Swan Lake

    Alzheimer’s patient Martina Gonzalez, a former ballerina, was transformed as she listened to Tchaikovsky.