Writing tips

This section gives guidelines on writing in everyday situations, from applying for a job to composing letters of complaint or making an insurance claim. There are plenty of sample documents to help you get it right every time, create a good impression, and increase the likelihood of achieving your desired outcome.

Explore the links below to find information about:

Building piece of writing

How To Build A Piece Of Writing

If you want to build a structured and coherent piece of text, you need to follow these guidelines.

Creative writing

Tips For Creative Writing

These tips will help any author with creative writing – from picking up the pen to the final draft.

Job applications

Tips For Job Applications

Writing a job application? Here are all the tips you need for putting together your résumé (or CV), together with a cover letter or email of application.

Letters and invitations

Tips For Letters And Invitations

For more formal occasions, written letters and invitations might still be required. Our guide will make sure your letter hits all the right notes.

Writing essays

Tips For Writing Essays

Students, listen up: here is some advice about mastering the skill of writing well-reasoned, articulate, and well-presented essays. Sound good?

Writing reviews

Tips For Writing Reviews

Whatever sort of review you’re intending to write, this is the place to start – whether you’re giving your thoughts on a book, film, play, or restaurant.

Writing speeches

Tips For Writing Speeches

Speeches can take many different forms, from weddings to workplaces; here’s all you need to put together the beginning, middle, and end of any speech.

Top writing tips

Top Writing Tips

From writing a review to top tips for creative writing, this section has all the advice you'll need when putting pen to paper.

Business writing

Types Of Business Writing

Do you know how to write a business email or a letter of resignation? Get your business communication sorted with these handy writing tips.


Types Of Clichés And Other Redundant Expressions

Learn how to hook your reader and leave those tired clichés and awkward redundancies behind with our guide on how to write with clarity and impact.