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Submit a Tip

Rolling Stone offers several ways to securely send information and documents to our journalists. Remember to review the details and disclaimers for each program and select the best method for your needs. The strongest news tips include suggestions on how to obtain documentation or evidence that would substantiate the story.

We review messages regularly, but cannot promise an individual response. To contact us for story pitches, general requests, customer service, subscription help, feedback or press releases, visit our contact page.

How to Submit Tips


Send an email directly to


Physical mail is a secure form of communication. If you wish to stay anonymous, leave out identifying information and use a public mailbox, not a post office.

Rolling Stone
Editorial Tipline
475 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017


WhatsApp is a free messaging app owned by Facebook that allows full end-to-end encryption that also allows the transfer of documents, photos and videos. WhatsApp can be used to make secure phone calls. It is owned by Facebook. Some data is retained by WhatsApp.

Add us: 213-537-5869 | Instructions | Download | Security


This is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with Rolling Stone. You can send text messages, images and video. It also allows you to talk securely with a reporter by calling them via the Signal app. No metadata is retained by Signal. It can be downloaded from the app store. Signal can be configured to delete messages automatically at a designated time interval.

Add us: 213-537-5869 | Instructions | Download | Security

Tipline Form

Fill out the form below with your tip. Follow these recommendations for staying anonymous before sending:

  • Don’t contact us from your home or work computer or internet connection. Use a public wi-fi network in an area where your screen is not visible to security cameras.
  • Use separate accounts from the ones you usually use for email, Google, social media, etc. for contact and browsing activity related to your tip. Consider downloading Tor browser and using a secure operating system like Tails.
  • Avoid personal communication with us via email, phone or social media. Someone investigating a leak may be able to discover you by tracing your habits.
  • Delete everything. Erase documents, web history, messages, proof of contact, do not keep trails of communication or activity anywhere that is normally accessible.
  • Don’t tell anyone that you’re a source.

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