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Politics & Policy

Vox's policy and politics team explains everything you need to know about what's going on in Washington and what it means for your life.

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A Biden presidency

The Democratic nominee’s policy vision, explained.

President Trump briefly drove by the “Million MAGA March” on his way to the golf course

Thousands of Trump supporters turned out in DC to protest the president’s electoral loss.

What we know about who Asian American voters supported in the election

Trump’s far-fetched legal campaign to question the election seems to be falling apart

Why Republican women candidates had such a strong year

3 scholars say Trump isn’t staging a coup — but he still poses a threat to democracy

Police reform was a winner this election

Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history

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System Failure

How the Trump administration’s deregulatory agenda is affecting the health and safety of Americans.

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The second White House coronavirus outbreak: Mark Meadows, the Secret Service, and more

TikTok’s US ban has been delayed another two weeks — or maybe forever

Trump’s turn against Fox News, explained

The many obstacles to the “GOP state legislatures steal the election for Trump” scenario

How the Libertarian Party (maybe) helped shift the presidential race


Weed was the real winner of the 2020 election

Why China just got around to congratulating Biden on his 2020 win

Trump’s war on Fox News and the future of right-wing media

Fox News’s election fraud pandering may be its most dangerous lie yet

Democrats are already at odds over how to win in 2022

The Next Four Years: A Weeds series

The best way to improve schools? Invest in teachers.

Joe Biden needs to avoid a return to “eat your peas” budgeting

The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party.

The disturbing surge in Covid-19 hospitalizations, in one chart

Activist groups say it’s not time to march against a Trump coup — yet

Biden is preparing for his presidency. The Trump administration? Not so much.

Facebook’s election woes are headed to Georgia

How Biden’s FCC could fix America’s internet

80 percent of those who died of Covid-19 in Texas county jails were never convicted of a crime

How Joe Biden could make Brazil his first “climate outlaw”

2019 was a terrible year for measles. 2021 could be much worse.

Leaks suggest Trump knows his effort to stay in office is probably doomed

The crisis isn’t too much polarization. It’s too little democracy.

A Pennsylvania poll worker explains the painstaking process of counting votes

How the Navajo Nation helped Democrats win Arizona

Seriously, will he ever go?

Most Latinos voted for Biden — but 2020 revealed fault lines for Democrats

My two days watching Newsmax, the network waging war on Fox News from the right

How North Carolina and Maine dashed Senate Democrats’ hopes of a “blue wave”

Why Trump is suddenly replacing Pentagon officials with loyalists

Report: Election officials find no evidence of widespread voter fraud

Trump’s final two months in office might be the worst Covid-19 months yet